Take Out Orders


As horrifying and dishonorable as Donald J. Trump’s (fortunately failed) coup d’état had been… still is… and shall forever be… we (who still cherish all the good things our Founding Fathers had secured for themselves and posterity) have been granted (at least) a twofold heads-up.

  • DJT’s hardcore cultist terrorists will follow his orders, unconditionally.
  • His bid for a 2024 reelection, WIN or LOSE, will be the death of us all!

Let’s do the pre-postmortem…

Victory means Trump and his legislative cronies will make gutting the U.S. Constitution of its 22nd Amendment their top priority. If they succeed, gone will be that stipulation (words to the effect): “Hey mister prez, once your second term is over, get the F out!” At that juncture, Trump, in the role of the till-death-do-us-part tyrant, will force the death of America.

Defeat means that, once again, Trump’s narcissism triggered, sore loser persona will re-emerge (if it had ever, even gone away in the first place). In his debilitated state of mind, he’ll reinstate his fraudulent voter fraud claim AND, with his outrage at its acme, he’ll bark out his Take Out Orders to his cultists; who, in turn, will do their damnedest to, on his behalf, force the death of America.

That sure as hell evokes a most unpalatable connotation to the mostly restaurant-specific phrase:

Take Out Orders



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Site-Seers Incited?


Most any platform’s site-seers, can act quite mysterious
They’ll not “Like” posters’ posts? Yet “Follow”? How curious!
Doth the content they view, ever make them feel furious?
Incite backlash towards bloggers, that could prove injurious?



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Fortune Cookie Blog: Roadmap Found?


The rare, accident free, four-way stop intersection may yield
humankind both the very roadmap we so desperately need
and the glimmer of hope we long for; that the establishment
and maintenance of a civil, viable society is still within reach.
Naturally, our triumph will be contingent upon our eagerness;
deftness at evolving/interweaving rarity into everyday reality.




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Any Shoes Can Shoo the Blues


Subtitle: A Non-Deceptive Trip Down the Garden Path


Scant days ago, while blogging about homophones, I wound up with these concessions…

  • Einsteinian Canon won’t allow us time travel to relive better days of yore.
  • Trumpian Cannons won’t permit us to travel normally ISO a brighter future.
  • Be it the “n” or “nn” homophone, our society stagnates in the here and now.

Well, since then, I’ve discovered a kinda / sorta loophole around such blanket statements; how the meteorological path can help lead the way. This is tantamount to a how-to-come-true where, for at least for a fleeting moment, we can defeat such defeatism.

For starters, let’s talk a bit more about the weather.

No sooner had our northern hemisphere’s Autumnal Equinox arrived than, for two consecutive days, both the barometer and mercury had plummeted; resulting in utterly miserable conditions (gloomy blue / gray storm clouds, 15cm / 6in rains, 10ºC / 50ºF temps).

Well, yesterday, glorious summer-like weather had returned; affording me / my Michiganian compatriots a much needed and welcomed respite. And seeing how our waterlogged soil had precipitated the growth of both my lawn and shrubbery, I headed out to tend to the grounds keeping; duties I normally view as drudgery.

But not yesterday.

In short, suddenly, magically, all of the pandemic’s debilitating and deadly ramifications; the entirety of our global sociopolitical / socioeconomic woes (inclusive of my homeland’s recent brush with a Trumpian coup d’état) had been cancelled out by the warm, comforting sunbeams.

I found myself losing myself in the normalcy of it all.

And I’m confident that you, too, can experience such a phenomenon. If you’ve yet to travel a similar, mind over matter path, I highly recommend you lace up your athletic shoes.

Hell, any shoes can shoo the blues.

In the immortal words of Nike™ “Just Do It”; and I’d add, the sooner the better.

By the bye, should anyone wish to read, in its entirety, my past post, titled “The “n” and “nn” Homophones”, the path to my homepage’s linked, September 2021 Archive will get you there.



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What Makes a Man a Man?

Today, let’s start off with a multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanker…

If you hang around a particular, video sharing platform for more than three minutes, tops, you’re bound to bump into an oddball who’s “occupation” is best described as _________:

  • A. adman
  • B. madman
  • C. nadman
  • D. all the above

If you chose “D”, go to the head of the class.

Typically, his insufferable ads begin with him spilling his spiel…

“Testosterone is what makes a man a man.”

Typically, his “well duh” “revelation” triggers my recollection of an apt, bygone, screenplay retort…

“Geeze, you figured that out Sherlock.”

Actor Jack Lemmon • Character John Gustafson • From film Grumpy Old Men

Seriously, what middle school graduate wouldn’t already know that?

This nameless dude (Hey, let’s call him Sherlock) actually considers himself to be some sorta leading authority on… on…

Well, while I won’t aid and abet his con by working his side of the street, suffice to say, he’s been doing his damnedest to sucker in gullible, roly-poly, past middle age guys, who’ve been “hanging” around whatever love nest(s) they’ve been frequenting.

Anyway, Sherlock appears oblivious to how his speaking with authority is only coming across as off-putting arrogance. And, seeing how he neither trots out a medical degree nor, bare minimum, dons a white lab coat, it’s highly unlikely he’s a qualified physician or even a dietician.

Oh, by the bye, his on cam attire is way too dress casual. He’s nearly in the buff (topless) (and no buff bodybuilder is he).

Truth be told, a Saturday Night Live, hilarious send-up could not upstage what he does in dead seriousness.

To keep it all real, Sherlock has been manufacturing a solution to a problem that’s a non-problem. Stripping this down to the bare-bones, Mother Nature prefers her procreators to be physically fit and under age 40. And therein is the main reason why she slows 40+ guys down.

Yeah, sure, most couples do know that it’s not always about making babies; that there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with people staying active up till the very end.

Yet, Ma Nature would disagree.

Going beyond that, the way Sherlock demeans the male gender is offensive to me. I do consider myself more than a “Y” chromosome.

In spite of that, what’s truly astounding, here, is how Sherlock has, actually, inadvertently, sleuthed the very, driving force that, from time immemorial, has hammered in needless, incalculable human suffering; the bloody, no-win wars, torture, sexual violence, enslavement, ethnic cleansing, persecution, hyperpartisanship, workplace posturing, road rage, anti-maskism, anti-vaxxism, Trumpism, etc.:

“Testosterone is what makes a man a man.”



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The “n” and “nn” Homophones


Be the homophones spelled with an “n” or “nn”, American society appears to be stuck with a most ungainly, uncompromising, temporal predicament.

Re that “n”, we find Einsteinian Canon precluding time travel to past eras; the type of good old days we’d find far more comforting; i.e, when compared to our present-day news cycles dominated by reportage of the Covid-19 pandemic, environmental ruin, no-win wars, threats to women’s rights / civil rights / human rights, police brutality, looming fascism, insurrection conspiracies, hyper-partisan politics and anti-vaxxers / anti-maskers / Karens (of all genders) gone wild.

In other words, be the historical accounts printed out between the covers of our official, honestly authored textbooks or handed down from generation to generation, via familial folklore (in the most myth-free sense of that word), we can only yearn for days of yore; not actually return to them.

Re that “nn”, we find the Trumpian Cannons. Oh, to be sure, we speaketh not of the literal cannons and cannonballs, but none of us should be whewing, “That’s a relief”, either.

  • We must NEVER forget how anti-American Donald J. Trump’s anti-American insurrectionists had violated and attacked the U.S. Capitol; had been armed with loaded handguns, shotguns and rifles; not to mention large-capacity ammunition feeding devices, stun guns, machetes, crossbows, Molotov cocktails, bats, flagpoles (with Old Glory still attached), crutches, skateboards, camouflage smoke devices, chemical sprays, fire extinguishers; not to mention zip-tie handcuffs and a hangman’s gallows; not to mention their weaponizing human excrement.
  • We must NEVER forget the resultant death and destruction, which Trump and his terrorists are totally responsible for.

And seeing how that rioting mob, in all likelihood, will be facing down little, if any, punishment; how no one (as of my posting time) has had the spine to haul Trump’s considerable Fascist fanny before even one honest to God judge, once again, as usual, we find that traitor to America giddily and WRONGFULLY claiming exoneration.

While none of these domestic terrorists have, in actuality, halted the hands of time, the net temporal effect is identical. It all distills down to how Donald J. Trump’s backwardness halts, dead in its tracks, nearly all advancement of American society.

So, let’s check out the damned Catch-22 in a nutshell…

  • Einsteinian Canon won’t allow us time travel to relive better days of yore.
  • Trumpian Cannons won’t permit us to travel normally ISO a brighter future.
  • Be it the “n” or “nn” homophone, our society stagnates in the here and now.

Factoring in how too damned many insufferable, alleged world leaders have been parroting DJT’s bleated, moronic, CYA catch phrases (e.g., “fake news” and “witch hunt”) AND have been aping his deplorable, despotic deeds, would the following be a foregone conclusion…

As goes America so goes the world?

Wherever we dwell, let’s do the utmost to prevent such a dreary, dreadful destiny.


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Is there anybody out there?


This being, being a bedazzled, naked eye and telescopically enhanced sky watcher, I’m aware that even the light polluted night sky can still invite the “Big Q”…

  • Is there anybody out there?

Or another variation of this…

  • Are we the only “intelligent” beings within this vast sea of stars?

Well, however we may phrase the sentiment, a renown, bygone astrophysicist and moonlighting screenplay writer thrice scripted a most suitable “A”…

“The universe is a pretty big place. If it’s just us, seems like an awful waste of space.”

Carl Sagan/Ann Druyan • 1997 film Contact • read the storyline synopsis, spoilers included, HERE
Line delivered (in scripted order) by actors David Morse, Matthew McConaughey and Jodi Foster

Building on that premise, the inevitable follow up “Q” becomes…

  • Why haven’t alien races made their presence known by… oh… say… paying us a visit?

Alas (long sigh) that “A” is inescapably obvious…

As ADVANCED as these extraterrestrials would need to be to have mastered interstellar space travel… well… it’s that very, in all caps, italicized A-word, which affords us the “Q’s” “A”.

I mean, what advanced, levelheaded civilization would ever opt to rub elbows with us (if they, indeed, have elbows)?

Not when they’d be fully aware of how too damned many Earthlings have abandoned:

  • Peace: by empowering insane leaders who’ll have access to nuclear arsenals
  • Liberty-Equality-Justice: by trying to install narcissistic, fascistic sore losers
  • Civility: by giving free rein to serial killers, who shoot up schools & churches
  • Public Health: by refusing to mask & vax-up during a deadly, global pandemic
  • Ecology: by letting corporations prolong our suicidal, fossil fuel dependence
  • Decency: by discriminating against, dehumanizing and alienating terrestrials

Even if interstellar travelers were invaders they’d still avoid us. I mean, why bother conquering the human race… ahem… when we’re doing a bang up job all on our very own, eh?


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Gutsy Moves


Intro: Please note that if there is (or has recently been) a life or death medical crisis within your family / close circle of friends, perhaps, it’d be best not to read any further. As for all others who’ve clicked by, the following account has been culled from my family’s personal History Book; backdated to this very day, 33 years ago…


My father, having feared the worst, had delayed colon cancer surgery for at least half a decade.

Long sigh…

September 6, 1988 had no sooner arrived than another of his medical issues, congestive heart failure, had worsened; thereby necessitating two ambulance rides, initially, to our local hospital, ultimately, to a much better staffed and equipped, out of town facility.

At that point, whenever his internist had made his rounds, he had tried his very best to coax my dad into making a more gutsy move; the good doctor saying (words to the effect),

“Seeing how your heart situation has been stabilized and you’re already hospitalized, anyway, why not schedule your long overdue operation?”

And so, September 20, 1988 became “The Day”.

However, no sooner had his surgeon begun the procedure, than he had realized the metastasizing tumors had left him little choice but to wave the white flag.

Further complicating matters, my dad had intentionally left blank his pre-surgical paperwork’s advanced directives section, and his resultant, by default, Full Code status meant that were anything to go wrong, his doctors were required to do everything humanly possible to keep their patient alive.

And everything did go wrong! Big Time Wrong! In essence, my father had died on the operating table; with only hospital heroics wresting his lifeless body from the Grim Reaper’s cold clammy clutches.

Within the hour, his surgeon, in no mood to mince his words, informed me that the best, most merciful thing that could’ve possibly happened to my dad, that morning, would’ve been his dying.

Nonetheless, for the next six weeks, my family and I kept on wallowing in our shared, irrational belief that, if given a chance, our family patriarch would overcome his ventilator dependence and rally, sufficiently, to go home.

  • The Good News: My dad, albeit briefly, was able to breathe, anew, on his own.
  • The Bad News: He had emerged from his ordeal in a horrifying state of mind.

His only sounds, which even remotely resembled sentience / human communication were his yawns.

One of his nurses confided that the phalanx of ICU physicians had formulated two possible diagnoses. Either the cancer had metastasized to my dad’s brain or his likely cancerous liver could not even begin to process the dozens of dangerously interacting pharmaceuticals; all of which had rendered him, for lack of a better phrase, stoned out of his mind.

Well, my dad did finally make it back home, but, alas, this was not his Earthly home.

And such an outcome had only been feasible once his exasperated surgeon had prevailed upon us to make one helluva gutsy move. He had encouraged us (my word choice) to see the light; to morph his patient from Full to No Code; to permit my dad to go into the light (as it were).

Truth told, hospital heroics had been the ONE and ONLY reason my father had managed to stay alive; i.e., if being tethered to an ICU bed, wigged out on Rx drugs and ventilator dependent even qualifies as being alive.

What all of this had actually meant was that we, his family, could’ve picked and chosen any day for him to die. And it’s difficult not to consider September 20, 1988, as the day my father had actually died.

My parting wisdom…

What life and death taught me, 33 years ago, today, is no less applicable today.

  • To varying degrees, major surgery is never free of inherent risks.
  • O.R. bound patients must always convey their advanced directives.
  • Full Code is for patients with a good chance for a complete recovery.
  • Full Code for those with poor chances, can lead to a quasi-living Hell!



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If you’re finding life lacking…


Let’s take a moment to consider, compare and contrast our lots in life…

• What of the pathetic, idiotic, opportunistic online sponsors, who actually believe toenail fungus, tummy flab, testosterone deficits and improperly textured turds trump our far more serious, worldwide woes.

To name but a few, how about the KNOWN, SO FAR, nearly 5 million Covid-19 deaths and how, too damned many of our human family members have been facing down nutritional and educational starvation; grotesque systemic racism; fascism setting up shop within the most unlikely places (e.g., within Trumpian America) and, last but not least, how climate change (quite literally) is burning down our entire planet.

• What of the willful, anything-for-a-buck webmasters, who throw their platform doors wide open to any and all creepy, deep pocketed sponsors who just happen by; all sans any apparent vetting processes, which could better assess the safety / efficacy of those huckstered snake-oil potions; peer review those how-to manuals and run criminal background checks / judge the legality of those “professionals” and their touted “services”.

In other words, just how many of those sponsors are akin to societal Lemmings / Lemons?

And, speaking of that latter “L” word, do check out this time honored, well-known proverb…

“When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”

Elbert Green Hubbard (June 19, 1856 – May 7, 1915) [Read More Here]

And, speaking of that lemonade, might any of those sponsors and webmasters be in imminent need of prison orange jumpsuits? This doth smack of a solution to the ever-growing problem, at hand; also calls for the practical application of…

The law of supply and demand!

To say the very least, it’d behoove any animal wranglers and clothiers who may happen by, today, or anytime in the near future, to go the carpe diem route.

So, have my observations served as a mood elevator to anyone in need? If nothing else, I’d hope one or two of you would welcome my working this sector of the WordPress multiverse pro bono.




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