Hi Gene! Hygiene Lesson, Too! ~ COVID Vid of the Day

During Match Game’s Seventies era run on the CBS network, affable host Gene Rayburn’s clowning around / hamming it up had kept the ratings up… as did the other factors in play…

Celebrity Panelists… the wit and wisdom of regulars such as Richard Dawson, Brett Somers and Charles Nelson Reilly and the semi-regulars, such as Joyce Bulifant, Bill Daily, Patti Deutsch, Fanny Flagg, Elaine Joyce, Dick Martin, Marcia Wallace and Betty White.

Staff Announcer… Johnny Olson’s inviting, palpable enthusiasm also kept viewers loyal.

Behind the Scenes…  technical professionals, stage hands, construction / custodial crews, office workers, etc. also ensured everything would run smoothly / appear at its very best.

Staff Writers… consistently cooked up a slew of clever, oft surreal and off beat, fill in the blank scenarios, for Rayburn to present to the celebs, contestants and playing along studio / home audiences, alike.

Which all leads us up to the discussion of just one of these writers’ well-known fictitious characters… Dumb Donald… a.k.a. the hapless man who stumbles clumsily and cluelessly through life.

It is, indeed, tempting to bestow, upon each wordsmith, an almost ethereal, mystical, soothsayer persona. After all, their ages ago, Fake Donald oft bears an uncanny resemblance to a present-day, similarly challenged character… a.k.a. the Real Donald.

Which now leads us to the discussion of our above clip, where Gene will present the following, fill in the blank situation to all folks present then and now… inclusive of contestant Lizetta…

“Dumb Donald was so dumb…. when his
wife told him to wash with Dial™, he took
a _________ into the shower with him.”

While we’re all deliberating, in our attempt to divine the definitive response, let’s consider how the Fake and Real Donald’s paths have, once again, crossed.

Initially… it’d be totally in character for wife Melania to order her lying, cheating, bed hopping, dirty scoundrel of a husband to hit the showers. Hell, considering his reputation of hobnobbing with porn stars and playmates, it’s a wonder she hasn’t changed her fashion statement by now. I mean, who’d blame her, were she to don a Hazmat™ Suit 24/7?

Additionally… while we’re on the subject of communicable diseases, let’s talk about the Coronavirus / COVID19 crisis. Washing our hands frequently in hot water and sudsy Dial™ (and other soap brands)… for at least 20 seconds each time… does afford us one of our best defenses. That action, in tandem with staying at least 2 meters / 6 feet away from ill / suspected ill people, not touching our eyes, noses and mouths, covering our mouths when we cough and/or sneeze, and avoiding the greeting / parting kisses and handshakes will also keep us healthy and alive.

And that said, let’s PB the above clip to discover Lizetta’s response and how many celebs she’ll match.