Behold the Sunday Sunrise (Sunday Song Series)

Mark James’ composition… Sunday Sunrise… as celebrated in sky and song… offers us a glimmer of hope for better days ahead… all courtesy of his upbeat, enlightened, musical / lyrical sentiments delivered by the multiple award winning, Canadian, superstar songstress, Anne Murray.

In other words… this is feel good music at its very finest.

Seeing how [1] it’s now been 77 weeks since we first ventured forth into the world of Sunday titled songs and [2] the end of the “road” is still nowhere in sight…

Let’s meet up back here once more… seven days from now…







No Man of Science is Dumb Donald ~ Vid of the (Leap) Day

The CBS TV Network incarnation of Match Game, which aired throughout most of the nineteen-seventies, introduced us to the clever staff writers who, in turn, introduced us to the totally fake character… Dumb Donald… a.k.a. the hapless man who stumbles clumsily and cluelessly through life.

At that juncture, it became emcee Gene Rayburn’s turn to introduce Dumb Donald to his contestants… in this instance… Paul…

“Dumb Donald is so dumb, once he
buried a bone to grow a ________.”

One can almost sense a mystical air floating about that days of yore TV studio… one which has even lingered onward into the here and now. After all, here I sit in 2020, blogging about an uncanny resemblance to the Real Donald… a similarly challenged character.

To flesh out my premise a bit… wouldn’t you concur that expecting anything to spontaneously generate from a dead as a door-nail, buried bone is not only scientifically far-fetched… it’s just plain dumb.

Upon factoring in a foolhardy climate change denier and coronavirus downplayer… a.k.a. the Real Donald… well…

It becomes obvious that neither dude has a particularly good grasp on science. The state of mind / mindlessness, which they have in common, would also be all-inclusive of abject disrespect for the entire scientific community.

What a dumb way to go through life, huh?

Anyway, let’s find out how well contestant Paul uses his smarts to fill in that blank… and how many celebs he’ll match…






A Superficial, Sarcastic Critique of a Superficial Superman


Regarding the COVID19 “BUG”,
Donny declared that the U.S.A.
is now “very very ready for this.”
Aw c’mon mister. Do you really,
really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really,
really, really, really, really, really
expect folks to have faith in you
when you said VERY only twice?


Not that it would’ve made a diff,
but, you should’ve tried harder!
You should’ve really “sold it” by
STATING – “The United States is
very, very, very, very, very, very,
very, very, very, very, very, very,
very, very, very, very, very, very,
very, very, very, very, very, very,
ready for this!” Very™ really IS
your “brand”, so use it damn it!






Fortune Cookie Blog (public health matters)


To expect the closed-minded, dim-witted, long-winded, big-headed Emperor
to relevantly/factually lecture a fearful nation on the subject of Epidemiology,
could prove as pointless as the Hatter striving to relevantly/factually lecture
on the subject of Brain Surgery to a roomful of note-taking medical students.








$ome Pa$$ing Thought$…


re POTU$ wannabe Michael Bloomberg, who$e net worth i$ Forbe$ e$timated to be $61.9 Billion (a$ of February 2020)…

• Ha$ anyone, anywhere, at anytime, ever ama$$ed $uch ob$cene wealth $an$ doing $omething di$hone$t / corrupt?

• Why doe$ $omeone who might make it to 100 year$ of age need more money than he could ever po$$ibly $pend in thou$ands of lifetime$?

• Upon Mikey $ecuring hi$ fir$t $50 Million, $houldn’t he have $aid, “Enough’$ enough”?








We’ve had far less scary nightmares (Vid of the Day)

Science denier and budgetary hatchet-man Donald J. Trump’s combo of knowledge deficits and funding deficits have both debilitated the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO)… “sickened” the very agencies that live to prevent sickness and death.

And, depending on who you ask, the fake prez’s all too real ignorance has resulted in COVID19 either rapidly becoming… or already being a pandemic.

Those Trumpian errors do have a hefty price tag attached… our present-day, planet-wide. literal. life or death struggle.

I know I’ve awoken from far less scary nightmares.

How about you?







Could Avarice Conquer A Virus? (Vid of the Day)

The mindless microbe… is always eager and ever-ready to go on a worldwide rampage. All on its very own, it’s already a nasty li’l bastard that demonstrates a proclivity for mutating… on short notice… into an even nastier, bigger bastard.

While each microorganism’s survival doesn’t, necessarily, depend on a macroscopic, moronic ally, it’d NEVER be “too proud” to turn him down.

The particular “it”… in this instance… is named COVID19… and its ally… in this instance… is the macroscopic, moronic Donald J. Trump. Trump’s ‘tude is what makes him, in particular, this germ’s BFF. To flesh that out…

• Undeniably… Dense Donny, the self-proclaimed “stable genius”, spits utter contempt at academicians and scientists. He has already, amply demonstrated his proclivity for de-funding and depopulating the very agencies he’ll be needing the most… especially now… namely… the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH) and World Health Organization (WHO).

• Stunningly… for the past (nearly) two years…  Donald has been oddly unfazed regarding the White House’s National Security Council being minus an expert to comprehend public health threats and coordinate their containment.

• Realistically… not to make light of this, but, to better showcase Trump’s “Shallow Hal” nature… in all likelihood, the only public health issue that germophobic, rutting, bare-backing, extramarital flinging cad ever worries about is the “Carnal Flu”.

• Ironically… if it’s not already too late, perhaps, an odd offshoot from that Trumpian ‘tude will come to humankind’s rescue? We’re talking about the fake prez’s gargantuan GREED! I am dead serious!

• Cynically… were the coronavirus not [1] impairing Donny’s trade deal with China, [2] wrecking havoc on the U.S. and foreign financial markets / global economy and [3] laying waste to the fake prez’s own, personal, stock portfolio… he would not shive-a-git about COVID19’s grave threat to humanity.

• Opportunistically… any pandemic could easily become white nationalist Trump’s “perfect”, exploitable, excuse to [1] turn away / exile non-infected asylum seekers and [2] round up and cage news anchors, reporters, critics, political enemies (Democrats such as House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congresspersons Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jerry Nadler and Adam Shiff) and even his presumed Election Day rival, Bernie Sanders. And, then, long after COVID19 is no longer a threat, Herr Kommandant Trump would not be in any particular hurry to liberate his political prisoners and shut down his Stalags.








Partnership for a Donald-Free America (Vid of the Day)

Our above clip revisits the 1987 Public Service Announcement (PSA)… a.k.a. the large-scale US anti-narcotics campaign sponsored by the Partnership for a Drug-Free America (PDFA).

Be you a Goody Two Shoes, Hard Core Doper or anything else in-between, if we are being brutally honest with ourselves, I think we all know, deep down, that dangerous drugs’ overall effect is that of a scourge, which drags down civilized society. The users and abusers of MEDICINAL narcotics, in time, will either join the ranks of the Brain Dead or the prematurely Buried Dead.

Any Questions?


Be you a Never Trumper or Toady Trumper, or anything else in-between, if we are being brutally honest with ourselves, I think we all know, deep down, that dangerous Donald’s overall effect is that of a scourge, which drags down civilized society. The users and abusers of POLITICAL narcotics, in time, will either join the ranks of the Brain Dead or the prematurely Buried Dead.

Any Questions?







Bon Jovi Generates a Jovial Mood (Sunday Song Series)

For week #76 of our ongoing extravaganza of Sunday titled songs, we find Bon Jovi mainstream rocking our weekend world with Saturday Night Gave Me Sunday Morning… a.k.a. track #3 from the Burning Bridges album.

By video’s end, if you’re feeling like I did, you’ll likely want to replay this track at least one more time. However… as impressive as Bon Jovi’s performances always are… you might want to soar, instead, with Sara Corominas’ top-flight cover version, which I’ll be linking us to right over here.

Thanks for stopping by… you’re invited back for another Sunday song… seven days from now.