Donny’s Donnybrook: The Day After


I’ve heard that Donald J. Trump didn’t prepare much for his first debate with Joe Biden.

Then again, why would he even need to?

Not when he’s got a lifetime of bullying experience to draw on. Hell, bullying is likely a dominant gene that gets backdated to the toxic Trump family’s earliest knuckle-dragging caveman epoch. You know, when his militant, mutant ancestors were swimming in the gene pool’s shallow end; sloshing around in the spoiled, stale, leftover primordial soup. But let’s not digress excessively.

Since the know-nothing / do nothing worthwhile / good-for-nothing Trump has been running roughshod over America, right from the onset of his odious admin, why would anyone expect him to treat Biden any differently?

Seeing how Donny could not even begin to wrap his warped mind around the relevant to voters issues; could not tackle such problems, instead, he opted to tackle Joe.

Consider Biden’s Catch-22 options last night…

• If Joe allowed his opponent to monopolize the debate, Trump campaign ads would portray Biden as beta male or worse; e.g., feebleminded, timid and unable / unprepared to lead.

• If Joe walked off the stage, early on, opportunistic, deceitful Donny would’ve spent the remaining time mutating his abysmal job performance and lack of leadership into an asset; a free of charge, campaign ad. And the Trump campaign ads to follow would portray Biden as cowardly; (once again) unable and unprepared to lead.

• And seeing how Joe DID fight back; even told Donny to “shut up”, Trump campaign ads WILL portray him, at the very least, as argumentative and disrespectful.

Looking back, my being a “survivor” of grade school bullying, I do know, from first hand experience, what I’m talking about.

Looking ahead, I don’t believe there’s much to be gained from Joe debating Donny a second and third time.

Even so, Biden must show up anyway. Must never give Trump, the bastard bully, the satisfaction of bogusly and smugly declaring himself the debate stage “conquering hero”!

In spite of the fact that all wise, rational critical thinkers already know otherwise.


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Is the Trumpster in the Dumpster?


Recent revelations re Donald J. Trump’s mucked up, income tax situation now beg a few questions…

• What if the fake prez is not only morally bankrupt but also financially bankrupt?

• What if he’s seeking reelection to continue mooching off American taxpayers; to stay holed up in the White House another four years?

• What if he’s trying to avoid a city dump forwarding address, living in a cardboard box, cooking rats over a campfire, experiencing rainy bad hair days AND shitting into a bucket?

• How far would he go to avoid that?

• Would he start placing “perfect” phone calls, worldwide, to his despotic heroes; for the express purpose of selling them stolen military property / armaments / nukes and even revealing sensitive government intellectual property / secrets?

• At that point, he’d be sacrificing U.S. security / endangering us. But seeing how he intentionally allowed Corona-V to go on a rampage; seeing how he is fully responsible for the (so far) 210,000 COVID-19 fatalities, would it even faze him if he buried all 328 million of us?


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Donny’s Donnybrook (Part 2)


The 1st “debate” between Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump has now been over for about an hour. And, in this man’s opinion, the grotesque spectacle of Trump’s unpresidential meltdown could not end soon enough.

The fake prez’s conduct was so immature that, exasperation caused my parental instincts to kick in; so much so that I wound up shouting at my TV, “SHUT THE F UP”; did so, so loudly here in Michigan, that my voice may’ve even been heard in Cleveland, Ohio (the debate locale).

I’m now 100% certain that, if we vote to hire Joe / fire Donny, Trump will not accept that outcome, under any circumstances, and will flat out refuse to leave at high noon on January 20, 2021.

Between November and January, Donny will be egging on his legions of gun toting goons; ordering his paramilitary force to burn down America. At that juncture, that’ll be his “perfect” excuse to declare Martial Law; thereby nullifying Biden’s victory “.” or “?” (not sure, yet, which punctuation would be correct here)

If Trump attempts to roll out the tanks, it’d certainly be a tough call for American generals. I mean, would the top brass use military might to enforce the wishes of the estimated 62 million (or more) Americans, who elected Biden. or side with the Trumper tantrum throwing, tyrant tyke? We can only hope they wouldn’t opt for the latter.


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Donny’s Donnybrook (Not a Debate)


This blog is my in real time reaction to the 1st Debate between Joe Biden and Donald J. Trump.

Donald J. Trump is an obnoxious brat, who believes whoever shouts the loudest will be perceived as being truthful. And Trump is not being truthful when he’s shouting down Joe Biden. Trump lies so much that even he believes his own lies. Trump cannot face the truth that he’s totally incapable of telling the truth.

Every time Joe Biden is trying to make a point / speaking truth to power, Trump flat-out refuses to shut up. Hell, Trump will not even shut up long enough to allow moderator Chris Wallace to regain control.

What needs to be done? The next time Trump and Biden “debate”, lodge each of them in a soundproof booth. When it’s Biden’s turn to speak Trump’s microphone should be shut off and vice versa.


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Of, By and For Everyone?


Unless financial wounds are self-inflicted, it’s virtually impossible for multimillionaires / multi-billionaires to ever be harmed. Such individuals could not do perceptable damage to their investments, even were they to pay their fair share of income taxes (which, more often than not, they don’t). They could not, possibly, go broke if, somehow, they could each live out 2 to 10 human lifetimes. Granted, I’m just estimating that “10”; it could be much more than that.

I’m not saying that it’s wrong to achieve success beyond one’s wildest dreams. However, what IS wrong becomes glaringly evident once the well-heeled individuals seek / attain high elective office. And that’s akin to our worst nightmares-come-true.

Typically, public service is not their motivating factor. Private gain, to the exclusion of the less fortunate, is their driving force. And that means, instead of working towards the betterment of society, as a whole, they’re spending every waking moment perverting the very Constitution, which their Oath of Office demands that they support and defend.

We’re talking about the very document with the preamble reminder of just who the hell We are and what, as a Nation, We stand for. It’s right there in the opening three words! How could anybody not notice, “We the People”? Let’s review that preamble in its entirety…

“We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”

Please note how nowhere within that passage is there even one whiff of a malodorous disclaimer; one which would establish an America that’s government Of the wealthy, By the wealthy and For the wealthy.

Even so, we ARE talking about wealth that’s been amassed so corruptly that “our” self-serving representatives are doing their damnedest to cover their asses, namely, by rigging our Congress and loading our Courts; hell, even subverting our Elections to THEIR advantage; and all with Donald J. Trump’s approval.

Donny’s hijacked and radicalized Republican Party, backed by HIS private army of sycophantic, psychopathic, armed to the teeth, white nationalists, domestic terrorists and voter vigilantes, have all but hammered in the final nail into Lady Liberty’s coffin; all but established a virtually impossible to dismantle, barren of ethics, stripped of oversight, mash-up of the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

What other corroborating evidence does anyone need to support such a contention, other than pointing out how president (in title only) Trump (a.k.a. mister quid pro quo) has ordered HIS owned (in title only) senate majority leader Mitch McConnell to railroad onto the Supreme Court bench HIS handpicked, handmaid nominee, Amy Coney Barrett.

How can any fair-minded person reconcile a 67% conservative Supreme Court with a nation that’s demographically 35% conservative? Sure as shit, that stinks like government Of the wealthy, By the wealthy and For the wealthy.


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Real Dumb Donald’s Bad Hair Day

From 1973 – 1982, long before the Real Donald became a household word, we found the clever and clairvoyant Match Game writers submitting Dumb Donald scenarios for emcee Gene Rayburn to recite to the panelists, contestants and all who were playing along in the home and studio audiences.

Normally, at this juncture, I’d be presiding over a Dumb Donald clip, but, since my demand has nearly exhausted YouTube’s supply, I’ll now need to breathe new life into my shtick. ISO inspiration, namely, head-to-head matches with our dearly departed, Match Game souls, I’ve been simulating, semi-serious seances.

And methinks this graying old coot has not been departing the spirit world alone! Indeed, the new, game show host persona, from within, now emerges to preside over this reincarnated, revamped game show format. Voilà and Ta-Da!

Welcome contestants, one and all, to Match Game 20-20. I’m M.C. Grayburn. Our new rules are straightforward. Each of you will have one chance to match as many of our six, predetermined responses as possible. You’ll be playing for a priceless grand prize; the affirmation that you’re still a clearheaded, critical thinking non-consumer of the Kool-Aid™!

If your non-matching, responses prove more clever than Match Game’s, you’ll still be a winner! To claim your prize, post your witty and/or wise alternatives in the comment section, below. Soooooo, let’s play Match Game 20-20.

Grayburn: Real Dumb Donald, is soooooo dumb…
Audience: HOW DUMB IS HE?
Grayburn: even after paying his hairstylist $6,400
per year, he still looks scarier than ______________.

Once the “think music” starts, you’ll have 1 min. to figure out your 6 responses;
and no peeking beneath the turquoise hued, rectangular secrecy partition!

Real Dumb Donald, is so dumb, even after
paying his hairstylist $6,400 per year, he
still looks scarier than ____________.

1. Edward Scissorhands
2. a porcupine
3. a werewolf
4. Medusa
5. Khan Noonien Singh
6. Attila the Hun

BTW, don’t miss taking the Clip Gallery Tour below.

My thanks to all who showed up to play today! M.C. Grayburn for Match Game 20-20, good-bye and be sure to…

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And I Approve JB’s Message

Within the political arena, rarely, has so much been said in 10 seconds.

If this released almost in real time ad, involves Joe Biden’s own intellectual property, we can regard him as:


Hmm… if this is any indication of JB’s quick on the uptake debating skills, he should be able to take full advantage of nearly every syllable exiting DJT’s piehole.

Hmm… perhaps Donny’s animal wrangler should feed him some pre-debate peanut butter to ensure his mouth is moving each time the offstage impressionist / ventriloquist throws his voice into the dummy; just to ensure he expresses himself in a (more or less) coherent manner.

Hmm… perhaps it’d be wise for Joe to read Donny his Miranda Rights beforehand, too…

“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.”



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Is a coup d’état dress casual?


Hmm, now there’s an odd question this old-hand, seasoned, true blue American citizen never, ever expected he’d be asking; especially when that DC bash’s backdrop is expected to bleed outward to EveryTown, U.S.A.

Not that, at that point, I’d actually give a F about my fashion statement. But I do suppose, at the very least, the fabric should be stain-resistant; seeing how bloodstains are a bitch to remove.

• Will attendance be mandatory? We do know how VainMan is obsessed about size (uh, crowd size). I guess showing up would be advantageous; almost anything would be better than having to hear that big baby bellyaching / screeching re his low numbers till he’s iridescent orange in the face.

• Would anyone still have the balls to raid that odious blowout and shut ‘er down?

That, of course, IS the $64 Zillion question.

• But, WTF is the answer?

To all outward appearances, generals (who, btw have sworn to “defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and DOMESTIC”) don’t seem to be all that concerned re that firebrand’s brand of flaw and disorder.

• But, might appearances be deceiving?

It is possible that our top brass have been sporting their finest poker faces; i.e., laying in wait until the very last moment where / when they’ll be ding-donging the despot’s doorbell. And, soon afterwards, be hauling his fat Fascist fanny off the premises and lead-footing the paddy wagon off to the stockade.

At that point, I actually would give a F about my fashion statement.

Yep, I’d be donning my party hat and glad rags!


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Mask-Up to END the DEATH!

As of this Sunday, September 27, 2020, scant minutes ago, the RoyLab statisticians have reported that SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) (COVID-19) has claimed the lives of 1 Million members of our Human Family, worldwide.


As complete and accurate as their Real Time Counter strives to be, what it fails to report are the oceans of tears… of the patients, the medical professionals who are trying to save them, and last but not least, all who are mourning those, who did not make it back home… well… at least not back to their homes found on earth.

Let’s pause for a few moments to reflect and send forth our unified wave of sympathy to their surviving loved ones.

Let’s all pause, too, to realize that a goodly portion of these 1 Million Souls could’ve avoided their untimely deaths, had leaders’ wiser heads prevailed… had they proactively and promptly conveyed life saving advice… shared the incontrovertible truth that public Masking-Up is our best defense and everyone’s moral and civic duty!


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A Well-Versed Dumb Real Donald?

From 1973 – 1982, long before the Real Donald became a household word, we found the clever and clairvoyant Match Game writers submitting Dumb Donald scenarios for emcee Gene Rayburn to recite to the panelists, contestants and all who were playing along in the home and studio audiences.

Normally, at this juncture, I’d be presiding over a Dumb Donald Clip, but, since my demand has nearly exhausted YouTube’s supply, I’ll now need to breathe new life into my shtick. ISO inspiration, namely, head-to-head matches with our dearly departed, Match Game souls, I’ve been simulating, semi-serious seances. And methinks this graying old coot has not been departing the spirit world alone! Indeed, the new, game show host persona, from within me, now emerges to preside over this reincarnated, revamped game show format. Voilà and Ta-Da!

Welcome contestants, one and all, to Match Game 20-20. I’m M.C. Grayburn. Our new rules are straightforward. Each of you will have one chance to match as many of our six, predetermined responses as possible. You’ll be playing for a priceless grand prize; the affirmation that you’re still a clearheaded, critical thinking non-consumer of the Kool-Aid™!

If your non-matching, responses prove more clever than Match Game’s, you’ll still be a winner! To claim your prize, post your witty and/or wise alternatives in the comment section, below.

Soooooo, let’s play Match Game 20-20.

Check out this fill-in-the-blank limerick:

Real Dumb Donald is nasty as phlegm! Ick!
So deserving of this rant / polemic,
He won’t restrain deadly strain,
Nor rein in brutal cops’ reign,
Instead, props up ___________.

Once the “think music” starts, you’ll have 1 Minute to think up your 6 responses.
And, btw, no peeking beneath the turquoise hued, rectangular secrecy partition!

Real Dumb Donald is nasty as phlegm, ick,
So deserving of this rant / polemic,
He won’t restrain deadly strain,
Nor rein in brutal cops’ reign,
Instead, props up ___________.

1. FOX henchmen endemic
2. ass kissers systemic
3. schools non-academic
4. racism systemic
5. fake science alchemic
6. corona pandemic

My thanks to all who showed up to play today! M.C. Grayburn for Match Game 20-20, good-bye and be sure to…

Stay Safe at Home! Stay Publicly Masked! Stay Healthy!