Sunday Morning Musings (Part 1)


During the 2020 election cycle, Democratic presidential wannabe Joe Biden’s rhetoric (rightfully so) was highly critical of the unethical, under-educated, unheeding nature of his Republican adversary, one Donald J. Trump; the very Oval Office occupant, who was routinely mucking up the management of three ongoing, grave threats to humankind’s survival.

Or… more to the point… how that bungler was utterly failing to proactively and promptly preserve, protect and defend the lives of the very people he had sworn (on his Inaugural Bible) to preserve, protect and defend.

Back then, as most critical thinkers were readily pointing out, that deadly and devastating threat trifecta involved the…

  • freakish weather fueled by climate change / global warming
  • rampaging coronavirus / Covid-19 pandemic
  • weapons of war toting sociopaths shooting up our school houses / houses of worship, etc..

Now, as all thoughtful / scrupulous people must continue to (unhesitatingly) point out, that triple threat has yet to be adequately addressed and fully resolved, and, consequently, little of this needless death and devastation will be ending anytime soon.

Moreover… unlike Biden… we, his 2020 supporters, have not forgotten one his campaign promises; namely, that if elected, he’d ensure that common sense / time honored science would always trump politics driven folly. Now (just for the sake of further emphasis), let’s toss in a few extra synonyms; such as foolishness, foolhardiness, stupidity, idiocy, lunacy, madness, rashness, recklessness, imprudence, injudiciousness, irresponsibility, thoughtlessness, indiscretion.

Back in the here and now… long exasperated sigh… Biden is running for reelection.

More to the point, he seems to be running scared; so much so that (stunningly so) (ironically so) politics IS trumping common sense and science. Hell, it’d appear that Joe is so worried about “offending” potential voters (as if climate change / Covid deniers / AR-15 freaks would ever consider voting for him?), that he has, been mollycoddling these certifiable snowflakes; even going so far as to…

Allowing these MAGA maniacs (at the risk of repeating myself) to trump common sense and science; to the point where their deadly and devastating political agenda has already bullied Biden into PREMATURELY declaring the end of the pandemic. That this frequently terminal health crisis has now, somehow, someway, magically disappeared into thin air? REALLY???

Sure as hell… that’d certainly be fake news to the still rampaging, nationwide/worldwide coronavirus, right? DAMN RIGHT!

SIDEBAR… instead of such rashness and rubbish, a more conscientious world leader would be implementing and enforcing a (color coded?) Threat Level Covid-19 Chart; e.g., issuing regularly updated, medical “weather” advisories; e.g. the proactive and prompt issuance of RED ALERTS should a particularly virulent variant be wafting about the populace (this also accompanied by mask up recommendations whenever we’re packed like sardines within public settings.

GRANTED… throughout Biden’s tenure, he has been roadblocked by legislators (MAGA magnitude Republicans and Democrats in Name Only / DINOs alike; such refuseniks willfully flipping off his repeated urgent pleas for meaningful, remedial legislation.

STILL.. that can be no excuse for waving the white flag of surrender.

ALTERNATIVELY… in the past, gentleman Joe could’ve been doing what, at present, he’s now doing in campaign mode. I mean, why hadn’t he attempted to energize and mobilize the masses to Tweet-shame his political foes into action? All he had to do to air his grievances against such (f)lawmakers is leverage highly persuasive social media tactics! He could’ve been routinely calling them out by name, both online and within a slew of nationally streamed and aired, no holds barred, media blitzes.

ALAS… long sigh… that had never happened. And that does not seem to be happening now. either; at least not in an especially efficacious manner.




(btw, for those who don’t know me, well, that above remark involves sarcasm).

HENCE… (once again, at the risk of repeating myself) politics continues to trump common sense / science!

HENCE… we, the sufferers, within our beleaguered stateside community, continue to stand by helplessly; amidst the…

  • ensuing freakish ferociously deadly weather
  • ever-growing piling up Covid-19 cadavers
  • ongoing slaughter of students, parishioners, etc.

MY GAWD… must the end of this absolutely unacceptable, sorry state.of affairs end, concurrently, with the end of humanity, itself?




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










UnPrintable Pitfalls of Pungent Pits?

In the wee hours of this Saturday morn, the odd hours I’ve been keeping (a pandemic-related and exacerbated, chronic phenomenon) found me slowly prying open my sandman gritted over eyelids; the direct consequence of catching a few Zs during a Buzzr TV network scheduled, Password mini-marathon.

Lo and behold… that was just in time for me to be eye-witnessing that show’s impresario and iconic host, Allen Ludden, tossing it all to commercial; i.e.., turning over his respectable game show podium to the impudent, psychotic conman and parasite, Mike Lindell; that latter man still serially smooching sore loser, Donald J. Trump’s fetid, fascist fanny. Yep, he’d much rather be promoting emperor Trump’s Big Lie (re the 2020 elections) than be presiding over his own, oft forsaken pillow empire.

All wordplay aside… ever since sore loser Trump really, Really, REALLY did get trounced by Joe Biden, ignoraNus (<— NOT A TYPO) Mikey, has been compulsively siphoning off multiple millions of his corporate profits; i.e. just to bankroll what WAS, IS, and SHALL FOREVER BE his futile crusade to non-Constitutionally, Oval Office re-install dictator, dickhead Donny.


Obviously, MAGA “magnate” Mikey hates everything that’s decency and democracy related.

Yet, even in spite of Lindell’s zealotry, he has recognized that, from time to time, in order to fluff his pillow profits, he must eschew fluffing Donny. Ergo, of late, he’s been frantically, TV huckstering his sleepy time products; in this instance, all courtesy of the Sixties era, ad campaign; namely, à la the very Right Guard deodorant commercial vid, that tops off this post.

I do find it fitting that Lindell has opted to go this route. Hmm, might he be sensing that his nearly three-year-old, odious, odoriferous political posturing is in need of a massive, metaphorical double spritz? You know, to metaphorically fumigate his stinky partisan and corporate armpits.

However, what Mikey has utterly failed to grasp, here,.. is that even were we to combine Right Guard with each and every other deodorant brand sold throughout the entire multiverse, that could NEVER, EVER even begin to fully mask what, sure as $#!+, always wafts off of ALL fascist fecal matter.

Truth be told… at present, what Trump, Lindell and every other MAGA malcontent, maniac and moron all sit atop is the Mount Everest magnitude dung heap of their shared, anti-decency, anti-democracy agenda.

More to the point, no truly respectable, perceptive citizens (inclusive of moi) could ever cozy up to a TV sponsor (such as Mike Lindell) whose side hustle, on behalf of his cult leader, one Donald J. Trump, is to co-sponsor, the political downfall of the United States of America.

Needless to say… I would no more buy into Lindell’s pillow sales pitch than into his all-things-Trump grift. Hell, I’d net more comfort from resting my noggin atop a log or tree stump.




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Icky Colonoscopy ~ Quick Limerick


Summed up to-dos, Trump craves to execute
Zillionaires’ tax breaks; coup d’état; Earth pollute
“Crappy plots poop out his rectum!”
Exclaim critics, who inspect ‘em,
“He’s defecator / dictator; absolute!”




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Urine Their Clutches? ~ Quick Limerick


MAGA freaks / sex fiends fret over word, cis
Plot to crotch probe; to brand mister or miss
When these perverts / misanthropes
Violate / groom with vile gropes
Folks must “baptize” ‘em; with hot streams of piss




Further fleshing out this verse… it’s the #1, perverted fantasy of nearly all Trumper / MAGA (f)lawmakers to ram home their utterly worthless, odious dogma that humans cannot be anything other than cisgender. These radical righties wage their culture wars; battle overtime to propose extreme, (f)lawed legislation, which is expressly crafted to violate all school kids’ privacy; to psychologically scar them (for life) by subjecting them to regular, humiliating, genital inspections; inclusive of the painstaking documentation of each menstruating person’s monthly cycle… you know… just to make damned sure that everything is “just so”. In reality, such a get tough stance is to document, stigmatize and target the LGBTQ+ community, which MAGA maniacs loathe. Little doubt, someday, the Genital Gestapo’s enforcement efforts will span all demographics.

To say the least, none of this spine chilling agenda can possibly end well. To say more… my gawd… let’s not even go there…




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Restoration of Pre-Pandemic Normalcy?


PREFACE: Seeing how I could not finish writing, in a timely manner, the narrative about the events of this year’s April 16th, I opted, instead, to buy some time; i.e. to secure the above, apropos timestamp by originally publishing what was, essentially, an “empty” post. What follows is the April 17th, approximately 4 a.m. completion of my heartwarming story.


As a lifelong, old-timer Michigander, I can attest to how (in as little as mere hours), springtime temps can plunge from balmy warm to balmy (batcrap crazy) cold; dramatic climatic shifts, such as these, frequently precipitating severe ice and snow storm events; such weather patterns even predating today’s catastrophic, climate change disturbances.

Even so, climate change is REAL; thereby making accurate weather prognostication even more unpredictable than ever.

Case in point has been this very spring’s wacky weather; for starters, the thundersnow phenomenon, which wound up thwarting my original game plan to shovel often (to stay ahead of the rapid accumulation). I mean, who’d even want to risk going outside when a metal snow shovel could act as a lightening rod?

Then, mere days later, came the wintry mix, where cleaning up that mess required a handsaw. Indeed, I had found myself dealing with thickly ice coated, downed tree branches (many with diameters measuring a bit over 7.5cm / 3in); all of which proved more tiresome than clearing the same measurement of fallen snow. Worse yet, downed tree limbs, elsewhere, had literally sparked a 27 hour long power outage within my neighborhood; causing my home’s inside temps to drop down to 9.4ºC / 49ºF.

All of that providing ample, additional proof that humanity should never downplay / deny the grave seriousness of climate change.

Yet, in one rare instance, a third weather anomaly wasn’t all bad. More to the point, this involved a significant slowing down of a low pressure area’s storm front; essentially drying up the previously predicted Sunday, April 16, 2023 rain-out (save for a brief, late p.m. shower). Yep, the worst of it simply never materialized; all of which had timed out perfectly for moi.

You see, instead, my small sector of Michigan was experiencing a near picture perfect sunshiny morn, all of which helped me keep my plans alive, namely my outdoor, Sunday Service for one (yours truly); thereby permitting me to…

  • commemorate the 20th anniversary of my mother’s passing on.
  • go on my on-foot pilgrimage back to the nursing home and a nearby, community maintained, wilderness park.
  • relive my 22 hour long bedside vigil where our hours long, late afternoon, final conversations / reminiscences, at times, had been so normal (even momentarily humorous) that I had even begun to wonder about her doctor’s grim diagnosis; to doubt that the woman I had known, for nearly half a century, was dying before my very, tear-welled eyes.

Alas… long sigh… eventually… I did realize how the final paragraphs of the final chapter of my mom’s Earthly life and times, were being written in real time; coming to a peaceful denouement.

Further factoring in how the global health crisis had suspended this (from 2004 onward) annual ritual (2020, ’21 and ’22), everything, as it was unfolding in 2023 was (still is) feeling especially uplifting, emotionally; even going so far as to restore that long-lost, feeling of pre-pandemic normalcy.

Hmm… I now find myself wondering about my life within whatever remains of my Earthly existence. Would it be premature to make a bold prediction, i.e. forecast that my pre-pandemic, normalcy buzz will wind up snowballing?




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Passing Thoughts ~ Haiku


Two decades later
Eyes still view my late loved one
Blur with welled up tears







Parting thoughts to promote life saving, good global health

Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!


Just (Half) a Face in the Crowd


Surviving a global pandemic can be stressful; especially where and when self-serving, opportunistic, fascistic, governmental goons, (especially of the MAGA ilk) and their colluding propaganda ministers (of the FOX, OAN, Newsmax ilk) still maintain an absolute, chilling chokehold, which muzzles the qualified medical professionals.

Under such odious conditions, it’s nearly impossible to find much reliable, comprehensive, life saving reportage.

Even President Joe Biden, ravenously hungering for a second “helping” (term), has been elevating politics over pandemic science. Yep, during a September 2022, Sunday night, “60 Minutes” interview said he…

“The pandemic is over. We still have a problem with Covid. We’re still doing a lot of work on it. But the pandemic is over.” [read full article here]

To utter such utter nonsense, simply to (potentially) broaden his appeal to indie voters; just to mollycoddle his rabidly radical rightwing, massively critical Trumper Republican opponents was, indeed still is reckless. Hmm, perhaps (long sigh), someone should mask up and try running the prez’s sentiments past the still killer coronavirus, huh?

Granted, the president’s take charge handling of the vaccination programs has been admirable. Even so, I cannot help but believe in my head, heart and very soul, that the bulk of humankind’s interventions, so far, can be best summed up as lacking; they’ve been merely a one-one punch in search of a “two”. That “two” element being to regularly mask up in public (more about that below).

Granted, I am neither a heavily degreed virologist nor an epidemiologist nor a physician, but, when the bona fide virologists, epidemiologists and physicians do become heavily under the influence of intoxicating governmental goons, what do their credentials even mean anymore?

Look, I am not about to imply that we should ever disobey their medical advice. To better explain this? Well, let’s just say that were the CDC to tell us to wear a mask in limited indoor settings, I’d wear TWO of ’em EVERYWHERE. In other words, always take MORE precautions then they recommend.

Consequently, from this man’s humble perspective, about all that’s left is to trust my own gut. And what my gut has been telling me (to restate it, for the sake of re-emphasis)…

Always err on the side of caution.

Fleshing that all out, further, it is my belief that the Coronavirus Pandemic has been needlessly prolonged which, in turn, has continued to needlessly mutate that gawd awful, deadly virus to the point where Covid-19 will become an endless scourge on humankind; maybe thru perpetuity! Why?

Because, be we vaxxed or unvaxxed, asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic humans can still unknowingly shed and spread the coronavirus. From the Pandemic’s very onset and onward, on a global scale, honest world leaders could’ve implemented mask mandates; stressed the importance of covering BOTH our noses and mouths whenever we’re in public. Of course, need I even point out that the phrase “honest leader” is typically oxymoronic?

Granted, my opinion has rarely been, is not now, nor shall it ever be shared by enough people to make a major impact on society. And, when everyone is not on board? About all that’s left, even in this late stage of the “game”, is to attempt winning over the multiple billions of naysayers. To such scoffers, at the very least, I still recommend that they reread and try to take to heart, the paragraph just above this one.

Anyway… alas (long sigh)… with my days as a sexagenarian winding down rapidly, I have both resolved and conceded that to protect as many people as is humanly possible, including myself, about the only thing I can do to claim a modest amount of control is to never again, go out in public in an ill-mannered, unmasked manner.

Realistically, I do fully acknowledge that my valid, heartfelt sentiments will likely remain mostly unread; wind up utterly lost within this ever-tempestuous, vast virtual sea. Tho I am destined… strike that… doomed to drown in the depths of obscurity here @ my WordPress dot com site, nonetheless, it does feel good to get all of this off my chest.

Of course, that does wind up tempered with a twinge of sadness when I consider how foolhardy leaders, many of them “almighty” authoritarians, still couldn’t muster their chokehold to snuff out a mere microbial enemy.

And so, I must conclude and concede that in the, perhaps five to twenty years which I may have left as a mere mortal, I will do whatever I can to prevent the spread a dread, deadly disease. Yes, I do know what that above mentioned “two” to the one-two punch requires of me.

I will do the decent, humane thing; namely, continue to walk the face of the Earth fully masked.

Yes, I can (and will) live the rest of my life like that.

I will be able to hold my head high, even tho I’ll remain Just (Half) a Face in the Crowd.




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Hey Ogres, Subsidize Yer Own Gluttony!


As I type and you read these very words, we’re being bowled over by runaway inflation. Worse yet, nearly every attempt to combat this debilitating, detrimental disease almost always, intentionally abuses workers barely / rarely making ends meet, as well as retirees narrowly existing on fixed incomes. Many of us, the already impoverished, are in relentless belt tightening mode; too damned many drowning in credit card debt; some even facing down hunger and homelessness.

Must the only end in sight be “The End”?

Maybe not. Were the self-proclaimed economic wizards able to, magically, dig themselves out of their prob solving rut they might be able to (sooner or later) extricate the masses from this economic, mucked up mess (please, make that sooner). But, what should they do, instead?

For starters, abandon the present-day, economic curative that seems to be far worse than the disease, itself. We are speaking of the following, tired, worn out, oppressive, heartless mindset…

“As the theory goes, if it’s more expensive to borrow money or carry a balance on a credit card, consumers will spend less. When spending declines, demand will fall and, eventually, so will the price of everyday goods.”

Google Search
10 April 2023

Let’s further flesh out the method to that hike the interest rates madness…

Matters, almost invariably, go from bad to worse when, net effect, the consequences of folks spending less will be employers scuttling their previous plans to hire more workers; or worse yet, when the suits opt to go the workforce layoffs route. Now, factor in this “hmm moment” / reality check…

Seeing how it’s frequently CEO denizens’ unrestrained avarice that’s been driving inflation thru the roof, the far more honest, fair minded governmental response must involve reining in the very money grubbers, who are giddily, greedily, willfully, sadistically price gouging everybody to death.

Honest national leaders must hang tough; i.e., promptly inform arrogant corporate monsters that if they don’t cease and desist in habitually screwing over / victimizing the consumers / commoners, there will be formidable consequences; namely a significantly higher corporate income tax rate; a percentage hike that’d be commensurate to the severity of the price gouging incident(s).

Such amassed revenue would then be promptly, properly transferred from the Treasury Departments’ vaults to the suffering masses; e.g. in the form of monthly paychecks.

Can everyone sense the sweet taste of economic revenge? Yep, that’d be the long overdue payback, where the corporate ogres would actually wind up subsidizing their own gluttony!

Granted, the typical reaction of these snotty, snooty uppercrusters would be retaliatory; in essence, the combatants’ whiny tone going along these lines…

“Oh yeah? Don’t you dare raise my taxes! Not by even one penny! If you do, I’ll throw a hissy fit and move my massive corporation overseas. So there!”

(Visualize, too, that childish harangue’s ending “punctuation” being the sticking out of the collective corporate tongue).

The Generic CEO

At that juncture, each resolute leader’s retort must be…

“Oh yeah? If you do ship out, overseas, there you WILL remain until Hell freezes over. Oh, btw, if you also intend to export your products, our way, you can count on our levying stiff tariffs against you AND distributing this revenue to our citizen consumers.”

The Generic Governmental Leader

So, there you have it, folks! Both literally and figuratively speaking, corporate, economic payback. I don’t know about you, but, the very notion of such justice (at least for a fleeting moment) has got me all smiles.

And my facial expression could easily evolve into something even more enduring; my ear to ear grin… if only…

President Joe Biden would be amenable to a similar, common sense, common folks approach to fighting corporate greed / inflation. Why, he’d not only wind up winning over genuine Americans’ heads and hearts but also (come Election Day, November 2024), the winning of his second term.




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










No More Teachers No More Books?

AntiSocial Studies Anyone?


Ever since the outset of the new year, the main undertaking of the stateside, MAGA hijacked, Republican Party has been to double down in their efforts to dumb down whatever susceptible, corruptible citizens they can train their crosshairs on.

To that end, they’ve been attempting to parlay their razor thin majority within the U.S. House of Representatives into the establishment of victories which, were they to ever become the law of the land?

Well, let’s just say that absolutely nobody would ever, actually, emerge victorious.

Fortunately, in reality, their chances of ever legislatively demolishing American democracy and decency are next to none; i.e. seeing how such stench could never pass the checks and balances sniff test originating from the still, Democratically controlled U.S. Senate and White House. Yep were push to ever come to shove, President Joe Biden’s veto pen could easily, ultimately, and justifiably so, “deodorize” these MAGA maggots.

Nevertheless, these horrific, fascistic sorcerers still have a few Trump cards up their sleeves; in such instances, involving their state level, governmental cronies (zombies all); where we witness the Trumpian sycophantic governors and legislators doing their damnedest to muck up everything.

To hash this out further… these idiot ideologues have been de-funding K-12 school libraries, harassing / firing / imprisoning librarians and banning / burning books / textbooks; yep, even if merely one whiny parent erroneously judges any literary work to be “woke” magnitude “objectionable”.

Regrettably, what little remains library shelved, far too often, are the dishonestly authored books; many of them specifically crafted to debunk time honored environmental / medical science AND whitewash America’s ugly racist past.

Shamefully, (dis)courtesy of these MAGA ignoraNuses (<—not a typo), red states, such as these, are where Mother Nature and Lady Liberty both go to die. Tragically, these locales are also where schoolkids go to die.

To flesh out such obits a bit further… we, the grieving, heartbroken, kindly members of humankind, have been eyewitness to how these evil (f)lawmakers’ dirty work never ends there.

You see, they’ve been shamelessly pandering to their own voter base, too; namely, that mentally ill, National Riffle Association (NRA) ilk; one that’s regrettably overpopulated by AR-15 toting, mass murderers; all hellbent on shooting and slaughtering youngsters just starting out in life.

Then, when, justifiably so, concerned educators, parents, kids and the rest of us onlookers react; merely attempt to exercise our 1st Amendment rights; (to paraphrase); to peaceably assemble… to petition the Government for a redress of (our) grievances, that’s when the (f)lawmaker ghouls counter-protest heatedly and stupidly; i.e., trot out their inane and insane master plan to combat gun violence; namely, to heavily arm our teachers.

Needless to say, at that juncture, ordinary folks’ demonstrations, typically, don’t end well; e.g., they get drowned out with vile white supremacist bile; e.g., retribution such as the recent, bigotry fueled expulsion of Tennessee Reps. Justin Jones, D-Nashville, and Justin Pearson, D-Memphis (read full article here).

However, let’s return now to the Republicans’ attempt to morph institutions of learning into battlefields; i.e. when militarized mentors mutate into mercenaries; when their standing orders will be to maim and murder whenever mentally deranged, heavily armed with weapons of war. marauders attack.

Once again, we’re speaking of an out of control situation that rarely, if ever, can be expected to end well.

So, just how the hell has America ever allowed itself to devolve into such a gun sick, dystopian society?

Well, it’s my suspicion that within MAGA’s un-schoolable, unruly rulers’ mucked up heads, they’ve never come even close to outgrowing their shared, lifelong loathing of each and every teacher they had ever encountered; all of that BS backdating, perhaps, to their very first day of kindergarten.

Consequently, these poorly reared children left behind (trapped in adult bodies) are now getting off on their sick fantasies that, someday, the endless procession of AR-15 toting, miserable, societal failures, who invade and shoot up our institutions of learning will succeed at one and ONLY ONE thing; namely, the execution of each and every soldier / teacher they engage.

It’s tough not to suspect how the MAGA (f)lawmakers are living vicariously thru those who, they alone, consider to be their heroes; i.e., those who violate our schools, on average, on more than a daily basis; perhaps base their seething hatred of all-things-education solely upon the following, absolutely atrocious, utterly unacceptable, antisocial, churlish chant.

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher’s
Dirty looks.

Admittedly, prior to the point where I had begun formulating this post (and doing my research / “homework”), I hadn’t even known of this pathetic, perverse verse’s final four lines.

Kick the tables
Kick the chairs
Kick the teachers
Down the stairs!

Little doubt, the always seething with violent intent, MAGA maniacs know it all, by heart (what heart?) and, perhaps, to this very day, revel in it; in its ugly, virulent, violent entirety.




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










SOB ~ Quick Limerick


A narcissist fascist ill-famed for bleats, grunts
and ignorant, ignoble, illegal stunts
Is likely a one-man crime wave
Alleges grand jury conclave
In spite of his “Woe is me!” lies ‘bout witch hunts




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!








