The Gift of a Lifetime?

Daily writing prompt
Share one of the best gifts you’ve ever received.

I consider my best present, ever, to be my parents’ gift of life; all of which now inspires the sharing of a few of my deeper reservations along generic, intergenerational lines…


Whilst bestowing the Gift of a Lifetime is best suited for twenty and thirty-somethings, it’s not shocking, in the least, when we discover how the folks who comprise such demographics are delaying parenthood, even totally renouncing it;

  • in part, because doing so has become too damned expensive
  • in part, due to the kid unfriendly, uncivilized, unfit, ugly world*

*btw, it’s unfriendly, uncivilized, unfit and ugly towards all other ages, too!

To flesh that out further…

Most honestly aired/streamed newscasts zero in on the vast array of societal ills… correction… scourges, proven harmful to humanity. Indeed, there can be no escaping the climate change intensified freakish weather, the blowback from battlefield carnage (from the standing armies’ incursions within international / national “theaters” all the way down to the lone wolf gun nuts’ attacks on our hometown movie houses / school houses / houses of worship / grocery stores, workplaces, play spaces, etc.

Bottom Lining It… too damned many children (our future) will be sent to early graves.

Big Brother’s descendants have been banning / burning honestly authored literature / textbooks. But, God forbid that We the Peaceable People ever…

  • “hurt” the fee-fees of bigots, who’re hellbent on whitewashing history (from 1619 to this day)
  • confront racists with the truth, whole truth and nothing but the truth re their grotesque heritage
  • lambaste their lazy-assed, alabaster ancestors’ penchant re the enslavement of human beings.

White Nationalists’ rock bottom goal… to foist off onto the masses, a sicko society that benefits, EXCLUSIVELY, the fascistic, misogynistic, xenophobic, homophobic, cisgender, vile, violent white “men”; especially of the wallowing in obscene wealth variety.

Worrisome Ramifications… our children are likely destined... correction… condemned to go thru so-called life in a dumb downed daze; whilst never truly learning from human-un-kind’s mistakes; as such, they’ll be doomed to (unknowingly) muck up everything, AGAIN.

I could go on… and on… and on… but… instead ask… is that not already sickening enough to drive home my point?

That we’ve yet to come even close to curing these mental illnesses (spanning untold generations from time immemorial); made so little progress nearly one quarter of a century into the twenty-aughts is flat-out exasperating; thereby raising the key Q:

Have these ideological scourges become so chronic that they’ve become incurable?




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!








