Remembering Our First Job


Most of us can fondly recall the very first time we ever heard those magic words, “You’re hired!” In our younger days, when our résumés presented no appreciable work history, landing that first job depended more upon how well we had answered the interviewer’s questions… especially those queries specifically designed to help evaluate the level of each applicant’s work ethic, intellectual curiosity and personal integrity.

Indeed, to harbor such virtues was (hopefully still is) to earn each prospective boss’s trust… allay her/his legitimate concerns that we might be unable to meet the company’s expectations.

Of course, next came our very first day on the job… typically starting with the probationary phase where we’d remain under the constant, watchful gaze of superiors… where it’d be totally up to us to prove and improve our talents… to meet and exceed said expectations… in short… to earn our keep.

Well, nowadays, when it comes down to “hiring” / electing our representatives to government positions… well… long sigh… sad to say… it seems that expectations-wise, the bar has become set really, Really, REALLY low.

For proof, one need not look far. There’s an extraordinarily, inexperienced new hire punching the Oval Office time clock. If he, indeed, actually possesses even a minimally genuine work ethic, even a smattering of intellectual curiosity and one milligram of personal integrity… well… he’s certainly doing his very damnedest to totally deep six any evidence such virtues exist within his psyche. More to the point…

  1. So far… he has taken an inordinate number of (golfing) breaks, which I suppose is not all bad. After all, it’s whenever he IS “on the job” that the real damage begins. His idea of “a job well done” is to mass-produce chaos. More specifically… his battle plan is to unleash economic and ecological devastation… belittle and browbeat society’s young, disabled, aged and ailing… taunt, demean, objectify and assault women… harass and dehumanize the LGBTQ community… ratchet up racial and religious intolerance… exploit and crush the working poor… promote and proliferate corrupt corporations and cronyism… inculcate, abroad, feelings of distrust, disgust and flat-out hatred towards America, which can only trigger more terrorist attacks, conventional warfare and perhaps even thermonuclear exchange / mutual assured destruction (MAD).
  2. So far… his cocksure, Mr. Know-It-All bluster all but ensures the permanence of his closed minded, ignorance. Indeed, he exhibits an absolute unwillingness to learn one damned thing and possesses / is possessed by a resolve to fight off, tooth and nail, anyone even attempting to educate him.1
  3. So far… be it his improper upbringing / arrested development or his being a sociopath… he cannot even be trusted to know the difference between right and wrong… that amply proven by his own relentless attempts to quash FBI director James Comey’s investigation of the whole effing mess re Russia… and then firing said director for not knuckling under.

Remembering Our First Job, again, I now ask you, if any of us had ever, similarly, turned our workplaces upside down, don’t you think we’d have been called on the carpet? Maybe even heard the words, “You’re fired!”?

Oh, what a shame that there’s no such probationary period during which an utter failure of a prez could be pink-slipped. Oh, what a pity we cannot utter #45’s favorite “You’re Fired” catchphrase and then promptly show him the door.

Regrettably, impeachment and removal from office is a task left up to the U.S. Senate and House… both legislative bodies, at present, suffering from Republican majorities and inhabited with spineless, pathetic old men. Very few of them could ever be counted on to prioritize patriotism over petty partisanship AND may even share some (if not all) of #45’s deplorable character flaws. Needless to say, left unchecked, the so-called prez will continue hammering away at America and our world until there’s nothing left.

That means, Vladimir Putin permitting, our next opportunity to “drain the swamp” and elect new respectable, responsible legislators and a new, respectable, responsible president won’t arrive (respectively) until 2018 and 2020.

That’s when my blog title, Remembering Our First Job, will take on a far more significant connotation. What this must entail is our NEVER forgetting that, via the ballot box, WE are the bosses of our leaders… NEVER vice versa.

Citizens, not just in America, but also living in every freedom and democracy loving nation, worldwide, must ALWAYS actively participate in each and every new election cycle… view all candidates to be the job applicants they are and then interview and vet them… leaving no stone unturned. To not do so?

Well… as of my blog posting time, in the past, scant six months, we’ve already seen the massive damage done because too many fools had said, “You’re hired” to an entity who, indisputably, is devoid of a genuine work ethic… is sorely lacking an insatiable intellectual curiosity and… when it comes down to possessing a rock solid level of personal integrity… the bogus businessman is morally bankrupt.

Remembering Our First Job is also to fearlessly roar out, “NEVER AGAIN!”



1The former head of the United Negro College Fund, Arthur Fletcher, had summed it up best when he coined the phrase to lament, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste!”


DANGER! Trump, Ryan, McConnell & Roberts’ One Party Rule

Politically speaking, I know the difference between right and left. As the grown-up here, it’s abundantly clear to me that, on Election Day, the children on the right threw a tantrum and wrongfully elected Donald Trump as our their president.

Morally speaking, I know the difference between right and wrong. As a respectable adult, I’m fully aware that I must reject Donald Trump as our their president.

Because I’ve honored the U.S. Constitution’s stipulation calling for an orderly transition of power, I’ve done my patriotic duty… and that’s as far as I’ll go. I must draw the line somewhere! And that means I ABSOLUTELY WILL NOT compromise my ethics the same way Trump and his supporters flip off theirs… that is… if they ever had any true patriotism and solid scruples to begin with.

Under normal circumstances, we, who voted for Hillary Clinton, would mourn for awhile and then shrug off her defeat by saying, “Oh well… better luck next time”… BUT… it’s not as easy as that.

How so?

Mere days ago, the voters did absolutely nothing to safeguard America (and the world) against madman Trump’s wrecking ball. And I’m not being melodramatic when I point out how Dangerous Donny made campaign promises, which will batter, objectify and subjugate women, discriminate against LGBTs, fan the flames of racial and religious intolerance and mock disabled folks… which showcased his ill-conceived plans to plunder our economy and lay waste to Earth’s fragile ecosystem.

These voters cleared away all Constitutional impediments from Dangerous Donny’s path by granting him solid Republican Legislative Branch majorities and, as soon as he fills the vacant seat on the SCOTUS bench, he’ll have a 5-4 Republican majority within the Judicial Branch, too.

Under normal circumstances, even one party rule would be tempered by checks and balances, where (in this instance) the Republican majority… both legislators and judges… would consistently prioritize their patriotism over partisanship.

In other words, IF WHEN Trump does something wrong… they’d fearlessly call him out as flat out wrong.

But, such patriotic and moral traits… such political mettle… NEITHER accurately characterize Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts NOR their sycophantic rightwing colleagues.

So, I can only counter the folly of my American compatriots, who’ve elected Donald Trump… and, worse yet, have granted him absolute power (which will corrupt absolutely) by saying…

My rock solid patriotism and moral compass guide me on the high road.

I will NEVER march in lockstep, alongside them, down their low road… down Donny’s low road, which is strewn with the craggy rocks and boulders of insanity, profanity, stupidity, bigotry, misogyny and gluttony.

Although they are oblivious to the grave reality of the situation of their own making… they have buried America.

After only four years hours of Donald Trump in the Oval Office, for average Janes and Joes (and yes, ironically, that’ll include Trump’s supporters), the American Dream will come to an end… the American Nightmare will begin. As for the phrase, “Oh well… better luck next time”…

Oh well… better luck next time.