A Must See and Hear New Year 2017 Blogcast

As 2016 winds down, I want to sincerely thank all who’ve been spending their precious time reading my blogs and listening to my blogcasts. I also want to welcome and thank anyone new to my blog site on this holiday night.

Those who know me are likely already aware that I’m feeling serious doubts and dread regarding the régime change slated to take place in America a scant 20 days from now.

On this last night of 2016… perhaps one of the last nights in America and our world… you can thank the confidence inspiring, lingering influence of President Barack Obama for calming me and, in turn, sparing you from my blogging more extensively along those gloomy lines.

Suffice to say… if I had the power, I’d snap my fingers to cure all my nation’s ills… all of our world’s ills.

Needless to say… I don’t… so it’s on to the music.

Admittedly, your first reaction to my plans to play Auld Lang Syne three times might be “Isn’t that a bit monotonous?”

Not really… you see I’m presenting a diverse mix of stellar recording artists and showcasing the inexhaustible creativity of YouTube videographers, who’ve enhanced their productions with historical footage and (in the case of my lead video) included some powerful thought evoking poetry.

A brief excerpt from that poem (read full poem here)…

New Year’s Prayer by Charlotte Anselmo

Please give the leaders of our world
A courage born of peace
That they might lead us gently
And all the fighting cease.


Well… here’s where our magical, musical journey into 2017 begins…

For those of you facing time constraints… perhaps some New Year’s Eve party hearty plans… if you play just one video… stick to the very first. Beyond that…

Have fun tonight! For those who wind up buzzed on booze and/or on other substances, be sure to have a place to sleep it off OR call a cab OR have a sober, designated driver within your circle of friends.

Wishing you the happiest, healthiest, most prosperous 2017 possible!


Sissel ~ Auld Lang Syne

Dougie MacLean ~ Auld Lang Syne (Remembering Those Who Left Us In 2016)

Kenny G ~ Auld Lang Syne (20th Century Images)

If you liked my blogcast, I’ll see you back here on February 1, 2017 (if not sooner)…


History’s New Dividing Line… B.T. & A.T. (99 Word Blog #074)

My encyclopedia publisher sells yearbooks to update my 25-volume, A-Z set. However, their 2016 edition, which should’ve been shipped out in March ‘17, arrived before ‘16 is even over.

This book’s content confirms they’d gone to press mere days after America’s November elections!

Disappointed with this ten-month “yearbook”, I could’ve returned it but, instead, mailed in my payment. Why?

Because, intentionally or inadvertently, the editor has brilliantly established history’s new dividing line thusly…

Before Tyranny | After Tyranny

BTW, I won’t be buying future yearbooks. Why not?

There’ll be no future once tyranny’s chokehold devastates America and our world.

Oh… To Be Multilingual! (99 Word Blog #073)

As public school first grader, I had the honor and privilege of being taught by a woman who not only spoke fluent English and Spanish but also was eager to teach both languages to everyone in her classroom.

At my highly impressionable age, my wide-open mind was soaking up her every word.

When the closed-minded, local Board of Education caught wind of this, they were outraged… said they…

“Americans only speak English and we don’t need no one [sic] confusing our students.”

Regrettably, these ignoramuses rendered me monolingual… now prevent me from enjoying WordPress bloggers posting in languages foreign-to-me.

Lean ‘n’ Mean Tweets (99 Word Blog #072)

This ten-year blogging veteran realizes short posts are more popular. Via my 99 Word Blog experiment, I’ve been striving to use the least words to say the most.

I wouldn’t dare attempt this within the constraints of 140 character Tweets.

Regrettably, Tweets are one particular demagogue’s MO.

While finding common ground with him re political, socioeconomic, scientific and ecological issues is virtually impossible… can’t we agree that Twitter is NEVER the proper forum for him to be engaging in nuclear saber rattling?

At best, Twitter is merely the venue to draw attention to one’s lengthier, more judiciously worded posts.

Last Christmas

This past Sunday, I opened my eyes to greet Christmas morn just before 7 o’clock. My first waking thoughts were of fond distant, boyhood memories… perhaps, it had even been a quickly fading dream? Whatever the source, my recollection was of bounding down the staircase to find all the presents Santa had left me under the tree.

As I caught my older self smiling, I realized that this special morning required a break in the routine. Instead of immediately heading off to the kitchen to scare up some breakfast, I’d first head out on a half-mile hike to purchase a newspaper.

Some might call me a throwback to a bygone era, but there’s just something special about shutting down the tech to read from an actual, held-in-the-hands, ink-on-paper publication and, afterwards, filling in the Sudoku, Jumble and Crossword Puzzles (LA & NY Times) with a ballpoint pen.

And so, I donned my down parka and stepped out onto my front porch. It being mere days following the Winter Solstice, it was still dark outside and the overnight hush that had descended over my lifelong hometown was still working its magic.

The only audible sounds were the gentle, yet steady, chilly wind whooshing through pine needles and the crunch, crunch, crunch of my Sketchers™ as I traipsed through the lingering patches of snow and frozen slush.

The ambiance of the homes lit up with festive, outdoor and indoor decorations, against the backdrop of an inky sky, easily transported me off into a timeless, fantasyland, all of which significantly slowed my customary walking-run stride. I now wished to make these scenes last an eternity.

It was around this time that an approaching jogger and I exchanged our “Merry Christmas” greetings… but as for any other townsfolk stirring about, either on foot or in their vehicles, these incidents were so rare it eventually felt as if I were all alone in a community of 9+ thousand… in a world of 7+ billion.

I’ve come to know, all too well, these “last man on earth” vibes and the strong sense of impending doom…

While wallowing within the post 2016 Election Day funk.

While fretting about a nuclear saber rattling Twit’s Tweet posted just three days prior to Christmas.

While dreading the incoming admin’s flat-out opposition to intellectual curiosity, integrity, diversity, equality, liberty and sobriety.

While dwelling upon how, in all likelihood, we’re a nation transitioning towards an ecological, economic, and societal nightmare… if not all out apocalypse.

Such serious reservations regarding that well-heeled, untrustworthy entity even caused me to free associate the motto appearing on my own nation’s oft-filthy lucre. Indeed, “In God We Trust” gets minted onto all of our currency and coins. As if what? That we could ever expect God to teach each and every moneygrubbing american [sic] not to worship that false god… a.k.a. the almighty buck? If He has attempted to get His message across before, it has, for the most part, fallen upon deaf ears.

My Godly thoughts next gravitated towards Christmas’ true meaning… about a birth, which, purportedly, had taken place long ago on this very night… off in the faraway land of Bethlehem.

It was about then when I sufficiently surfaced from my deep thoughts to realize the time had come to plink my six, silvery 25-cent pieces into the liquor store’s, storefront vending machine. Through the display glass I had already read one of the front page headlines… a report telling how homeowners, who are installing solar panels, are getting penalized with sky-high property tax assessments. Imagine that… instead of being commended, folks are being condemned for going green… having to shell out extra “green” because they had hoped to help save our planet.

Slowly shaking my head side to side, I slid my newspaper into my tote bag. At that stage, I could’ve immediately headed for home, but, all the sudden it dawned on me… considering the inconsiderateness of the soon to be installed new admin, this could very well be the last Christmas I (or anyone else) would be experiencing.

With that in mind, this called for a course-correcting maneuver.

I reset my bearings to pass through my once-upon-a-time neighborhood… revisit the place I had called home for the first seven years of my life. Perhaps I might even catch a glimpse of a framed in the window, fully lit Christmas tree? Maybe it’d even be located in the very same southwest corner of the living room, where, more than half a century earlier, my sister and I had discovered all the toys Santa had left for us?

Crossing at the next intersection and briefly heading west… then south, I deliberately slowed my pace as, yet, another little boy recollection kicked in. It had been on an early spring evening where I had raced my bike at top speed down this very same stretch of sidewalk. Oh, the freedom that once represented. Oh, the freedom that might soon be torn asunder.

Once at the bottom of this hill (both in memories and reality), I felt disappointment as I discovered the new occupants were still asleep and their holiday decorations were all dark.

With a long sigh, I hooked a left at the corner. Passing by a nearby home, the sound of a man filling his bird feeder with seed drew my attention leftward. As our eyes met, he wished me, “Merry Christmas”… and I echoed those sentiments back to him.

By this time, dawn’s early light had changed the sky from black to bluish gray. Walking past a hedge still sporting most of its brown leaves, all the sudden, I realized I was practically living out the lyrical story, which songsmiths Michelle and John Phillips had related in their mega hit, California Dreamin’. Deep down I, too, was California Dreamin’ on such a winter day… especially since that West Coast state is where my last surviving family members reside.

As I trekked onward, my next stop was the nearby town square. For multiple decades that main four-cornered intersection had boasted our one and only stoplight. As I peered up and down Michigan Avenue, I couldn’t help but notice how, while the skyline had basically remained the same, the storefronts certainly had wound up quite different from their yesteryear signage… as had their new proprietors’ offered products and services.

A tavern, nightclub and a several eateries had replaced a “Mom and Pop” grocery store, the “Five and Dime”, the Family Apparel and Gambles Hardware stores and the Rexall Soda Fountain / Drugstore. About the only businesses that have stayed the same and still remain within their original buildings are a bank and barbershop… albeit both under new ownership.

Of course, Christmas morn’s nearly non-existent, vehicular traffic would’ve made it so easy for me to fully flip off the crosswalk’s “Don’t Walk” admonition, yet, I waited obediently. I wanted to take in and fully savor, in its entirety, the recently renovated and resurfaced, disappearing into the eastern and western horizons, Michigan Avenue, itself.

Upon crossing over to the south side of the street, I soon found myself standing in front of a factory. Prior to its construction, that entire block had been zoned residential… and one of those homes had been where I had lived during the first two months of my life. Of course, images of that long ago, razed house now only exist in the snapshots posted in my family photo album.

Traveling down to the next intersection, I crossed Michigan Avenue once more and headed northward. With that California Dreamin’ story and lyrics still fresh in my mind, I stopped at a church I passed along the way… pausing long enough to admire their Nativity Scene… to offer up my heartfelt prayer to Him… to beseech Him to intervene… to deliver the Christmas present of tact to that hotheaded man… to spare humanity our eons too early mass grave.

I no sooner said my “Amen” than I began diagonally traversing the soon to be filled, church parking lot. I next crossed a side street to wind up right in front of the very first house my (then) newlywed parents had rented upon their arrival in town.

At that juncture, my Christmas morning hike was starting to come full circle. I did opt to return, one last time, to see if the Christmas decorations had finally lit up my old home. Alas… they hadn’t.

For the first time since setting forth that morn, I checked my wristwatch. I had covered all of this old, familiar ground in less than 40 minutes. Considering that it’d take me another 15 to make it back home, my entire walk down memory lane would be completed in under an hour.

Starting to feel a bit hungry in the here and now, I headed for home… where I’d soon be brewing up some fresh coffee, flipping pancakes and drowning them in maple syrup… flavors I’d be savoring as much as the “flavors” of my sweet memories.

With each forward step, I found myself hoping that my prayers for repeated, Divine Intervention in post Inauguration Day 2017 DC will be answered. If that’s not to be… well…

All I can do is urge all who read this… all over our world… to cherish our waning days of “normalcy”… to fully appreciate whatever good, we may still find… to hold on to our pleasant thoughts for as long as we still can. Regrettably, that all can be easily obliterated once a small handed, small thinker pushes that Big Badass Button.


Wishing For A Merry Christmas

On this special day, I wish all who are celebrating the healthiest, happiest Christmas possible.

In many areas of our troubled world, such a wish can be a tall order considering all the serious work that has yet to be done towards that end beginning.

I now yield my blog podium over to the following recording artists and videographers who’ll add their commentary to mine.


Perry Como ~ Christmas Dream

John Lennon & Yoko Ono ~ Happy Xmas (War is Over)

(Be sure not to miss the Mahatma Gandhi quotation as the video ends)

Mannheim Steamroller ~ Stille Nacht




Cindy Stowell’s Incredible Jeopardy Finale


The Cindy Stowell Story is heartwarming, inspiring and extraordinary. Despite the grim diagnosis of stage four cancer, she auditioned and proved herself fully qualified to appear on Jeopardy. Because she had advised the program’s accommodating staff of her medical condition, they had sped up their normal contestant selection process so she could compete sooner.

Only a few of the show’s producers and host Alex Trebek had known that the time she had left was limited.

Well… Stowell not only competed well but competed while ill.

During one taping, she had been nauseous, feverish and in need of painkillers… those meds slowing down her reaction time, which made signaling in to provide the questions to the answers an even greater challenge.

Even more miraculous, there had been a Jeopardy taping hiatus, which, purely by coincidence, had perfectly jibed with her need for hospitalization… allowing her sufficient time to regain her strength… to come back to compete again.

In the end, champion Stowell had won $103,803, which she pledged to donate to the Cancer Research Institute. As for her six game winning streak, only 38 contestants have equaled or exceeded that plateau since Jeopardy’s “five wins and out” rule ended in 2003.

Though she died on December 5th (a little more than a week before her episodes were to air on TV), thanks to the kind folks at Jeopardy, the DVD they had provided allowed her to see three of her appearances.

As for my own reactions…

If I hadn’t been aware of Stowell’s story prior to watching her compete, I’d have never guessed in a million years how seriously ill she was. As far as I’m concerned, she could’ve also won an Academy Award for acting so healthy.

Seeing her dream of appearing on Jeopardy come to fruition had to have been the thrill of her lifetime and, doubtlessly, in giving her something to live for, kept her going strong a bit longer than had she wallowed in sorrow in some hospice bed.

I only wish she could’ve gone into remission, lived a good long life and appeared on Jeopardy’s Tournament of Champions.

When TV had gone digital back in 2009 I had ceased viewing all first run programming. I only reentered TV Land this past June after my sister had provided me a digital converter she no longer needed. Admittedly, I’d been feeling mostly underwhelmed about what TV had become during my seven year absence… well… at least until I had eye witnessed Stowell’s stunning display of courage… her looking at death squarely in the eye and telling it to go to hell.

Cindy Stowell had a fighting spirit… in the game of Jeopardy… in the game of life.

Her never say die determination has been an inspiration to millions… and I count myself among them. She will live on, forever, in the memories of all who witnessed her will to live.

I only wish I could’ve thanked Ms. Stowell in person.

My heartfelt condolences go out to her surviving family and friends.

“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends…”

Once upon a time… in fact on this very day way back in 1974… I found myself hanging out in the control room of a student staffed, 5 watt FM college radio station. Within minutes of hanging up my winter coat and F.C.C. License, I had logged in and parked my butt on the padded swivel chair behind an audio board… an audio mixer that was lit up like a Christmas Tree.

While a layperson would’ve felt a bit overwhelmed, I was already trained to recognize the general layout of the controls. I quickly acclimated and donned a set of headphones to cue up what was to become the first song of my very first ever, live, On The Air radio show.

While waiting for the going off duty DJ’s final song to track to it’s conclusion, my eyes were glued, intently to the spinning vinyl LP and the sweep hand of an analogue clock. At 5 o’clock p.m., sharp, I opened my microphone to announce the station ID and introduce myself to my audience. Within mere seconds of my engaging turntable #1… Greg Lake began belting out this opening lyric…

“Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends…”

Wow, what a trip that show had been. Off to my right I had access to a record library, which boasted multiple thousands of (more or less alphabetized) shelved albums… had complete freedom to program any music my little ol’ heart desired.

At that point, it didn’t even matter to me, in the least, that this was a non-paying gig.

My only regrets? Contrary to vocalist Lake’s sentiments… by the end of the week, my show did end… you see… I was merely a substitute DJ during winter break… filling in only when my Program Director found gaps (a.k.a. “dead air”) in his broadcast schedule.

But… it was a blast while it lasted.

The four tracks I’ve selected for today’s Blogcast are a blast from my past… songs culled from my first program’s playlist… beginning, appropriately enough, with that 5 p.m. leadoff Emerson, Lake & Palmer recording.

Thank you in advance for indulging me as I relive this experience… as I go rockin’ down memory lane.


Emerson, Lake & Palmer ~ Karn Evil 9 / 1st Impression (Part 2)

REO Speedwagon ~ Being Kind Can Hurt Someone Sometimes

Stanley Clarke ~ Vulcan Princess

Chick Corea & Return To Forever ~ Beyond The 7th Galaxy

If you like what you heard, stay tuned for my future Blogcasts.

Diversity’s Verses… A Holiday / Every Day Message


The dark cold cosmic fabric, bright warm Sol’s embrace,

Tuck in Ol’ Big Blue, as it spins through vast space,

For all we may know, it’s the one, ONLY place,

The fragile home world, of the whole human race.


We look like our Creator, so say many preachers,

It’s DNA’s double helix, so say science teachers,

Be beliefs fact or faith based, humans are the same creatures,

We must never prejudge, based on external features.


Our world’s latitudes vast, within which we spin,

Helped ordain how much melanin, tints all our skin,

The isles, seas and mounts, which once kept us apart,

Caused diverse accents, tongues, cultures, right from the start.


Genetics’ roll of the dice, dictates whom we’ll date,

Be we transgender, bisexual, gay, lez or straight,

Just like left or right-handedness, blue eyes or brown,

We must accept diverse traits, with wide smile, not snide frown.


From conception to birth, sometimes, things go wrong,

Flaws that defy, deny newborns, a mind / body strong,

They must never be mocked; we must give a damn,

Open all doors for disabled, not in their faces slam.


A woman is far more than bride to a groom,

She’s not chattel to man, she’s more than a womb,

She must soar towards the future, not drown in dark ages,

Be all she can be, throughout all life’s stages.


Be beliefs Muslim, Jew, Christian or no one above,

At the heart of the matter is peace, kindness, love,

Keep your minds and hearts open to all that you’ve read,

As this year draws to a close, in each New Year ahead.


Meet Gangbangers Truncheon and Puma


Once upon a time there were two gangbanger hoodlums whose street names were Truncheon and Puma. Actually… both were corrupt, wretched, wicked little boys, who were each vying for absolute power… for total domination of their respective home turf. They were also surreptitiously plotting to overthrow each other.

To that end Truncheon… as his very name suggests… was relying heavily on his swaggering, overbearing, temperamental MO… one where he’d hammer in his wildly unpopular, multifaceted POV… thoughtlessly pummel his nation’s economy, ecology and society while, simultaneously, exhibiting his zero tolerance for dissent.

Indeed, he flat out demanded unconditional love from each and every, average Jane and Joe citizen who he attempted to dominate. In the process all he actually accomplished was wringing out every ounce of hope from anyone who could still think for themselves.

Naturally, these disgruntled and depressed gals and guys fully realized that Truncheon was leading everyone off a cliff… that his rule could only result in a stagnant and retrograde society… perhaps even leading up to an apocalyptic end to said society.

But alas… the knowledgeable were amongst a dying breed.

Additionally, decades worth of Truncheon’s likeminded, predecessor gang leaders and propagandists had laid in the devious, devastating, cancerous, perhaps irreversible groundwork… thereby making any lasting, civilized change everyone could believe in next to impossible to achieve… let alone maintain.

Thereby ensuring Truncheon his absolute power… which corrupts absolutely.

On the other hand, Puma… as his very name suggests… was far more catlike… deviously relying on brains over brawn, stealthy, manipulative, sneaky little shit tactics. He did so, even to the point of sucking up to Truncheon, who ignorantntly, simplistically and erroneously believed Puma to be his staunch ally.

Needless to say… nothing could’ve been further from the truth!

You see… Puma fully realized he could affect a no-shots-fired coup d’état… oust gang leader Truncheon and then casually waltz in to usurp his turf. To accomplish that feat, all Puma had to do was bide his time… sit back and laugh his ass off while watching harebrained Truncheon’s do-it-yourself self-destruction of his nation’s individuals and infrastructure.

The End