Governance and Prudence?


So sorry I cannot… correction… must not… be more specific, save to say, that I, personally, would never, ever want be appointed to any lifetime position.

The #1 problem with such installations is that, even though this is an issue, which sorely needs to be publicly and explicitly discussed, to do so, would be to, potentially and unintentionally, invite and incite the quick tempered, quick-fix.

Perhaps I’ve already said too much?

Anyway, I’m fairly confident that nearly all of you can read between the lines.

Suffice to say, it’d be wise for all who wield power… especially the legislators… from the federal down to the municipal level…  to immediately implement mandatory term limits.

Of course, what’s the possibility of that ever happening, huh? From time immemorial, governance and prudence have rarely, with any regularity, walked hand in hand.

Which brings us, full circle, back to problem #1.


Stay Safe at Home! Stay Publicly Masked! Stay Healthy!






Fortune Cookie Blog (groovy governance)


All any freedom loving nation’s electorate is ISO is a NO BS,
representative type government; replete with a ruler renown
for rationality, respectability, responsibility & responsiveness;
who realizes we are the Big Boss; that this is never vice versa.







A Flag Hugger/Waver Who Embraces UnWavering Vice

PREFACE: That blog topper video features the Trumpster desecrating both the American flag and the Rolling Stones’ track, You Can’t Always Get What You Want. May those Mick Jagger / Keith Richard lyrics prove prophetic… namely… that [1] the fake prez can’t get the overthrow of America… slash… second term… that he wants / lusts after AND [2] come Inauguration Day 2021… true blue American patriots will get the real, honorable presidential successor we so desperately need.

Progressing onward, now, to the remainder of this short read…


My schoolteacher parents raised me well. One of their priceless life lessons also serves as a red alert to our global society…

Be wary of superpatriots… especially those who either lust after or actually wield power. Typically, such “flag wavers” and “flag huggers” have EVERYTHING BUT society’s well-being in mind.

Hmm… sound like anyone we know?

You do have my pity if vile / evil leadership is sucking the lifeblood / oxygen from your homeland.

In theory… glorious governance basks and thrives in oversight’s sunlight… its people and book smart, ethical leaders embracing all liberating knowledge and even-handed, equality-minded, forward thinking laws… a truly representative democracy where leaders and leaded… alike… secure cherished freedom, peace and prosperity for themselves / posterity.

In practice… far too frequently… grotesque governance stagnates and suffocates society in sewage and its accompanying pervasive stench. Its ignorant and ignoble, conniving, cowardly, shallow, stick-figure dictators reveling within their pathetic, shadowy, dank, little worlds while [1] hammering in odious, backward laws that shall forever enslave the oppressed, downtrodden masses, [2] fomenting class wars and racial / religious unrest and [3] provoking genocidal, bloodstained,  mushroom clouded, no-win wars / holocausts. And to what end?  Just so these autocratic anuses can snag themselves a nasty dynasty and a fleeting footnote in the annals of history?

To discover what happens next, one need only re-read the previous paragraph… uh… regrettably… endlessly.

• Must what happens next always wind up a vicious cycle?

• Why is it so much easier to destroy than create… for civilization to self-destruct than survive?





A “Parked” Witch’s Broom Can Also Sweep Up The Dirt


A nation’s leader must be ethical, of sound mind and smart. Although possessing multiple college degrees encompassing a vast spectrum of disciplines would be an ideal and immeasurable asset… in lieu of that… minimally… said leader must be intellectually curious, a quick study and possess an above average attention span… be someone who is ready, willing and able to rely heavily upon an “A-Team” of well-qualified, principled and sane advisors. At all times, this brain trust must be staffed by bold, bona fide, book and people smart folks… must never be shaking in their own boots, boneheaded bootlickers. If they’re nothing more than butt kissers, why even bother keeping them on the payroll, right?

Exploring this matter conversely… here’s what happens when a clueless leader, who has no one respectable to clue him in, cannot cope with and resolve a (figurative and literal) world’s worth of problems. In short, on nearly a daily basis, he winds up creating more problems than he’s solving.

Factoring in mental instability and… well… sorry to say… our global community gets to take a firsthand glimpse at a pathetic, little man who prioritizes stroking his own, massive ego over establishing and sustaining good governance that should benefit everyone equally. He’s a greedy, predatory, undignified, unprincipled, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, whiny crybaby, who can be counted on for one AND ONLY ONE thing: To create chaos… to constantly throw Tweeting tantrums just so he can dominate each and every last damned news cycle… always get his name splattered in print and online… trumpeted out up and down the radio and TV “dials”. Does anyone not know who we’re talking about?

Here’s only a partial rundown of his DC meltdown.

  1. He’s been bullying North Korea and Iran in his feeble attempts to prevent them from going nuclear. Not even for a fleeting moment has he realized that taunting them can only confirm their worst fears that the U.S. is out to get them… that his aggressiveness can only serve to speed up their timetable for acquiring such WMD. What else can we conclude but they’re defending themselves against the newest rogue nation “on the block”… namely… regrettably… post Obama America.

Consequences: Expect global nuclear proliferation (Round 2) and… in the end… a strong probability that he will provoke World War III.

  1. He summarily rejects how Russian cyber attackers (whose intent has been to muck up free elections worldwide) are an ever-present danger to democracy. He likely turns a blind eye just because their meddling just happened to benefit him politically.

Consequences: To pooh-pooh the seriousness of this situation is akin to granting carte blanche to Russia (and God knows who else). This is an open invitation to meddle again and Again and AGAIN! It’s entirely possible that they have already won their no-shots-fired, virtual overthrow of America Amerika… and… in the end… they’ll wind up calling all the shots… and freedom will be the first fatality. Any dissenters out there will suffer a similar fate.

  1. Putin’s puerile puppet has been hobnobbing with Russian hobgoblins and hooligans… thoughtlessly divulging secret, sensitive intelligence… just to cockily (and childishly?) crow and strut around the oval barnyard? One has to wonder WTF other secrets this man-child has been carelessly trotting out during “show and tell” time? Perhaps the nuclear “football” and launch codes? And what about that Russian TV crew covering that Oval Office meeting? Hooking up the cables to all of that audio/video gear could’ve afforded the technicians the perfect smokescreen for cleverly, covertly planting “bugs” on said premises.

Consequences: From now on, intelligence-gathering personnel, spying on behalf of freedom loving nations, everywhere, are now fully aware that they’ve been outed. Consequently, they’ll NEVER, EVER again, share their findings with a foolish, showboating blabbermouth. In our post 9/11 world… for America to wind up out of the loop… in the end… will be akin to sending out engraved invitations to terrorists (each envelope embossed with the showboater’s own monogram). Let’s hope and pray nobody RSVPs!

  1. On the domestic scene, he plots to deregulate corporations, banks, Wall Street, etc. AND revamp the income tax code… also lusts to repeal Obamacare and replace it with an anemic, sickly health insurance plan for the masses. In other words, he’ll be skewing everything to show favoritism towards his best buds… the richest of the rich… while screwing over the middle class and impoverished folks.

Consequences: To rip off and abuse the poor, just for the sake of lavishing more loot upon those who already wallow in wealth, will… in the end… cause staggering levels of financial hardship. And, once his wicked plot tanks out the economy and society, guess who… once again… will be expected to bail out his pals… a.k.a. “the too big to fail”? Hard hit will be none other than the “too little to survive” beleaguered, average Jane and Joe taxpayers.

  1. He loathes the free press… each and every reporters’ tough questions. He goes totally Orwellian each and every time he lambastes truthful reportage… bogusly branding each journalist, who refuses to suck up to him, as the disseminator of “fake news”. Whenever he’s confronted with and confounded by tough questions, he’s so full of himself he’ll never admit, “I don’t know. Let me get back to you.” Instead he’ll pivot by flat out lying and/or serving up word salad rendered even more unintelligible from all that thick, gooey, gobbledygook salad dressing (Russian dressing?).

Consequences: Any nation devoid of a free press… in the end… will be doomed to take the fatal plunge to the very depths of despotism’s fetid cesspool.

  1. He becomes incensed whenever the press corps and politicians, alike, start to point out how he appears to be excessively whoring around with the Russians… and, in response, he then makes himself look even guiltier. It’s almost as if he’s constantly asking himself, “What’s the worst possible thing I could do to appear cozier with the Russians?” And he then goes out and does precisely that. True, “know thy enemy” is not intrinsically a bad idea, but if he gets any closer to Putin, he’ll have to marry the bastard. Additionally, now that legislators, merely doing their constitutional duty, have begun their investigations into the inner workings of his only months old admin… and are perhaps getting too close to the truth… he’s whining about it… categorizing this a “witch hunt”. Well… he needs to be mindful that a witch’s broom, once parked, can also be used for sweeping up the dirt.

Consequences: If, at any time, any of his inquisitors catch even the slightest whiff of impropriety, they must behave like bold patriots… not petty partisans… and if the severity of the transgressions warrant it… punishment must be inclusive of impeachment and removal from office. If these inquisitors fail to do their duty and, instead, wind up sweeping whatever dirt they find under the rug… in the end… it’d be akin to laying waste to the U.S. Constitution and spitting in our Founding Father’s faces.