A Fleeting Feeling of Normalcy


Were this post’s featured motorcyclist any more punctual, the white lab coated crowd could handily synchronize their atomic clocks.

Hmm, not a bad post lead-off / teaser. Anyway…

For approximately two years (throughout Michigan’s temperate seasons) and promptly at 3:25 each M-F early morn, this cyclist has been habitually tooling down the two lane major thoroughfare, which runs past my humble abode; had been idled, for a spell, by (what else) the pandemic; but, of late, has roared back to life.

Naturally, the motivation behind such excursions is unclear; but, factoring in the weekdays only schedule and the S to N heading (away from my economically depressed hamlet toward our neighboring, land of opportunity community) it’s reasonable to conclude that remaining gainfully employed figures into the big picture. Well, either that or we’re discussing someone ISO the liberating feelings that, perhaps, only the open road can offer?

Yeah, by now, you may be asking, “Eh, so what? WTF is the big deal?”

Well, this does become a big deal to this social isolating, gone stir crazy guy. I mean, even the slightest inkling of pre-pandemic normalcy can trigger a glimmer of hope for the better days that have got to be out there. Somewhere? Some way? Someday? Someday soon?

More importantly, it is reassuring to know that this biker is amongst the survivors of humankind’s still raging health crisis.

And yes, I do care about the well-being of folks I’ve never met.

Beyond that?

While I’d never ask you to commit to this…

Perhaps, recall this feeling abandoned blogger whenever a motorcyclist roars past your home in the wee hours.

Just knowing that someone out there may be doing so is comforting, too.

Thanks for indulging me…
Do take care and…
Be you vaxxed or not…

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!







