Religion? Yes! Organized Religion? No!

Daily writing prompt
Do you practice religion?


Here’s why my above title replied in that manner…

As a twelve-year-young boy, I found organized religion to be rather hollow and unholy, so much so, that when the Catholic church left me, I didn’t shed any tears. My dissatisfaction was less about Clerical errors, more about some of the congregants’ erroneous interpretations of what it means to be, in general, a good Christian; more specifically, a righteous Catholic.

In essence, their soulless, sole motivation for showing up each Sunday was to shamelessly flaunt their their Godless, stratospheric station in life. As if what? Acting all high and mighty might get them closer to God?

Well, since “they” say the devil is in the details, let’s now dig (aptly enough) deeper down.

BTW, I’ve chosen to illustrate these unwise parishioners thru my wise-guy eyes. While my nearing the deep end, cheeky exaggerations do run rampant throughout my narrative, nonetheless, the net result does accurately portray the depth of my bygone displeasure. And, maybe it’s just me, but once my words stripped back their artifice, fakery and superficiality, that even elicited a few of my chuckles. Hopefully, you’ll react similarly? And, that said, here goes…

When it came down to Sunday services in my small hometown, quite the spectacle played out on a regular basis; their bad behavior now broken down along provincial cis gender lines.

The womenfolk seemed to be viewing our church’s center aisle as if it were some NYC catwalk designed for strutting their stuff (i.e., haute couture); where their finery’s flow-able fabric was free to flutter within the breezy wake created by each, preceding parishioner / supermodel.

As for the menfolk, it was ALMOST as if their burning desires were limited to tooling up in the parking lot; sporting their pride fueled facial glow (ditto that wasted energy re their eyeballs’ flashing dollar signs). Hell, upon exiting their shiny, swanky luxury rides, even that new car smell was heavy in the air. Palpable, too, was each patriarch’s temptation to pop open the bonnets (hoods); in hopes of turning the less fortunate passersby green with envy. Yep, even the Motor City’s gas guzzler engines were capable of roaring to life; strutting their Sunday best.

Naturally, no Sunday service would be complete sans the benediction; in this case, really driven home, courtesy of these Indy 500 wannabes devolving into eat-my-dirt mode; indulging their puerile desires to full throttle speed off, homeward; the ample corroborating (carburetor-ing?) evidence? Their billowing heavenward, hellish, acrid, cloudy, dense, dark, carbon monoxide saturated smog.

Now, that above story is what I’d classify as an unsightly, brand of un-Godliness!

It’s easy to conclude that anyone turned on by that sort of snooty, sooty irreverence is likely beyond redemption. It’d also be no shocker were we to discover that such mindsets have (regrettably so) survived intact; into the 21st century.

To flesh that out, they’d be today’s imbecilic, theocratic, FOX News talking heads; Iran’s intolerant mullahs; and treasonous Trumper / MAGA magnitude Republican insurrectionists; all of these bad actors’ job #1 being to…

  • misinterpret, mutilate and expurgate scripture
  • ram their bastardized religious dogma down decent folks’ throats
  • mete out death sentences to punish women for mere dress code violations
  • burn down hallowed human decency / precious American democracy

Now, let’s classify, below, what an upbeat, inclusive, brand of spirituality is…

My belief system is all about us, wholeheartedly, respecting all respectable people; that the only labels that accurately assess folks’ character are Good, Bad and In-Between. Also, we must always give credence to the Golden Rule’s Prime Directive; namely, that succinctly, eloquently worded, honest to God creed…

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”

In closing… I’d like to expand on this day’s writing prompt, “Do you practice religion?”

Too many people in our world do need all the practice they can possibly get; for they seldom, if ever, practice what their preachers are preaching. Worse yet, what too damned many preachers are preaching, nowadays, is accompanied, not by church organs but by dog-whistles; regrettably, such tweets are inclusive of xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia, and fascism.

In the end… those indoctrinated along those deplorable lines will wind up raring to go on their science silencing, book burning, freedom gutting, rampaging crusades.

And God help us all, should their un-Godly behavior ever prevail!




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









Oh… do I remember!

Daily writing prompt
Do you remember life before the internet?


Seeing how, so far, I’ve witnessed a tad more than 40% of my life and times unfolding; whilst both playing and working without a Net (both metaphorically and literally / doncha just luv idiomatic wordplay?); yes and alas, I do recall that bygone era rather vividly.

It’s my belief that we humans do tend to develop and harbor a fondness for whatever we’re most familiar with. Indeed, such reveries might even serve us well; i.e., as some sort of comfort zone.

And tho I’d rather shut out some chapters from my autobiography (e.g. instances of being grade school bullied and workplace / sweatshop abused), other chapters’ happenings weren’t all that bad; might even qualify as the good old days.

Factoring in the ill-mannered nature of how life has been playing out upon our contemporary, ecologically and ideologically imperiled world stage… well…

It’s easy to see how, by comparison, one can yearn for the far less complicated days of yore.

But, what else can you expect from a Boomer, such as I; other than my fondness for… oh… say…

  • truly breathtaking, non-light polluted, dark night skies; where even the faintest, flickers of starlight were naked eye observable; all ready, willing and able to (in the lyrical words of composers Carole King and Gerry Goffin) “put on a show for free!”
  • quaint, charming business districts, involving-not, the sprawling malls but, rather, spanning the four corners epicenter of my lifelong, garden variety, small town; where it was commonplace to witness shopkeepers locking up their doors in order to get home by the 6 bells supper hour; where, save for the Mom and Pop grocery stores, most other retailers shut down, entirely, on Sundays; thereby, ushering in genuine article, days of rest for the vast majority of our town folk to enjoy.

I remember well, our nuclear family of four all lounging around the living room; perusing the much thicker, weekend newspaper edition; eventually everyone trading off completed sections; maybe even engaging in some over the shoulder admiration / kibitzing whilst Dad filled in the NY Times crossword puzzle (in ink… no less).

Mom’s Sunday suppers typically plated savory pot roast slices; inclusive of the onion imbued spuds, carrots and sliced green beans and green peppers; everything swimming in an ocean of rich brown gravy; to be sopped up with (still warm from the oven) sliced, homemade bread. Granted, such fare could never be deemed health food, but hey, as an almost septuagenarian I’m still live and kickin’.

And tho we had not been regular churchgoers, there was one superstar priest, Father G., whose masses certainly qualified as never miss and must-see-hear. I mean (irreverently speaking) this dude could really kick sermon butt. For example, one sweltering summer Sunday, his entire homily’s delivery run time could easily pass muster as some 2023 YouTube short. His clever content hit home so impressively that, even six decades later; I can rattle it all off; his sentiments going along these lines…

“It’s really hot this morning. Never forget there’s a much hotter place awaiting all unrepentant sinners. End of sermon.”

To aptly wrap this all up, let’s check out this oldie but goodie, Paul McCartney produced, Boris Fomin / Gene Raskin composed lyrical couplet (as popularized by vocalist extraordinaire Mary Hopkin)…

“Those were the days, my friend, we thought they’d never end.”

And with both that sermon’s and song’s sentiments duly noted…

End of Post!




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Sketchy King Kink’s Sketch


Preface: Is there even 1 soul out 8 billion who could not correctly ID King Kink?

Russkies claim King Kink craves watersports; Pee-Pee! Pee-Pee! Pee-Pee!
He hobnobs oft with Klansmen kooks; Creepy! Creepy! Creepy!
He’s deadbeat who stiffs hired hands: Cheapy! Cheapy! Cheapy!
His corrupt cronies hike price tags; Steepy! Steepy! Steepy!

He lost term two, still streams croc tears: Weepy, Weepy! Weepy!
His screechy screeds F-Bomb his foes; Bleepy! Bleepy! Bleepy!
His projected psyche brands poor Joe; Sleepy! Sleepy! Sleepy!
Past Twitter-Twaddle, birdbrained Tweets; Cheepy! Cheepy! Cheepy!

Almost gallows hanged his number two; VeePee! VeePee! VeePee!
His patsies’ scat crapped U.S. Cap; Heapy! Heapy! Heapy!
Under rugs he hides Top Secret docs; Sweepy! Sweepy! Sweepy!
In indictments he’s inundated: Deepy! Deepy! Deepy!




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










My “A” to the What R U Good At “Q”

Daily writing prompt
What are you good at?


While, with the acquisition of the requisite college accreditation OR adequate OJT, it’s my belief that, given enough time, I could become good at nearly anything I set my mind to, there are two, existing disciplines where (said with tongue-in-cheek) I’m a legend in my own mind? (j/k I hope!)

That’d be…

Adeptly running all ten of my fingers across two vastly dissimilar keyboards.

I’m speaking of my…

  • Computer, where I type out nearly all my blogs’ op-eds, prose and poetry; by and large, for express purpose of venting my frustration towards an infamous, malignant narcissist; amply demonstrating my utter contempt for him / his entire MAGA movement, which to say the very least, has absolutely nothing to do with making America great again.

To say a bit more… especially on this Memorial Day 2023, where true patriots honor and mourn all of our soldiers who, from our nearly two and one half centuries ago Revolutionary War, onward, made the ultimate sacrifice while preserving, protecting and defending democracy and freedom (domestically and worldwide). Ironically, it’s these warriors’ very courageousness and selflessness; their very graves, which MAGA quislings spit at.

To say the most…

I hadn’t fully recognized the true depth of my lifelong love for my homeland UNTIL Donald J. Trump, that Anti-American, autocratic freak; that treasonous bastard had attempted HIS January 6th, coup d’état; barked out HIS fight like hell, attack democracy orders; promptly marched HIS sycophantic, robotic, freakshow private army of wind-up soldiers (insurrectionist traitors all) towards the U.S. Capitol; where, absolutely on HIS behalf, they went on a destructive and deadly rampage; did their damnedest to spread HIS (and their own) fascist fecal matter all over America; in some instances, quite literally!

From that darkest day, onward…

I’ve made it my solemn vow to never rest easy; to not be silenced until EITHER the day that Donald J. Trump is finally held fully accountable for his high treason (and punished accordingly) OR until the day I die; whichever comes first!

That duly noted, let’s end this post on a more positive note…

The second keyboard that I’m speaking of involves my…

  • Acoustic and electric pianos; where I’m at liberty to freely explore and hone both my fake book reading and self-taught, play-by-ear skills; the resultant, feel good music both feeding and soothing my soul. And, considering life’s rocky road ahead (e.g., the 2024 presidential campaign trail) I will be depending, likely solely, on that soul soothing effect to stay sane?




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










The “Having It All” Good Life

Daily writing prompt
What does “having it all” mean to you? Is it attainable?


Whether one is attempting to erect an actual, cleanly constructed, ultra-modern house or establish the cutting-edge, clean, “having it all” good life, one must start out with a stable foundation; in other words…

Humans must be able to live out their lives standing atop a level playing field, global society; one where societal referees’ whistles tweet and penalty flags fly skyward at the first whiff of discrimination’s foul play. We’re speaking of a wondrous society that’s built soundly upon sobriety; one where rational, national leaders, unflinchingly, settle conflicts via the brains over brawn approach; one where time honored physical and respectable political science are both venerated (e.g. where, without fail, leaders heed both Mother Nature’s cogent, learned climate change warning signs and Lady Liberty’s impassioned pleas to maintain democracy and decency / civility.

Of course, successfully constructing a sound, stable foundation also depends, decidedly, upon a social structure where the only applicable labels are good or bad; when such assessments are only made by cooler, wiser heads (perhaps a jury of one’s peers?). More to the point, where we are NEVER judged based upon our skin’s melanin content, ethnicity, accent, native tongue, preferred pronouns (re gender identification and/or sexual orientation), aptitude and chosen (honorable) profession(s); judged not even by our age, infirmities, eye / hair color, height, weight, left and/or right handedness, etc.

Need I say more? Yeah, I’ll say more…

I’d hope, with every strand of my own DNA, that everyone can both behold and believe in this big picture; and, even better, that ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent of us would be both honored and thrilled to stand atop such a common sense, rock solid foundation!


IF all that I’ve typed, so far, (plus any other vital issues that may have slipped thru my typing fingers), somehow, and sometime soon, can all become routinely, interwoven into our societal fabric; IF the vast majority of Earth’s now 8 Billion souls can play by all of these life enriching ground rules, THEN… a virtual drum roll. please…

Voilà!!! There would rarely, if ever, be any upper limits to how high humankind could soar.

Indeed, the attainability of the “having it all” good life, and (by extension) the establishment of an entire, glorious, exhilarating, stimulating, invigorating, electrifying and mind blowing society would, most assuredly, wind up carved in stone!

And best of all, “having it all” would be deemed every honorable person’s, impregnated in the DNA, birthright!




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









The Conversation of a Lifetime

Daily writing prompt
Who would you like to talk to soon?

My “A” to that “Q” would be the Cosmic Custodian; the Mistress / Master of the Multiverse; or, all summed up neatly and a tad more reverently…


And I would hope that the prerequisite for such a confab would not, necessarily, involve my dying.

Anyway, I’d attempt to keep my quips and questions to a minimum but, based upon the complexity and grave nature of our worldly woes, keeping such vow would likely be impossible. Our conversation would commence with a bit of a concession…

I do reckon that you’ve likely been staging your Fatherly, on the QT, interventions to prevent us, your children, from totally annihilating ourselves, YET, wherever we look, there seems to be no end to the chronic human suffering and abject misery. What the hell is preventing you from really, Really, REALLY putting your foot down?

You know, to, once and for all, render impossible the rise and spread of authoritarianism, racism, sexism, classism, ageism, narcissism and materialism (on steroids); as well as every other horrifying “ism” known to humankind! In other words, how about unleashing your own, considerable power to topple all of the power and land grabbing, money grubbing freedom choking, nuclear saber rattling Trumps and Putins; that inane and insane ilk, who only lives to lord over their ill-gotten, obscene wealth and drool all over their overrun nations’ real estate.

Why can’t you convince the gaggle of insufferable multibillionaires that they’ve already accumulated more wealth than they could ever, possibly piss away if they were cocaine / heroine addicts and shopaholics, who lived to be 50,000 years old. Why is it that you cannot ensure that conscientious, common-folk, who want and need to work full time, can secure living wage jobs with decent benefits? Why is it that health care for all, cannot be regarded as the birthright that it is?

Why did you grant the coronavirus free rein to go on its debilitating and deadly worldwide rampage; to fatally infect the (known), nearly seven million souls, AND, simultaneously, fail to fully motivate world leaders to motivate the citizenry to take the necessary, life saving precautions (such as sheltering at home, social distancing and masking up publicly).

Why can’t minority groups be afforded all the other birthrights; to name a few more, equality, life, liberty and justice for all?

Why can’t we convince all of our leaders that catastrophic climate change is real and looming; that we are stomping so damned many of our carbon footprints all over the good Earth that we’ll (sooner that we think) be condemned to exist within an inhospitable world that’ll, in all likelihood, morph humanity into an endangered species.

Well, at about that juncture, I’d begin to suspect that our Mistress / Master of the Multiverse might be growing weary of me; so, I’d quickly save the rest of my questions and quips for another day, HOWEVER…

Not before expressing my final, for the day, desperation fueled, heartfelt plea for help…

Dear God, IF you don’t feel it’s within your purview to directly, interminably stage such interventions, can you, bare minimum, at the very least, school and spur-on a sufficient number of us mortals; embolden us to take on this Herculean DIY Task? Perhaps you could help us heighten our own powers of persuasion and hone our communications skills; so we can more effectively spread the life saving, good word (or gospel, as it were).


And speaking of the good word…


Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Enemas o’ the State: BumperStickerBlog


MAGA freaks find / poop forth odoriferous ideology (aka
Trumpian talking points) with such, ahem, regularity, it’s
EZ to reckon they’re agile, heads-up-butts contortionists!




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










An Encapsulation of NASA’s Capsules


Preface: The current, sorry state of stateside, ideolological and meteorological conditions finds me feeling nostalgiic for America’s, bygone Glory Days; perhaps, best exemplified by NASA’s can-do spirit, which energized their sixties era space program. Granted, such launches did burn up tax dollars that could’ve been better allocated to feed the hungry, end poverty and cure diseases, etc.

However… the tab NASA had ran up does pale in comparison to the untold tax dollars, which the military-industrial complex pisses away, annually; to wage their countless, needless, endless, genocidal wars; to mindlessly maim and murder; to spill oceans of red blood and red ink. And let’s not forget the gross, gargantuan Trumpian tax breaks for billionaires, either; all tantamount to welfare for the obscenely wealthy.

All the sudden… the peaceful exploration of outer space doesn’t sound so wasteful. That now duly noted, let’s check out the following, dedicated to NASA’s Yankee Ingenuity, vers libre…


As a young’un, my eyes had become
glued to my family’s B&W Zenith TV;
watching NASA’s Project Mercury and
Gemini orbital missions blasting off!

Cape Canaveral’s (later Cape Kennedy’s)
launch pads figuratively, and quite literally,
were aka the hottest of American hot spots;
flaming rockets sparking our imaginations!

NASA’s Project Apollo followed; sending,
moon-ward bound, astronaut teams of 3;
their very first manned Saturn rocket
blasting off back in December of ’68!

6 trailblazers later, 2 of them flew and
landed the spidery looking LEM; that
feat allowing both of them to set their
feet on the surface of that alien world!

Alas… the general public’s interest in
moon missions waned; the bad news:
so did US congressmen’s; so much so,
they opted to 86 NASA appropriations!

The good news; soon afterwards, they
A-OK’d funding for the Space Shuttle!.
Hmm, since the lawmen were only half
mean, does that mean they 43’d NASA?




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









A Latter-Day Leftists’ Lexicon?


Ever since a particularly peculiar, narcissistic, fascistic bastard’s downward escalator ride (circa 2015), I’ve oft found myself lamenting over the unnerving reality that we, the wordsmiths of the Queen’s English (now corrected to the era of Charles) King’s English; with increasingly annoying frequency, are finding ourselves sorely in need of updated to Trumpian Troubled Times terminology and, yes, at times, even idiomatic vernacular.

I’ve done my level best to level out DJT’s lopsided, oft turned upside down political playing field by thinking up / proposing seven brand spanking new, alphabetized, lexicon entries (in a few instances inclusive of plausible etymology).

Check ‘em all out…

.con (dot con): (note the clever “n” for “m” switcheroo) A proposed new, top-level domain (TLD) in the Internet’s Domain Name System (DNS); one that’s reserved, exclusively, for Trumpian magnitude (magatude?) liars, grifters, thugs and (last but not least) mucked up in the mind, wear out the White House welcome mat, treasonous insurrectionists.

ignoranus: (note, once again, the clever “n” for “m” switcheroo) an alternate term specifically to refer to all rear end magnitude, (magatude?) MAGA maggots and/or malcontents and/or morons and/or minions.

magaphone: (corruption of megaphone); A metaphorical inanity/ insanity / fury fueled, voice amplification method; actually an outgrowth of / building upon the snotty, snooty, whiny, puerile / spoiled brat / elitist contention that, regardless of the hardcore right wing talking point(s), a MAGA maniac can win every argument (every last damned time) simply by [1] going batcrap crazy and [2] arguing / babbling / howling / growling / screeching at the top of his/her lungs; in other words, they’re right every last damned time even if / when (especially when) they’re always dead wrong!

magatude: (likely a contraction of MAGA and ‘tude) (possibly a bastardized spelling of magnitude) a term specifically concocted to more realistically illustrate the ferocity, intensity and severity of MAGA’s always over the top, rude, crude attitudes about every last godforsaken, irrelevance known to human-unkind.

nitwork: an airing or steaming fascistic network run by autocratic, talking head propagandist nitwits; in particular, the peculiar dyed in the wool, entrenched, hardliner, intransigent, reactionary, rigid, ultraconservative, uncompromising Trump suck-ups.

MAGA Farta: a flatulent, gaseous charter arising / wafting off from King Don John’s john / throne; its certifiably Anti-Magna Carta content expressly designed to cancel / burn down democracy and decency; as in (today) nationwide / (tomorrow) worldwide

Triple-T: (T³ for the more mathematically inclined); An abbreviation for Trumpian Troubled Times

In closing, my shout out / challenge: to the wordsmiths, wordplay buffs, punsters, Scrabble aficionados, et al, worldwide. I’d like to now tap into the creative brilliance of you, my WP subscribers, readers and neighbors. Let’s see how many liberal leaning, sociopolitically relevent entries we can brainstorm. If you’re up to the challenge, please post your contributions in the comment section.

Who knows? We might even wind up with sufficient content to transform this project into… oh… say… a thick dictionary, my working title:

The Latter-Day Leftists’ Lexicon




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Personal Belongings: Odes to Loneliness

Daily writing prompt
What personal belongings do you hold most dear?


From my preschool years, onward… to the very moment I’m typing this, music has freed up an overwhelming, out of this world force in my life; be my playing it passively; via turntables, tape decks, CD players and YouTube videos; be it actively in my role as a self taught, by ear, novice pianist.

Most assuredly, this marvel had become even more noteworthy after elementary and middle school bullies had top prioritized ruining my entire life and driving me out of my mind and into exile.

To survive their verbal abuse and physical attacks; I began hiding out / languishing IN MY ROOM; an experience portrayed (uncannily so) by Beach Boy composer / lyricist Brian Wilson (and his collaborators); all within their ode to devastating, heartbreaking loneliness (of that identical, above in caps, three worded, actively linked title).

In essence… most of the recording artists, of that epoch (as well as the AM/FM DJs who played their songs), had become my surrogate friends. Hell, the vinyl 45s and LPs, themselves, were fully capable of morphing into disembodied companions, “who” I could easily visit via my turntable.

What all of that had taught me is how listening to music can evoke and energize my memories / emotions so powerfully that it’s almost like stepping into a time machine; where intense flashbacks of each, past temporal destination enable my ability to re-experience my past; with such realism (surrealism?) that even the most joyous lyrics, upbeat scores can cause tears to well up in my eyes; tears of sadness re the bullying; tears of joy re the way I was (effectively?) coping with all that crap.

As a more contemporary footnote…. many of us, now find ourselves horrified by empowered bullies (aka) “our” loco national, state and local leaders; authoritarians hellbent on going on anti-woke, goose stepping rampages.

Their heinous mission, to ban, even burn all honorably, honestly authored books; you know, the type of literature that can readily expose them as the fascistic, psychotic ignoraNuses (<— not a typo) who they absolutely are.

Undoubtedly… if it’s not already high on these bastards’ shit list / Hit List, their next targeted woke” items will be the Hit Parade. For those, who always go online, to listen to, perhaps even dance to their fave music, once despotism rears its butt ugly head, they can expect their cherished “libraries” to suddenly, stunningly disappear; as within the very nanosecond that it’d take to Hit the Interwebs Kill Switch!

Ergo, for anyone, who may be of the same mindset as mine, you’ll, undoubtedly, now be doing the utmost to protect your own hard copy record library; feel as passionate a loyalty to your preserved on vinyl and compact disc fave recordings as you feel for your fave flesh and blood friends.

In wrapping up this post… I do know my final proclamation will be no exaggeration; namely…

  • Music has always been there to save my life; and will continue to do so; till the day I inhale my last gasp of sweet oxygen.
  • Hence, my entire music library tops the short list of my most prized, dearest personal belongings.




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!








