Deja Vu? CogDecline? InDolence?

“What’s the oldest things you’re wearing today?”

At 3:24 pm on May 19, 2023, I posted my very first ever response to a Daily Prompt, which, no huge surprise, is identical to my response to “today’s” verbatim Daily Prompt, the May 16, 2024 edition. Beyond the posting of this ReBlog, I decided to go into gumshoe mode; where / when I discovered (via my perusal of the Prompt’s “coming attractions”), that I’ve already responded to the next nine days’ offerings, too! All of which begs my “Wassup WP?” reaction and spurs my following speculative poetry…


  • Are the WordPress heads’ heads growing hazy?
  • Or going utterly daft; bat crap crazy?
  • Like TV’s shows every summer
  • “Today’s” prompt is rerun bummer
  • For them to ply that ploy seems rather lazy!


Within our vast world, an odd, bipolar mix of both buoyant and burdensome moods / matters (and damned near everything betwixt and between), there should be zero shortage of timely topics to prompt us; thereby…

  • Rerunning the Q, anew: Why the reruns?

Needless to say, it’d appear that prompt-wise, I’ve now been furloughed / put out to pasture / forced to sit out an indefinite hiatus. And this now fired (still fired-up) blogger is already missing the daily challenge / opportunity to keep on honing my writing skills.

  • Once again, I find myself going it alone…
  • Oh well (sigh) it was fun whilst it lasted…




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










NEVER Follow MisLeader Losers

Daily writing prompt
Are you a leader or a follower?

It’s tough not to envision nations, planetwide, eventually tumbling like dominoes IF, scant months from now, we bear witness to Donald Dolf Trump plopping his fascist fanny behind the Oval Office desk. Were that to ever go down, he’d promptly keep his campaign promise to rapidly deteriorate / devolve the United States of America into his frequently fantasized fascist state.

And he’d have plenty of well-wisher company, too; all owing to the fact that there’s rarely any shortage of ubiquitous, copycat authoritarians; be they already wallowing in their fetid cesspools of power or aspiring a-holes itching to get stoned on that stench; take their first deep dive into that fascist fecal matter.

Of course, that stomach turning scenario need not turn out that way IF this upcoming fall’s Stateside voter turn-out snowballs into something so massive that none of the countless, Republican enacted voter suppression (f)laws will ever manage to dismantle Democracy; i.e., IF enough of our electorate fully comprehends what’s at stake this election cycle; words to the effect…


  • The Writing on the Wall: Calling ALL readers!
  • Fascist pigs pig out! Their role: Freedom feeders!
  • Trump swoons for / spoons with Putin
  • They’ll burn down Earth*: No disputin’!
  • The Wall’s WARNING: DON’T follow MIS-Leaders!


*both ideologically and ecologically



Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










A Tasty, Sweet, Fruitful BlogCast

Daily writing prompt
List your top 5 favorite fruits.

Talk about a “just phoning it in” Daily Prompt, huh? Correct me if I’m wrong, but, is not the entire purpose of these WP assignments to fire up the minds of writers / bloggers? Hopefully, have a similar effect re our subscribers, readers and passersby, too? Now, were I to “just phone in” my response, it’d be blog over in the scant time it takes to rattle off…

My Top Five List:

  • 5. Apples (hmm… think trees?)
  • 4. Bananas (how about a boat?)
  • 3. Blueberries (maybe a thrilling hill?)
  • 2. Grapes (perhaps a divine grapevine?)
  • 1. Strawberries (a forever field, too?)

    It’s the DJ / musicologist within, who’s now free associating re those above parentheticals; “recharging” said phone, too. Hence, I’ll be applying a musical spin to this post; to better entertain / enlighten you. So, let’s feast our ears and eyes upon the following, “fruit flavored”, tasty, sweet sounding, masterpieces…

    Don’t Sit Under the Apple Tree ~ Andrews Sisters

    “Originally titled ‘Anywhere the Bluebird Goes’, the melody was written by Sam H. Stept as an updated version of the nineteenth-century English folk song ‘Long, Long Ago’. Lew Brown and Charles Tobias wrote the lyrics and the song debuted in the 1939 Broadway musical Yokel Boy. After the United States entered the war in December 1941, Brown and Tobias modified the lyrics to their current form, with the chorus ending with ‘…till I come marching home’” [Read More Here] btw, my 1st piano lesson involved covering Long, Long Ago.

    Day-O (The Banana Boat Song) ~ Harry Belafonte

    “Belafonte described “Day-O” as ‘a [Jamaican Folk] song about struggle, about black people in a colonized life doing the most grueling work,’ in a 2011 interview with Gwen Ifill on PBS NewsHour. He said, ‘I took that song and honed it into an anthem that the world loved.’” [Read More Here]

    Blueberry Hill ~ Fats Domino

    “‘Blueberry Hill’ was an international hit in 1956 for Fats Domino and has become a rock and roll standard. It reached number two for three weeks on the Billboard Top 40 charts, becoming his biggest pop hit, and spent eight non-consecutive weeks at number one on the R&B Best Sellers chart. The version by Fats Domino was also ranked number 82 in Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.” [Read More Here]

    I Heard It Through The Grape Vine ~ Marvin Gaye

    “The Marvin Gaye version was the second to be recorded, in the beginning of 1967, but the third to be released. It was placed on his 1968 album In the Groove, a year and a half later, where it gained the attention of radio disc jockeys. Motown founder Berry Gordy finally agreed to its release as a single on the Tamla subsidiary in October 1968, when it went to the top of the Billboard Pop Singles chart for seven weeks from December 1968 to January 1969, overtaking the Gladys Knight & the Pips version as the biggest hit single on the Motown family of labels up to that point.” [Read More Here]

    Strawberry Fields Forever ~ Beatles

    “Lennon viewed ‘Strawberry Fields Forever’ as his finest work with the Beatles. After Lennon’s murder in New York City, a section of Central Park was named after the song. In 1996, the discarded first version of the song was issued on the outtakes compilation Anthology 2; in 2006, a new version was created for the remix album Love. [Read More Here]




    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!










    Gray Matter Matters

    Daily writing prompt
    What’s one small improvement you can make in your life?

    Way back during my early 70s era, college boy days, a coed posed this ice breaking Q:

    “So, whatcha been up to, lately?”

    Which inspired this off top of my head quip; sufficiently mind-blowing to be nearly Lennonesque; even minus John’s Liverpudlian / Scouse(r) accent:

    “Improving my mind.”

    Tho I’d hardly consider a gray matter makeover a small improvement, all things considered, those three words still seem sufficiently apropos to become my response to this Daily Prompt’s Q, too!

    Especially since…

    Be it structured1 or informal2, education shall forever remain an ongoing, till our very last drawn breath, endeavor.


    1via the kindergarten classroom and college lecture hall
    2via the public library / Google search / Wikipedia essay




    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!










    Herstory’s Positive Impact

    Daily writing prompt
    Share a story about someone who had a positive impact on your life.

    Forward: This post features a slightly modified, copy / paste reblog of my 2016 Mother’s Day message; which also aptly conforms to this Daily Prompt’s above set parameters. That said… here we go…

    On this special day, I’d like to lovingly submit and commit my Mom’s Memoir to the realm better known as the World Wide Web. Why? Because it’s oft been said that nothing ever dies on the Internet; and in this context, I do love the sound of that sentiment.

    The words to follow are from the second half of her eulogy, which I had composed and delivered on Tuesday, April 22, 2003 10 a.m.

    “To be with a loved one till the very end, makes us aware of the uniqueness of each individual in the vast sea of humanity. It makes us aware of our finiteness, our limited lifespan …in that brief time, most of us create and live a unique biography and weave ourselves into the fabric of human history.” – – – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (author of On Death and Dying)

    I’d like to now share my Mom’s unique biography… this is… this was her life.

    Not many knew what her middle initial stood for… but Mom had kept her maiden name as part of her legal name generations before women’s liberation had made it commonplace.

    Although I only knew her as a dedicated, stay at home Mom… she did spend several years teaching English and Literature in the public schools in Minnesota and briefly in our hometown. She then broadened the scope of her lesson plans to teach life’s lessons to my sister and me… when Dad and she felt raising a family was more important.

    Mom was always there to cook our meals… pot roasts with browned potatoes, a Slovenian dish štrukle, breaded chicken and pancakes all being her specialties. She was an expert at canning corn on the cob, tomato sauce, as well as a jam… a unique, extremely tasty peach/pineapple conserve. She won numerous blue ribbons at the local fair, many a September.

    But baking was where she really excelled… all those delectable breads, kuchens, poticas, chocolate cakes, apple pies, and Christmas doughnuts… some plain, others coated with sugar and cinnamon. I can still taste them… warm… literally melting in my mouth.

    Mom also loved the outdoors… to be communing with God as she tended her mums, tulips, irises and daffodils. While others loathed them, she loved the dandelion… only cutting them down with her hoe after they went to seed. She and Dad kept our yard pesticide/herbicide free and nurtured the apple and pear trees they had planted as well as the five wild raspberry canes… that later proliferated into hundreds. They also raised tomatoes, green beans and leaf lettuce… that is… until rabbits moved in to harvest these crops first.

    Before arthritic fingers limited her ability, Mom and Dad used to play a duet on our piano, a very spirited rendition of Five Foot Two, as well as her solo, Stardust, the latter with such emotion and passion there had to be a story she never revealed… perhaps of love lost… that so moved… so inspired her.

    She despised TV, only really caring for Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy and Who Wants To Be a Millionaire… gameshows she could play along with. Katherine Hepburn and Clark Gable were her favorite actors. She liked the slapstick humor of The Three Stooges and in the Home Alone films. The Big Band era of the thirties and forties provided her, her favorite music. But she did enjoy the early Beatles, as well.

    Mom read the daily newspaper and was very upset with the injustices in our world. She was very opinionated and we had many lively discussions about current events. She also read the hundreds of books in her considerable home library… finishing, in her final weeks, Zlata’s Diary by Zlata Filipović.

    Mom loved writing and kept a daily journal to chronicle her life’s experiences, never missing a day until she began ailing in her final months. She also recorded the daily weather statistics. She corresponded with her big sister, Justine… their exchanging letters two or three times per month for over forty years… up till just before Justine had preceded Mom in death.

    Mom was an avid Scrabble and Cribbage player. She had been fortunate, one night, when Dad dealt to her the very rare, perfect twenty-nine hand. Aficionados of the game claim it to be a once in a lifetime event. Although I never had that luck when Mom and I played cards, she did deal me the next best… the twenty-eight hand… twice, over the years.

    Well, twenty-nine hands are rare, as was the privilege of knowing my Mom. I’ve had much time over the last several days to sum up her nearly ninety years and the almost half a century that she was in my life. So I can now say this with certainty. The most important of life’s lessons my Sister and I ever received from our Mom, our mentor was… above all else… that love and caring is what really matters. Give and you will receive.

    I now thank all of you @WordPress for attending today. I appreciate your indulging this (perhaps overly?) sentimental blogger. Be sure to remember your own Moms on this special day.




    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!










    Sweet Freedom To Trump Sour Fascism?

    Daily writing prompt
    What does freedom mean to you?

    Forward: My essay cannot even begin to sum up my love of liberty in its entirety; the spirit of freedom which imbues me; dwells within each strand of my DNA; cannot begin to fully express my respect and gratitude for the untold numbers of valiant soldiers who, from time immemorial, have fought and died, whilst combating grotesque oppression wherever it rears its ugly head; how, in the bloodstained process, they so selflessly serve(d) to secure life, liberty and justice for all.

    Yet, ever since 2015, when that corrupt, power hungry fool took his downward escalator ride, we the critical thinkers, have become painfully aware of the existential threat he is to freedom’s fresh air; and worst of all, how there’s no shortage of fools out there, way, Way, WAY OUT THERE, who are positioned in deep Deap, DEEP RIGHT FIELD; who are far, Far, FAR too effing eager to swap sweet freedom for sour fascism.

    Obviously, we’re now traipsing dangerously close to Donald Dolf Trump’s MAGA-World; where all he need do to snag his psychotic fix of his toadies’ blind loyalty / adulation is to embolden them to devolve into their worst imbecilic, misogynistic, xenophobic selves; AND then, cap all that deplorable crap off with WHAT? An “adorable” red baseball cap?

    Worst of all, Teflon Trump (nearly always) manages to remain at large; (seemingly) one step ahead of the (allegedly) long arm of the law; and as such, come November 2024, could (likely will) defeat President Joe Biden. Sadly, no sooner than if/when all of that nasty dust starts to settle, our atlas maps of the U.S.A. will get rebranded T.S.A.; namely, the Trumpian States of America.

    At that juncture, Donald Jezus Trump would become the role model; the envy of all authoritarians, worldwide; both empowered and would-be.

    Is all hope lost? Not if we, the critical thinkers show up this fall to cast our ballots; to peaceably tell that fascist F’er to go F himself!


    If fascist goons’ moons; eclipse freedom’s sunlight
    Rampaging Trump will reign morn, noon and night
    Since We can’t live like that!
    We must flush that scat! STAT!
    Show up, en masse, to outvote extreme right!




    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!










    1 Word Blog

    Daily writing prompt
    What public figure do you disagree with the most?





    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!









    Who Knows?

    Daily writing prompt
    What is your career plan?

    IF we were living within a philanthropic, farsighted, fair-minded, freedom-based, good-natured, even-tempered society, the pursuit and accumulation of obscene wealth would be dismissed as abhorrent and obsolescent. There’d be ample room for folks of all ethnic and temporal demographics to live out our lives to the fullest; all the way up to each individual’s last breath moment.

    Alas, the last time I checked, we don’t live in that world; not when it’s overrun with a gaggle of Putin / Trump suck-ups, tin-foil mad hatters, science deniers, miscreants, misogynists, bigots and other such whack-job creeps! Such onerous, odious realities now serve as the lead-up to this near septuagenarian’s poetry; downloaded with some (too?) tough to answer questions?


    • Who knows when strong storms will unleash untold harm?
    • Strongmen / storm troopers will schmooze their fake charm?
    • Compounding our well-founded fears…
    • Should old folks seek new careers?
    • Vie with young folks; when we’ll soon buy the farm?




    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!










    An Ugly UnAmerican Performance

    Daily writing prompt
    What was the last live performance you saw?

    It’s a horrifying thought how, during the LAST performance, which I saw “live” (back on 6 January 2021), the matters-at-hand nearly morphed into Lady Liberty’s very LAST performance; Stateside Democracy’s LAST stand; our Founders’ nearly 250-year-old Grand Experiment taking its LAST gasp.

    Tho I did view Donald Dolf Trump’s attempted coup “only” via the telecasts, it’s fair to point out that, at that juncture, we were just wrapping up year #1 of the coronavirus pandemic; and as such, very few live performances were playing out anywhere other than at careless science deniers’ superspreader events and stupidly still open for business establishments.

    And, whilst that sums up the then, YIKES sums up the here and now. That’s where we find the vengeance seeking, witness/juror doxing, still at large, would-be dictator, hard at play. And suffice to say, DONNY IS NOT DONE WITH US YET! Most worrisome is how, discourtesy of the Electoral College, he needn’t even win the popular vote. Beyond that, he’s been fully exploiting the way too timid, walking on eggshells Department of Justice and the way too lax Constitution’s list of presidential qualifications.

    In other words he could retake the very Oval Office he tried to (metaphorically?) burn down!

    Now, were that to become his new reality, our new reality would be facing down the Trump 2.0 Admin / his fascist dictatorship; the blow back from that (perhaps?) making January 6th seem more comparable to the (fabled in MAGA story and song), history revisionists’ scenario; you know the drill…

    How these toadies’ whoppers spin Trump’s U.S. Capitol sortie into some sorta “calm”, “orderly” visit by slightly enthused tourists.

    Seeing how there’s no way in hell that I could ever unsee what I did see on my TV, back on that dark day in January, I now invite you to take a look-see at my following poetic summation…


    • Malicious Trump’s malcontents and malefactors
    • Are surely / surly; insurrection’s bad actors
    • Their Jan 6th “performance” did stun
    • STILL belittles battles hard won
    • By freedom’s champions; fascism’s detractors




    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!









    The Unsung Volunteer’s “Song”

    Daily writing prompt
    What do you do to be involved in the community?

    As a down-to-earth citizen, within my lifelong community, I don’t believe I’m all alone in feeling frequent dismay re notoriously partisan and petty local government. After all, as more and more local newspapers are going belly up, there are few, if any, journalists / bloggers left to cover that “beat”.

    As such, flying under the radar, under-reported small municipalities are too often run / ruined by pie-in-the-sky, two-faced, self-serving politicians who, in their hallucinatory haze, believe their respective city hall council chambers to be situated, ya know, “just down the street” from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue’s Oval Office. Yep, echoes of those ol’ Hail to the Chief ruffles and flourishes just keep on burrowing into their brains; uh, not unlike how an earworm does?

    Additionally, it’s my own historical perspective, which continues to serve me well. This does remind me of bygone, foolhardy (perhaps greedy), myopic city planners who, in turn, had welcomed similarly affected developers, who, in turn, citified floodplain farmland into the very subdivision where, back in 1961, my parents, sister and I had foolishly settled.

    As such, I’m still haunted by memories of the Flood of June 25, 1968, which had drained into many a neighborhood basement / ground level floor. As for our family homestead, this involved ankle deep, sludgy H2O ruining our cellar and, in turn, forever disturbing / destabilizing our sense of security.

    Had that torrential downpour lasted, oh, say, for 40 days and 40 nights, we may have even witnessed the birth of Michigan’s 6th Great Lake.

    It was in spite of that situation (more likely because of it) that I did undergo a change for the better. In essence, it taught me how vital community spirit truly is. It was whilst working towards that goal that something suddenly dawned on me. I asked myself…

    “Why wait to extend a helping hand in times of trouble, when it’d be far wiser to ward off those troubled times, beforehand?”

    Suffice to say, that thought birthed my game plan. Throughout the years, and to this very day, my community involvement has centered on acting preemptively to eradicate flooding threats to our neighborhood’s safety and well-being. I accomplish this feat via voluntarily (unknowingly?) lending a helping hand to our likely overworked and understaffed Department of Public Works; regularly providing my assist to their upkeep of the storm water drainage system.

    During the spring / summer months I help ensure that wind / rainstorm downed branches / twigs, as well as my neighbors’ / my own lawn mower clippings, never cover / clog the gutter grates. I also keep a similar watchful eye re fall’s leaves and winter’s snow piles / ice packs. Oh, btw, it matters not that my labors likely go unrecognized by these workers / my neighbors, alike.

    So, have I ever made a difference? Who knows? After all, it’d take shirking my gutter clearing duties to precipitate a flood. And, obviously, that’s something I’d never, ever do just to, foolishly, prove such a point.




    Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
    can still shed and spread the batcrap
    crazy contagious coronavirus which,
    in turn, spawns new variants; which,
    in turn, could, eventually, render the
    available vaccines worthless; which,
    in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
    needless suffering, illness and death!

    HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
    nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

    Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
    Stay Safe at Home!
    Stay Healthy!








