Fortune Cookie Blog (Handyman? Not!)


All hands on deck! Regain the upper hand! Let’s wash our hands of the
heavy-handed, chronically ISO clapping hands, tiny handed psychopath,
whose odious ideology/deportment walk hand-in-hand with chaos; who
never extends a helping hand; whose ongoing, under-handed plot is to
handcuff the citizenry; strengthen his stranglehold on absolute power!


Stay Safe! Stay Home! Stay Healthy!





Diagnosis: Virulent COVFEFE-20

PREFACE: Covfefe, Donald J. Trump’s misspelling of “coverage”, was found within one of his vintage, viral tweets, which subsequently, morphed into an Internet meme; which I’ve now repurposed to brand name the wholesale, pandemic magnitude mental illness, which afflicts the raging fake prez and runs rampant throughout his fraudulent administration.

Trump’s Point:

“When somebody’s the President of the United States, the authority is total and that’s the way it’s gotta be.”

My Counterpoint:

That would be Total… as in Total BS… as in Totalitarianism. Trump’s autocratic and arrogant demeanor will prove just as sickening and deadly to the U.S. Constitution as Coronavirus is to the U.S. citizens.

Merriam Webster’s Counterpoint / Definition of Totalitarianism:

“1) centralized control by an autocratic authority. 2) the political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority.”

Trump’s Point:

“The federal government has absolute power.”

John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton’s Counterpoint:

“Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.”


Stay Safe! Stay Home! Stay Healthy! Also Stay On Board with the medical professionals and legal authorities, who always base their health promoting, life saving advice on sound, time honored scientific / medical facts.

It is in everyone’s best interests to…

[1] Scrub hands often (at least 20 seconds each time), [2] Cover all coughs and sneezes, [3] Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth, [4] Observe social distancing protocols (remain at least 2 meters / 6 feet apart [5] Wear protective face masks [6] Avoid large crowds / Socially isolate at home  [7] Self-quarantine if you’re feeling ill and [8] Understand that even though you may feel fine, you can still be infected and spreading this disease to others!