My Word Document / Nightlight Website?


Typically I don’t obsess over my WordPress daily statistical reports. However… what they’ve been telling me has been baffling and I need to make some sense out of this. So here goes.

I do know the vast majority of you, my readers, are arriving at my homepage. Now, unless you’re merely using my layout’s white background as a brilliant nightlight… that means you’re here to read. And I do thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for deeming me worthy of your precious time.

While that’s the good news, the bad can be summed up thusly…

I’ve been experiencing a lack of “blog likes” disproportional to my fairly respectable posting day traffic.

Recently, it occurred to me how readers could wind up scrolling down my entire homepage… viewing hundreds of my posts… without ever seeing even one clickable “like button”.

While it’s common knowledge that one must click onto each blog’s title to even find that “button”, in the first place, is everyone remembering to do so? More to the point… is not seeing that “like button” not prompting that reaction?

Perhaps another technical issue exists, too? If my understanding is correct, it’s impossible for readers, sans WordPress accounts, to register such “likes”. Additionally, professionals, who’ve opened business accounts on this platform, cannot interact in this manner, either.

Now that we’ve quickly brushed aside the nuts and bolts aspects, let’s explore some possible flesh and blood explanations…

  1. Sociability Factor: Social networks are no different than real world communities. To make and maintain good friendships you must be a good friend. Admittedly, I’ve not been the best WordPress neighbor. I’ve not been viewing and liking my followers’ posts as much as I’d really like to. For that… I am truly sorry. All I can offer, in my feeble defense, is that not all is going well in my real world… and being a private person, I guess I’ll just have to leave it at that. It’s not that I don’t care or have lost interest in you. I’ve been impressed by your limitless talents… appropriately laughed and cried… even audibly whispered my “oh wows”… while experiencing your eloquent prose, poetry and stunning imagery. Trust me, your blogs have far more to offer than mine.
  2. Longwinded Factor: In short, in our say it on a bumper sticker… say it in 140 characters or less world… my posts do run long. Even so, I’ve got to believe that somebody, somewhere out there can still savor a long read.
  3. Shifting Winds Factor: In short, the dinosaur… a.k.a. liberalism… is likely headed for extinction. In short… if mainly right leaning readers are stopping by to visit, they’re finding my left leaning content unappealing and unlikeable.
  4. Fear Factor: My stats also indicate my readership includes many, who reside in far less democratic societies… where my politics would undoubtedly rub the glowering, intolerant powers-that-be the wrong way. Might some of my readers fear top-down reprisal… ranging from their tyrannical leaders to their likeminded next-door neighbors? If that were the case, it’d be best for them not to “like” me… I’d not want my readers to ever wind up pummeled, punished and/or imprisoned.

And I do feel their pain, too. Stunningly, my homeland is finding out, too late, how rapidly a once-upon-a-time free society deteriorates when misled by an avaricious, vengeful, ill-tempered, capricious, so-called leader who eggs on his rabid devotees to commit deadly acts of violence… emboldens them to embrace all of humanity’s worst possible, character flaws.

Hell, even my own sibling, a successful, independent businesswoman, has confided that while she shares my liberal POV, she oft refrains from openly “liking” my blogs out of her all too legitimate concerns that she’ll lose clientele.


SIDEBAR: I might as well mention another related phenomenon, which no stats could ever begin to help me figure out. Almost invariably, when someone first starts following me, they don’t click any blog “likes”. Ergo… I’m totally clueless as to why they’ve opted to follow me (don’t get me wrong, I am grateful for their doing so). Anyway, I’ll oft pay them a visit, too… in some cases, even clicking some likes on their posts. Then I wait and wait… never to hear from them again.


Well, I believe I’ve explored this issue honestly, inclusive of taking some personal responsibility for my lack of “likes”. Not that two wrongs would ever make one right, but…

I’ve got to wonder about the sites that boast multiple thousands of followers. There’s no way those webmasters could ever, possibly, give sufficient, personal attention to each and every one of their followers… yet… their readership thrives.

To wrap up this lack of “likes” , still unresolved conundrum…

I’ll now turn to the world of music to feed my soul, sort out and shed some light on my feelings. Specifically, I’ll be paraphrasing the following lyrical couplet to excise some mild, seventies era, male chauvinism from the otherwise wisely penned song, Every Kind of People.

Each and every one of us is the same… we want the sunshine in our name.

Folks, here at WordPress that’s the sunshine, which streams onto bloggers courtesy of those “like stars”.

Forgive me if my long-windedness, once again, has persisted. I’m just trying to figure out why, typically, my blogs cannot even muster enough stars to form the bowl of the Big Dipper… while some my blogging colleagues wind up with enough to create a virtual galaxy.

Most Importantly: You, my readers, must never feel any obligation to click a “like”… or worse yet, to do so out of pity. Click “like” only if you’ve truly found my blogs elevating, enlightening, entertaining and/or enjoyable.

Your honest appraisals are what will help me figure out what topics are of interest to you and to hone my subject matter accordingly. Perhaps, I’ll even wind up growing my audience and following? Increase those “like” responses, too?

So, what if I still wind up with a lack of “likes”?

I’ll either have to pack it all in or be content that my website has been and, perhaps, shall forever be little more than an online word document and/or nightlight.

While I’ve said this before, it does bear repeating…

I am neither God’s gift to the www nor do I ever expect to be. But… with your help… with your honest feedback as my guide, I just might become a wee bit better?


The “Heads I Win/Heads I Win” South Dakota Coin Toss

Blog Subtitle: Did You Ever Have To Make Up Your Mind?


Musical interlude time! First, give this catchy li’l tune a listen… then we’ll chat…


Say you and a buddy need a quick way to decide something… it matters not what. So… what options are at your disposal? In no particular order, here are several recommendations…

  1. High Playing Card Draw
  2. Rock – Paper – Scissors
  3. Eenie-Meenie-Miny-Moe
  5. Coin Toss

If you’re opting for #5, do exercise a reasonable amount of caution. Be you an American or a stateside tourist (unaffected by the unamerican [sic] travel ban), when fishing out your pocket change, make sure you closely examine your 25¢ pieces!

In the spirit of fair play, if your quarter is part of the America the Beautiful commemorative coin series, avoid the one featuring South Dakota! Why?

Well, unless you call the toss, “heads”… most assuredly…


You see, to the best of this numismatist-blogger’s knowledge, ever since it was minted in 2013, that particular, peculiar coin became…

America’s, first ever, heads on both sides, legal tender quarter!

On the obverse, per usual (ever since 1932), appears President George Washington… BUT… on the reverse… well… that’s where we discover a zoomed-in, partial image of Mt. Rushmore where not only does gentleman George reappear but so does President Thomas Jefferson!

I do hope this heads-up (not meant to be taken totally serious) blog has helped everyone make heads or tails out of the chancy, “Heads I Win/Heads I Win” South Dakota Coin Toss”. The fate of the entire, decision-making free world just might, someday, hang in the balance??? 😉 (JK)




1 Considering how five of those nine SCOTUS judges (the Floundering, UnFounding Fathers / muthas) are legislating from the bench… i.e. are hell bent on green-lighting all signed into law, U.S. Constitution gutting legislation… especially (f)laws, which deny average Jane and Joe citizens our freedoms… they would be far too busy to ever help us settle any garden-variety issues. Oh, btw… if you opt to watch this footnote’s linked video, you can save a bit of time by fast forwarding to the juicy details starting at 5:26.





Sunday Sermon (One Quick Limerick #031)


If mankind strays too much, sins sans remorse,

Our cross Creator won’t have much recourse,

He need not play active role,

He’ll let us dig our own hole,

His destroy Earth job, TO US, He’ll outsource!


Since, in this liberated male blogger’s opinion, there’s no place for sexism in any religion… and remaining mindful of the fact that Theologians do claim humans are made in God’s image… we must not ignore 50 percent of 7+ Billion people.


If our race strays too much, sins sans remorse,

Our wise Creator won’t have much recourse,

She need not play active role,

She’ll let us dig our own hole,

Her destroy Earth job, TO US, She’ll outsource!


DISCLAIMER from the Department of Second Thoughts: I don’t believe a female God would ever be a vengeful God. Indeed, She’d behave far more evolved, exhibit far much more patience and empathy… and as such… would work far, Far, FAR more diligently at preventing humankind’s violent, self-destructive end.


You can access more original limericks, poetry and lyrical parodies by clicking onto my poetry category.


BlogCast: A.M. Music For All Our Tomorrows


If deep within you beats the heart and resides the soul of a poet…

If you harbor a mind which freely embraces trippy imagery…

If your eyes are drawn to worldly and otherworldly scenes…

If your ears are attuned to orchestral/progressive rock fusion at it very finest…


Oh… have the Moody Blues, YouTube videographer Nick Mort and I ever got a musical treat for you!


While this rather lengthy gem tracks out at just under ten minutes, for those who truly get into entrancing, mesmerizing soundscapes, you’ll soon be wishing our shared experience had lasted much longer.

Of course, such an expansion… by a multiple of four… would be totally within the realm of possibility. All one need do is what I’ve done quite regularly over the course of the past half century… in fact just this past a.m….

Give a listen to the entire Moody Blues CD, LP… or in the case of the linked vid the cassette copy of Days of Future Passed… the band’s debut 1967 album.

True, such a playback will be minus the images, but… I’m certain most of us have experienced many of of Mother Nature’s “OH WOW” moments. So, all we need do is project our fave, personal recollections onto the big screen within the theatre of our minds.

And with that in mind,

The Day Begins / Dawn is a Feeling / Another Morning

By the Moody Blues… accompanied by The London Festival Orchestra

If you LIKE what you heard, click back here for my regular monthly BlogCast scheduled for Sunday, October 1, 2017.

Past programs are archived in my BlogCast and music categories.



Irritants Get Under Humanity’s Skin


Three summers ago, upon repeatedly donning the gardener’s equivalent of a Hazmat Suit, I sweltered through the entire season eradicating the poison ivy / sumac / oak, which had been thriving all along my backyard, chain-link fence. FYI, at times, some of these plants had attained the height and trunk width of small trees. I suspect perching birds had been culpable for originally sowing the seeds of my discontent.

My game plan also included the prevention of regrowth and new implantation, respectively, requiring my thoroughly digging up the complex, extensive root systems and carefully containing the (literal) thousands of seeds that were all ready and raring to rain down upon the fertile soil.

Had I not acted when I did, these plants could’ve easily overtaken (overthrown) my entire little corner of the world.

In the years leading up to this reclamation project, I’d have rated myself as a grade-F groundskeeper. I had excessively exploited that old motto, “leaves of three let it be” as my poor excuse for not dealing decisively and expeditiously with the problem at hand. Had I done so, early on, when everything had been at a far more manageable stage, I could’ve quickly nipped the entire problem in the bud.

SIDEBAR: My reluctance stemmed out of fear, as well. You see, decades earlier I had suffered from a (figurative and literal) brush with such plants… resulting in a severe case of contact dermatitis, which required extensive recuperation time.

But, I am happy to report my yard work, report card’s GPA has improved, dramatically, since. Phrases like, “learn from your mistakes” and “live and learn” do sum up the transformation to my new proactive attitude.

So why bring up my true, garden-variety tale?

Because this story serves well as a metaphor.

You see, the nasty seeds of poison ivy, sumac and oak are akin to the ugly seeds of intolerance… those that grow and branch off into a multitude of deplorable directions… e.g., discrimination based on ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, age, infirmity, disability, religious beliefs and economic class.

Once planted in society, these deeply rooted, reprehensible, mind-warping ideas grow, and become intertwining vines. Their poisonous effects get under the skin to irritate unfortunate individuals… and, eventually… spread to asphyxiate an entire nation’s sense of equality, freedom and happiness.

Dealing proactively and positively to end discrimination, however it manifests itself, requires an expert groundskeeper… and most assuredly, the current, un-american [sic], so-called prez does not possess such qualities.

Worse yet… while I was able to mend my errant ways… it would appear he cannot. In fact, it’s doubtful that he’s even aware he’s nearly always wrong about nearly everything.

Each time that grade-F groundskeeper hesitates to expeditiously and unequivocally nip societal irritants in the bud… be that out of neglect… be that out of his fear of reprisal (e.g., from mental vegetable Nazis and Klansmen)… be that out of his opportunistic desire to save his own political skin… the result is the same.

The longer such “vegetation” is allowed grow the more it thrives, threatens and proliferates… the more the chances grow that a scum of the earth entity will rise up to overthrow the entire world.

And were such a story to ever hit our world history books, it certainly would be no garden-variety tale!



Robotics vs. Psychotics (One Quick Limerick #030)


The so-called-prez, Kim Jong-Un, strut and snort,

Rattle their nukes and our nerves just for sport,

Will their demeanor, psychotic,

Prompt intervention, robotic?

Will Earth be visited by Klaatu’s Gort?


If you’ve never seen the classic, 1951 Sci-Fi cinematic gem, which inspired the above limerick, you can read all about it over at Wikipedia and/or watch the entire film over at YouTube (regrettably, the images are not centered properly but it’s the only free of charge clip I could locate).

You can access more original limericks, poetry and lyrical parodies by clicking onto my poetry category.



Sanders Whitewashes a White House White Supremacist


ESPN host Jemele Hill Tweeted…

“Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has largely surrounded himself w/ other white supremacists.”

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee-Sanders countered…

“I think that’s one of the more outrageous comments that anyone could make and certainly something that I think is a fireable offense by ESPN.”

Folks, it’s far too easy for Ms. Huckabee-Sanders… in essence… to say, NUH-UHBUT… the facts are not on her side.

No amount of Sarah’s spin can ever apply sufficient whitewash to her White House, white supremacist boss… can completely conceal how the so-called prez failed to fully denounce the act of domestic terrorism that went down in Charlottesville, VA… i.e. the coldblooded murder perpetrated by deplorable white supremacists.

What Ms. Huckabee-Sanders seems to forget is that the facts are totally on the side of Ms. Hill… that Hill’s analysis of the so-called prez it totally spot-on.

Hell, if there’s anyone to be faulted for making unforgivably, outrageous comments and has committed a fireable offense… indeed, an ever-growing (daily) list of fireable offenses… it is the alleged prez, HIMSELF, who actually called white supremacists “some very fine people”.

Jemele Hill’s sentiments must be commended… NEVER condemned!


Skin & Bones Beauty? (One Quick Limerick #029)


Greet Hollywood film stars at their dain-ti-est,

Meet catwalk cadavers at their dead-li-est,

A woman’s healthy physique,

Need not be Barbie Doll™ sleek,

Such narrow parameters! Don’t get possessed!


Read more about it here


An Alternative Version…


With rail thin film actresses, don’t be impressed,

With catwalk cadavers, please, don’t get possessed,

A woman’s healthy physique,

Need not be Barbie Doll™ sleek,

Such narrow parameters aren’t always best!



You can access more original limericks, poetry and lyrical parodies by clicking onto my poetry category.


Message in a Bottle


John Donne (1572-1631) once said, “No man is an island.” Indeed, it is damned near impossible for humans to thrive when isolated from one another.

Since it’s inception, our worldwide web’s ability to draw humanity closer together has been nothing short of a miracle. And I wholeheartedly ditto such sentiments when describing the intriguing and extraordinary experience of my blogging here @WordPress.

Each and every time each of us clicks that azure “publish button”, our thoughts instantaneously rush outward, all across our global social network. We’re potentially touching the minds, hearts and souls of our followers as well as the folks who we’ve yet to meet.

As most of us would concur, some of our followers wind up being causal acquaintances while others, in time, may even drift off… to never pass our way again… two ships that pass in the night as it were. Only those of us who wind up mind melding with a kindred spirit or two can truly claim our lives have been enriched… (or for the religiously minded) perhaps even blessed.

Until such virtual meetings occur, what are we bloggers but castaways all… shipwrecked and stranded on our small, uncharted virtual islands… each of us repeatedly tossing our proverbial message in a bottle onto the vast, azure ocean… fully knowing the odds are slim to none that anyone will ever find and read our words… yet still feeling that glimmer of hope that someone, someday, will come to our rescue.

Such rescues begin every time we train our “spyglasses” onto that “little red dot” in the upper right hand corner of our screens. We can take comfort… perhaps even feel jubilation that someone is responding… be it with their LIKE… be it with their FOLLOW.

That on-top-of-the-world moment is akin to seeing the tall ship appearing over the horizon… it’s billowing white sails fluttering in the tropical breezes.

As I frantically wave to you, aboard your approaching virtual vessels, I want to shout out my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has ever reacted to my posts with a LIKE and/or a FOLLOW! Each time this obscure blogger / castaway, lost in the vast sea of humanity, receives such responses to my tossed “message in a bottle” I do feel rescued.

Now, to momentarily set aside all metaphors… I find such input invaluable in helping me figure out what subject matter most interests you. After all, consistently presenting good quality blog content is the best way for any blogger to build and retain one’s following. Without your help, how could I ever expect to become a better blogger?

On a technical note, those of you, who arrive at my site’s homepage won’t automatically be finding any LIKE buttons and comment boxes unless you first click onto each of my blog titles. BUT…

It’s most important that you NEVER, EVER feel any sense of obligation to click any LIKE, or worse yet, do so out of pity. Your honest reaction is paramount, here, so click LIKE ONLY if you’ve really, Really, REALLY found my blogs elevating, enlightening, entertaining and/or enjoyable.

To keep it entirely real… I am neither God’s gift to the blogosphere nor do I ever expect to be. But… with your help, I just might become a wee bit better?