To Adapt Would Be Daft

Daily writing prompt
How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic?


Tho my lead paragraph’s observations are but stray thoughts, such words are still worthy of further deliberation. That said, I do find it intriguing how things, unseen, can both enhance and cancel. Fleshing that out, consider how it has been Job No. 1 for TODAY’S unseen, life taking coronavirus to shut down our lungs’ ability to process the unseen, life giving oxygen. WOW, what a war, huh? On top of that, as we move onward (not necessarily with forward momentum), what about our world of TOMORROW?

How would we even know, for sure, whether or not that invisible to the naked eye microbe has forever “left town” or is, instead, merely on hiatus? You know, taking a breather whilst going undercover; whilst having the time of its life “sexing it up”; and, in the process, birthing brand spanking new variants? And WHAT IF one of those “newborns” turns out so uniquely virulent that it can spank the available vaccines into unconditional surrender?

And, upon factoring in how global warming has been melting down eons old, breeding ground glaciers, there’s no telling what horrors await us once these primordial microbes thaw out! Might they even be the kissing cousins of coronavirus-19, itself? Prove fully capable of cooking up, oh, say, a Covid-28 pandemic… or a 26… or, perhaps, even a 24?

One particular thought that’s even more disconcerting is what those of us, who really give a damn, did learned from ol’ 19; i.e, how, even our need to face down a common, deadly enemy failed (miserably so) at mobilizing and uniting humanity; how, instead, this crisis fueled such a politically partisan shitstorm that its tin foll hat, mad hatter proprietors went batshit crazy.

Few of us truly caring souls can ever banish from our collective memory, how, rather than these (mostly Trumpian) bad actors simply complying with the easiest, life saving pandemic protocols (i.e. masking up / social distancing / sheltering at home) they flat-out refused to react responsibly, in a humane, considerate, compassionate manner. Worse yet, to date, they have yet to own up to the fact that they’ve been dead wrong all along.

Who can ever forget how they doubled down whilst stumbling and staggering about their DIY zombie apocalypse; hopelessly consumed by their Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine drugged hallucinations; totally committed to live out their miserable existences within their fantasy fueled world, even if it killed ’em! And they did wind up needlessly killing themselves; their confederates and compatriots, too; to the tune of 1,218,856 fatalities, to date, within America, alone!

Returning, now, to the Daily Prompt’s query…

How have you adapted to the changes brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic?

I can only answer that question with my key question; plus follow-up parting thoughts…

Would it not be daft to ever adapt to the utterly undesirable, unacceptable dystopian society that Covid-19 bred; hell, is still breeding / shall continue to breed till, perhaps, the end of time, itself?

We, as a society can and must do better. I want no part of that abnormal new normal, folks.

Now, before I self-categorize as disgusted, disillusioned and outta here, do consider this still valid, life saving, pandemic shortening advice…

Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Routine’s Re-Verse ~ Quick Limerick

Daily writing prompt:
What part of your routine do you always try to skip if you can?

You have got to wonder… correction… worry about daily prompt’s authors who suggest even a smattering of convention can still survive within our mucked up, contemporary society; they, who (conveniently?) ignore the recently rewritten new reality… as suggested below…


Be it any town, any home, any store
Be it any wish, any plan, any chore
That ghoulish global pandemic
Snuffs free expression; systemic
Till nothing in life is routine anymore



Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Unforgettable Historical Events

Daily writing prompt
What major historical events do you remember?


My selection of 36 unforgettable historical moments span 60 years (1963-2023) and are bullet pointed in chronological order. Tho these are apt to stir feelings of hopefulness or hopelessness, alas, the bulk of this list gravitates towards the latter. That said…

  • President John F. Kennedy assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald; et al?
  • Televised, live, via the major networks, Jack Ruby guns down Oswald
  • Stateside, the Beatles’ upbeat TV concerts uplift the JFK mourning fog
  • Electrical sparks set Apollo 1 capsule ablaze; ALL 3 astronauts perish
  • Assassinations of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. & Robert F. Kennedy Sr.
  • Detroit Tigers battle back from 3 losses to win the 1968 World Series
  • Apollo 8’s flight to the moon adds dimension to yearend holy holidays
  • Neil Armstrong becomes first moon walker & Buzz Aldrin the second
  • Apollo 13 O2 tank bursts; moon mission scrubbed/rescue mission a-ok
  • Ratified Constitutional Amendment XXVI lowers U.S. voting age to 18
  • Watergate crook & “president” Tricky Dicky Nixon resigns in disgrace
  • Tricky Dick accepts Gerald R. Ford’s pardon; aka an admission of guilt
  • Ronald Reagan’s union busting/trickle down economics harm the poor
  • Space Shuttle Challenger blasts off and blows up; ALL 7 astronauts die
  • Bill Clinton’s go-ahead to Monica Lewinsky blows down his presidency
  • The U.S. House Impeaches President Clinton; U.S. Senate Acquits him
  • Florida ballot tallies too close to say if Al Gore or George W Bush won
  • Ballot recounts get shut down by five of Bush’s Supreme Court cronies
  • Five weeks prior to 9/11, Georgie flips off red flags re Osama bin Laden
  • Post attack, spin docs makeover Bush; rebrand him “Commander Guy”
  • Bush’s legislative cronies pass the Constitution gutting U.S. Patriot Act
  • Bush’s Afghanistan and Iraq wars spill oceans of red blood and red ink
  • Bush’s enhanced interrogation techniques torture his prisoners of war
  • Space Shuttle Columbia burns up during reentry; ALL 7 astronauts die
  • Donald J. Trump parlays voter bigotry & sycophancy into a presidency
  • Trump serves notice of his intent to quit the Paris Climate Agreement
  • Science denier Trump flunks pandemic management 101; 400K perish
  • Trump politicizes facial masks / covid vaccines; again, needless deaths
  • Trump’s cruel border policy wrests kids from parental arms; cages kids
  • Losing to Biden, Trump spreads his Election Fraud Big Lie like manure
  • Trump rabble rouses his rubes; deploys them to U.S. Capitol on Jan 6th
  • Insurrectionists chant, “Hang Mike Pence!” & literally shit up the Capitol
  • Sore loser Trump flips off attending Biden Inauguration; exits DC in huff
  • Trump rips off classified docs (might even auction them off to U.S. foes?)
  • 4X indicted/facing down 91 felony charges, Donny throws 24/7 hissyfits
  • Russian / Hamas / Israel aggression IS human-unkind at its bloody worst




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










From a Risk Management Perspective

Daily writing prompt
What’s the biggest risk you’d like to take — but haven’t been able to?


Be they categorized as biggest, smallest or anything in between, risk taking goes completely against my very wary nature. That above qualifier, “like to” is utterly irrelevant, too, seeing how coping with instability is neither endearing nor discretionary. Why, I wouldn’t even run the risk of taking a risk.

To further any worthwhile discussion, at all, we’d first need to reword the prompt thusly…


What are the biggest risks you’re forced to take — but are unable to stomach?


To double down, here, would not most critical thinkers deem our oft nauseating, day-to-day existence risky enough, already? Is it possible to forget even one of these discombobulated, risky realities…

  • sneezing, coughing, even speaking passersby can spread Corona-V variants
  • climate changed weather events can drown, freeze & tear us limb from limb
  • AR-15 gun nuts kill schoolkids, congregants, grocery shoppers, film buffs, etc.
  • many an overly armed, aggressive judge-jury-executioner cop walks his beat
  • the latest rage, deadly destructive wars, not diplomats, “settle” our differences
  • Vlad yearns to blast off his phallic nuclear missiles just to firm up his flaccidity
  • pro Putin / Hamas, dismantle democracy, Trumper gunslingers walk their beat
  • Trump’s ripping off (auctioning off?) top secret docs damaged national security
  • Coup Version 2.0 Trump is in conquer America (today)-World (tomorrow) mode




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Off-Putting Pandemic Puts-Off Plans

Daily writing prompt
What have you been putting off doing? Why?


Forgive my less than forthcoming attitude when it comes down to revealing my specific plans about anything in my so-called life. That’s because of my justifiable concerns that the daily prompt could be little more than privacy intrusion; in order to data mine; that WP could easily be profiteering off our blogged revelations; selling ’em all to the highest bidders.

Let’s keep it real. Why should I, perhaps, wind up at a disadvantage during some future business transaction. Hell, I may have said too damned much, already, so I’ll clam up, save to say…

  • The still, far from over pandemic has been and STILL IS to blame for the untold lives it has ruined; obviously, be that the buried dead; be that we, the (so far) survivors, who continue to stagnate within the rank ranks of the living dead.
  • I cannot stress, enough, how vaccines only mitigate Covid-19 symptoms whilst allowing the infected folks to spread this debilitating disease via their spewed airborne droplets. And yes, indeed, merely speaking, aloud, can atomize Corona-V.
  • More to my point, this godforsaken pandemic will never end until we return to mask-up mandates and achieve near 100% compliance in wearing them; as in each and every time we wind up in public settings.

Now, purely for the sake of re-emphasis…

Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Out of Place in Mirror Mirror Land

Daily writing prompt
Tell us about a time when you felt out of place.


To properly describe my out of place feelings, we’ll first need to forward tense the prompt’s “felt” to “feel”; i.e., seeing how, from day one, it’s been the pandemic that’s been weirding me out; to this very day, continues to make me feel completely ill at ease.

The major problem with Corona-V, is that the empowered people, who are calling all the shots, are far more deluded by political science than devoted to medical science. As such, they’ve prematurely declared the pandemic over, when in reality, it’s still a crapshoot as to whether or not that damned microbe will mutate into a vaccine confounding variant.

Beyond that, (as I’m typing / you’re reading) there’s the possibility that a slew of eons old, nasty coronaviruses are getting global warmed / thawed out from the melting icecaps / glaciers. The key question: Will their revival precipitate an insufferably long procession of global health crises; oh… say… the Covid-23 Pandemic? Next, the 24? And next, the 25?, et al?

All the above notions can easily allow imaginations to run wild; and more to my point, spur feelings that we don’t even exist on Earth, anymore; or at least, the Earth we once knew.

The concept of the radically changed world, which still appears superficially unchanged, is the quintessence of the Sci-Fi / alternate reality paradox; the very type that screenplay writer Jerome Bixby had in mind when he wrote the Star Trek (TOS) episode titled Mirror, Mirror (which, btw, first aired on the NBC TV network on 6 October 1967).

Bixby’s imaginatively crafted storyline / premise, best summed up…

Not since Kirk, Bones, Scotty and Uhura, stepped off the transporter platform; to come face-to-face with the mustachioed, goateed, sadistic, barbaric, ruthless, tyrannical Mister Spock will anyone ever feel more out of place.

The fact that, in the process, Kirk and crew were also being forced into the horrific trade off of their benevolent Federation for the weird-bearded Spock evil Empire, in turn, totally jibes with how we, the real life characters on the world stage, with increasing frequency, have been coming face-to-face with barbaric, ruthless, tyrannical entities such as Misters Dumb Donald and Bad Vlad.

Even tho Mirror, Mirror’s Montgomery Scott had been a beamee, not a beamer; not been staged in his typical, come to the rescue position (to energize the transporter in the nick of time)…

I still hope that the good ol’ Earth, of yore, is still out there, somewhere, in space/time; that my departure from our godforsaken, pandemic ruined world were as easy as uttering the catchphrase…

“Beam me up Scotty!”

Uh, maybe we had better make that…
“Beam me back home Scotty!”




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Name Brands / Off-Brands Trade-Off

Daily writing prompt
What brands do you associate with?


Forward: The three-plus-years-and-still-going-strong coronavirus variants crisis has presented many a sickening side-effect; not all of them corporeal. In this post, we’ll be examining the symptomatology of a more socioeconomic nature…


Price gougers exhibit exorbitant greed
No severed supply chain can meet demand’s need
In retail world mucked up royal
We are no longer brand loyal
Not even stockpilers who storm stores; stampede




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










The Walk-On-Eggshells Powers-That-Be

Daily writing prompt
How often do you walk or run?

Prior to the pandemic, whenever running errands, I’d typically opt to walk, not drive to all destinations…

  • less than three kilometers (two miles) away from my home
  • where I’d only need two hands to haul my purchases home
  • that didn’t need my car’s presence (gassing up/oil changes)

However, once Corona-V began kicking human butt, big-time, I opted to limit as many face-to-face encounters as is humanly possible (yes, even inclusive of pedestrians). As such, regrettably so, my modus operandi morphed into drive more / walk less. Hell, even now, that I’m just beginning to take those baby steps towards rejoining the human race, I still mask-up (yes, even when walking thru outdoor environs).

Why all the precautions?

  • For starters… it is my contention that the pandemic is here to stay; is destined to plague humanity till the end of time; mainly because the foolhardy (medical professionals and laypersons, alike), have yet to grasp how the one-two punch that could, once-and-for-all, send Corona-V to its long overdue grave, is the combo of vaccines and face masks. After all, the vaccines, alone, can only mitigate Covid-19 symptoms, which means that still infected coughing, hacking, sneezing and speaking humans can still spread their covid tainted, itty-bitty boogers and atomized spit.
  • Additionally… the spineless muckety-mucks, who staff (staph?) the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention don’t seem to possess even a rudimentary understanding of the very meaning of their own organization’s nomenclature; let alone considering how those very words DEFINE their business, their ONLY business. Worse yet, they’ve been knuckling under to MINDLESS layperson pressure; the Trumpers, who are so freakin’ selfish that they would rather die than mask-up to save humanity. And yes, they have died just to snottily “SO THERE!” their stupid stance.
  • Beyond that... in spite of President Joe Biden’s campaign promise to never, again, allow ignorant Trumpian politics / policy to dictate health safety protocols, I maintain that Donny still has Joe shaking in his boots. In Biden’s attempt to win over MAGA maniacs to, in turn, win him his coveted second term, he HAS broken / walked back his promise. It is my belief that were Corona-V, to suddenly set forth on its second world tour, the prez would never order the return of mask mandates.

Oh… NO…. (insert horrified gasp)… never in an election year! Does that just about sum up yer malarkey, Joe?

Yep, there you have it, that ‘tude driven by political expediency and opportunism; even in spite of Joe and Jill Biden’s own, personal scrapes with Corona-V.

And yes, all my above concerns can and must inFLUence my response to the daily prompt’s Q…

How often do you walk or run?

So far, not as much as I did during better days of yore; against the backdrop of our pre-pandemic world.

Alas.. (insert my long sigh)… oh… how I do long for our return to those healthier times.


Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Blogging Towards Society’s Betterment

Daily writing prompt
Why do you blog?

I blog as a champion of the following truths, which should be, but are not always self-evident to all…

  • “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!”*
  • time-honored science’s cause and effect, critical thinking
  • culture spanning, unadulterated human dignity & equality
  • liberty-based, levelheaded and even-handed governance
  • solid, sustainable, planetwide environmental stewardship

* aka The Golden Rule

That there would be even one entity out of eight billion souls who would have the audacity to doubt and deny even one letter of one syllable of one word of those above sentiments; who cannot or chooses not to fathom and esteem such core values is utterly astounding to me; to all sentient beings, everywhere.

Yet, we become daily (hell, even hourly) witnesses to nihilists out there; way, Way, WAY OUT THERE, who fight for fascism and against freedom. My gawd, AGAINST FREEDOM!

We’re now speaking of the very class of democracy, which untold soldiers (oft unsung heroes) have been selflessly marching off to war after war after war to do battle; for the express purpose of preserving, protecting and defending basic human rights; their oft making the ultimate sacrifice whilst valiantly, resolutely doing the utmost to restore and secure enduring liberty and serenity on behalf of countless defenseless civilians; simultaneously focusing their courageous, watchful, forward looking eyes upon posterity, too.

Let’s now call-out the cowardly; name-call Donald J. Trump’s MAGA Movement; all overloaded with Anti-American ignoraNuses (<– not a typo) who prop up their freakazoid, Fascist Daddy Donny just because that ravenous for accolades, power and wealth bastard validates their general idiocy and specific bigotry.

What follows are the particulars regarding the aberrant conduct that gets routinely trotted out by Donny’s minions, maniacs and malcontents; none other than their…

  • deadly, destructive Jan. 6th attack of the U.S. Capitol
  • veneration of the convicted/jailed J6 insurrectionists
  • backing J6 fomenting, classified docs stealing Trump
  • deference for zero Putin; defiance of hero Zelenskyy
  • opposition even towards reasonable gun control laws
  • acceptance of gun nuts, who even target six-year-olds
  • support of police brutality that’ll single out minorities
  • denial of global phenomena; climate change/covid-19
  • selfish, obstinate refusal to mask-up to save humanity
  • breaching of bedrooms to enforce hetero-only (f)laws*
  • insistence that every rapist impregnated soul delivers
  • support of tax breaks for the wealthiest of the wealthy
  • plot to tear down social security / medicare safety nets

* Whilst such breeches, so far, are only my speaking from a figurative standpoint, the day is still young.

Well readers,, all the above-mentioned sociopolitical ills, as a (w)hole, pretty much sum up my primary reason for blogging.

As for the rest of the story? Alas, seeing how my daily site analytics / traffic reports chronically zero out, how most of my posts routinely go unread, that’s when/where my secondary reason for hanging out at WP comes into play. Admittedly, this will sound a tad self-serving… yet…

As a nearly septuagenarian who, so far, has nearly nothing of significance to show for my entire time spent on Earth, would it be asking too much to seek / secure Internet Immortality? After all, there are, at least, two relevant quotations in support of my quest; check ’em out…

“Books are like seeds. They can lie dormant for centuries and then flower in the most unpromising soil.”

Carl Sagan


“Nothing ever dies on the Internet.”


Not Grousing; Staying Grounded

Daily writing prompt
What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world?


I neither possess nor am possessed by delusions of grandeur. My site traffic is next to none, ergo it does seem just a tad silly for me to even be speculating along these lines.

I’m not grousing; just keeping everything grounded.

Even so, not so long ago, I did blog about something that is worthy of restating…

This is all based on the fact that, ever since the earliest days of the coronavirus pandemic, I’ve been ending nearly every post with some time honored, science based, stay healthy wisdom. I’d like to believe that somehow, somewhere, someway, someone took such heartfelt wisdom to heart.

For if that’s true, I just may have played a role in saving one person’s life!

Indubitably, that’d be the biggest, bestest change my blog (or for that matter, anybody else’s) could ever make in our world.


Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!








