UnPrintable Pitfalls of Pungent Pits?

In the wee hours of this Saturday morn, the odd hours I’ve been keeping (a pandemic-related and exacerbated, chronic phenomenon) found me slowly prying open my sandman gritted over eyelids; the direct consequence of catching a few Zs during a Buzzr TV network scheduled, Password mini-marathon.

Lo and behold… that was just in time for me to be eye-witnessing that show’s impresario and iconic host, Allen Ludden, tossing it all to commercial; i.e.., turning over his respectable game show podium to the impudent, psychotic conman and parasite, Mike Lindell; that latter man still serially smooching sore loser, Donald J. Trump’s fetid, fascist fanny. Yep, he’d much rather be promoting emperor Trump’s Big Lie (re the 2020 elections) than be presiding over his own, oft forsaken pillow empire.

All wordplay aside… ever since sore loser Trump really, Really, REALLY did get trounced by Joe Biden, ignoraNus (<— NOT A TYPO) Mikey, has been compulsively siphoning off multiple millions of his corporate profits; i.e. just to bankroll what WAS, IS, and SHALL FOREVER BE his futile crusade to non-Constitutionally, Oval Office re-install dictator, dickhead Donny.


Obviously, MAGA “magnate” Mikey hates everything that’s decency and democracy related.

Yet, even in spite of Lindell’s zealotry, he has recognized that, from time to time, in order to fluff his pillow profits, he must eschew fluffing Donny. Ergo, of late, he’s been frantically, TV huckstering his sleepy time products; in this instance, all courtesy of the Sixties era, ad campaign; namely, à la the very Right Guard deodorant commercial vid, that tops off this post.

I do find it fitting that Lindell has opted to go this route. Hmm, might he be sensing that his nearly three-year-old, odious, odoriferous political posturing is in need of a massive, metaphorical double spritz? You know, to metaphorically fumigate his stinky partisan and corporate armpits.

However, what Mikey has utterly failed to grasp, here,.. is that even were we to combine Right Guard with each and every other deodorant brand sold throughout the entire multiverse, that could NEVER, EVER even begin to fully mask what, sure as $#!+, always wafts off of ALL fascist fecal matter.

Truth be told… at present, what Trump, Lindell and every other MAGA malcontent, maniac and moron all sit atop is the Mount Everest magnitude dung heap of their shared, anti-decency, anti-democracy agenda.

More to the point, no truly respectable, perceptive citizens (inclusive of moi) could ever cozy up to a TV sponsor (such as Mike Lindell) whose side hustle, on behalf of his cult leader, one Donald J. Trump, is to co-sponsor, the political downfall of the United States of America.

Needless to say… I would no more buy into Lindell’s pillow sales pitch than into his all-things-Trump grift. Hell, I’d net more comfort from resting my noggin atop a log or tree stump.




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










“Cut the Bull Tish!” ~ Must See Vid

Wonder & King Speak Truth to Power


Click to view the Clip (Courtesy of CNN)

Seeing how videos are oft here today/gone tomorrow, I’ve opted to also present / preserve, in text form, their vital to Democracy’s survival, wondrous and king-sized thoughts…

“Any Senator, who cannot support the protection of voting rights, in the United States of America, cannot say that they support the Constitution. Stop the Hypocrisy. Cut the Bull Tish! If you care and support our rights, do the hard work. You can’t please everybody but you can protect all of us.”

Stevie Wonder


“For all the elected leaders out there, who are Tweeting, posting and celebrating my Grandfather, Dr. King, today, my message to you is simple, Do Not Celebrate, LEGISLATE!”

Yolanda Renee King




Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









Corden Condenses Dense DT


Clip courtesy of Late Late Show’s YouTube Channel • 11/03/20 • 94,837 views


Together, the creative genius of James Corden and his writing staff wax poetic to condense dense Donald Trump’s 4 Year reign of terror down to a 3 Minute Video.

If, on this day, my compatriots and I wind up successfully empowering Joe Biden and Kamala Harris AND we flip the U.S. Senate back over to the Democrats, too, America will soon be heading for a true blue renaissance.

If so, will the drunk on power DT’s DTs soon follow?

Special message to all who’ve yet to cast your ballots. Unless serious health concerns are a factor, consider showing up at the polls, today, to fire Donald J. Trump’s ass; to tell him where he can shove his anti-American agenda.

If you do so, make damned sure you remain socially distanced (at least 6 feet apart), mask up, wear vinyl gloves, don’t touch your face and, as soon as you get home, scrub your face and hands. BTW, wearing glasses / shades can afford extra protection, too.

If you don’t own store bought PPE, I’ve linked us, below, to EZ to follow, DIY instructions to fashion your very own face covering / mask; no sewing skills needed.


Stay Publicly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!


Colbert’s Unvarnished Truth

“After discussing the supremely unsettling footage of Rudy Giuliani in the new “Borat” movie, Stephen Colbert takes a moment to encourage Americans who might be considering keeping Donald Trump in office for four more years to remember the awful cruelties his administration has inflicted on families at the Southern border.”

Clip and Set-Up courtesy of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert YouTube Channel • Oct 21, 2020 • 687,771 views

If you’re ISO the embodiment of the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, CBS Late Show’s Stephen Colbert is your man.

Assuming I’ve encoded our featured video vignette correctly, it’ll start up at 7:47. Time permitting, rewind to check out the entire presentation, too. Yep, it’s that good!

Colbert’s commentary calls out Donald J. Trump’s bigoted, barbarous family separation policy along the U.S. / Mexican Border, which had been enforced, as early as 2017, by his merciless, overbearing Border Patrol agents. Their typical M.O. had been (likely still is) to [1] wrest crying babies and children from their asylum seeking parents’ cradling / clutching arms and [2] imprison these young innocents in cages.

As if such traumatization and dehumanization weren’t bad enough already, we now learn there still are 545 children, who’ve yet to be reunited with their families. And that, indeed, is in flat out defiance of a federal court judge’s order. Putting that into perspective, Colbert points out that 545 kids could fill 8 school buses. Echoing my righteous indignation, said he:

“Trump says and does a lot of dumb things, but we should never let his stupidity, overshadow the fact that he’s also a heartless monster, who must be driven from office and eventually dragged, in manacles, before The Hague.”

Stephen Colbert • October 21, 2020 Late Show Monologue

Most assuredly we must make an example of deplorable Donald and his wretched henchmen; hold them all fully accountable for their crimes against humanity.

Only then can we enjoy a renaissance; recommit to our core principles, re-shine our homeland’s tarnished image; relight America’s beacon.

How, ironic, indeed, that Donald J. Trump, et al, once behind bars, would experience far more humane treatment than the children they had caged.


Stay Publicly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!


Check Out this Fly’s Eye View

This Fly’s Eye View of Donald J. Trump’s political dung heap / swamp, is all courtesy of the amazing / amusing musical ensemble, Founder’s Sing. Their YouTube channel blurb sets up their presentation, thusly:

“In a remarkable show of talent, the fly on Pence’s head broke out in song and told it like it is! This fly can smell bullshit from a mile away! Afterwards he composed this Founders Sing original song about his experience.”

Founders Sing YouTube Channel • Oct 8, 2020 • 257,549 views • 12K thumbs up! • 275 thumbs down

My Op-Ed: How can those 275 thumbs downers not love this on the fly, Spot-On commentary?

Stay Publicly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!


Still Hopeful Neil deGrasse Tyson

The witty and wise Neil deGrasse Tyson weighs in on a variety of current issues, among them, how American governors’ efforts to halt the spread of COVID-19 have all been hampered by our (in title only) president and his unforgivably, inexplicably non-existent national, unified response…

“One state [will] open up its restrictions while another state doesn’t, that’s adjacent to it? That’s like designating a peeing section of a swimming pool.”

That, in part, has got to explain why We, the critical thinking People, are all pissed off!

Stay Publicly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!







Must See Vital to Survival Video

NPR’s YouTube Channel sets up our COVID-19 focused, life saving Vid of the Day, thusly…

“Researchers say airborne transmission is possible, especially in cramped indoor settings, but it’s unclear how much it contributes to the spread. Here’s how to lower your risks, just in case. Reported by Pien Huang/NPR. Animation by Shanti Hands for NPR. Video produced by Max Posner and Ben de la Cruz/NPR.”

For the benefit of all mask-less souls…

Check out this animated, no sewing skills needed, EZ to follow, DIY Mask Making Tutorial. (that’s how I make mine)

Stay Safe at Home! Stay Publicly Masked! Stay Healthy!








No Mask? No Soup For You!

Larry Thomas reprises his Seinfeld, “Soup Nazi” role to call attention to a life saving truth… the need for everyone to don masks when in public. Until safe efficacious vaccines and/or therapeutics become readily available, our masking up and social distancing (2m / 6ft) is our best 1 – 2 punch defense that WILL PREVENT needless human suffering and death.

Look, Donald J. Trump’s DIY pandemic has, so far, resulted in 186,000 stateside, COVID-19 deaths. If we don’t mask up, NOW, some of our finest scientific minds project that, by year’s end, that total could rise as high as 300,000!!!

And so I now ask, what kind of person would not want do the easiest, most painless thing in the world… mask up to save 114,000 of our compatriot’s lives!

Granted, my appeal is America specific… more so than I’d have normally opted for. But, I only did so because too damned many Americans don’t really give a damn about the well-being of others.

By the by, Mr. Thomas mentions a link so we can [1] watch an alternative ending to our above clip and [2] vote for whichever version we like better. To access that website, CLICK HERE.

If you need instructions for no sewing skills required, DIY mask making, CLICK HERE. (btw, this is how I make my own)

Stay Safe at Home! Stay Publicly Masked! Stay Healthy!







Gross! NSFW Vid of the Day!

Plot Synopsis: Red Bad Vlad owns Orange Dumb Donald, who’s ISO of the “Pot of Gold.”

Commentary: The quintessential, coalescence of free-flowing, tragedy and comedy.

Big Question: With Donny’s overthrow of America looming, is it OK to laugh at this?


Stay Safe at Home! Stay Publicly Masked! Stay Healthy!








John Lewis’ Good Trouble (Vid of the Day)

Our featured clip’s setup, as it appears over @YouTube…

“Founders Sing took a break from making parody videos to create an original song in honor of John Lewis. It was inspired by the powerful phrase he coined, “Good Trouble.” Now let’s all cause more Good Trouble by speaking up for justice… and VOTING!”

My kudos to Founders Sing for composing such an influential, soul searching, rallying Anthem!

R.I.P. John Lewis! While there’s much of your work, yet, to be done, your lifetime of activism and “good trouble” advocacy has afforded society a substantial starting point. The sturdy foundation you built and forward thinking you inspired will (hopefully soon) see to fruition, your vision for a unified world.


Stay Safe at Home! Stay Publicly Masked! Stay Healthy!