The Dirty Joke is on US?


Several of Stephen Colbert’s cracked jokes, on last night’s Late Show, found him, justifiably so, excoriating one of moronic Donald J. Trump’s appointed moronic judges AND calling out her idiotic “rationale” for ruling “that the CDC can’t mandate mask usage on public transportation.”

Quipped the comedian…

“The judge clarified her ruling; explaining, ‘Wearing a mask cleans nothing. At most, it traps virus droplets.’”

The increasingly incensed Colbert’s punchline…

“That’s the mask’s job, you dummy! So my droplets don’t get on you! That’s like saying, ‘This diaper is useless. Every time I put one on my baby it fills up with poop!’”

Stephen next outed (by name) and fleshed out the judge’s cruddy creds…

“The genius jurist behind the ruling is Judge Kathryn Mizelle, a 35-year-old appointed by the former president AFTER he lost the 2020 election. At the time Mizelle received a ‘not qualified rating’ from the American Bar Association and had never tried a criminal or civil case.’ … Immediately after the ruling, ‘all major air carriers, including American Airlines, Delta Airlines. United Airlines relaxed their masking restrictions; effective immediately.’”

In other words… as usual, fiscal fitness overrules physical fitness / good health. Looks like President Joe Biden’s campaign promise re allowing science, NOT politics, to set proper Covid-19 protocols, is getting Trumped AGAIN, eh?

All jokes aside, let’s get dead serious… from what I’ve been hearing, in the interim, ONLY if the CDC deems Mizelle’s ruling ill-advised will Biden go the litigation / appeal route; seek a smarter judge to obtain a much needed, court reversal / injunction.

MEANWHILE… there’s no harm in our always “erring” on the side of caution; i.e., by flat-out defying each and every Trump appointed, politicizing the pandemic, alleged jurist and certifiable ghoul. We all know the type don’t we; i.e. those whose main mission in life is to see us all die!

Would it shock any of us were we to discover further evidence that such sicko / psycho, courtroom robed bastards are heavily invested in funeral homes AND have been mixing business with pleasure; i.e., by getting off while compulsively fantasizing over the 2+ year long influx of Covid-19 cadavers?

MEANWHILE… for the latest serious, science based updates, do stay tuned to Stephen Colbert, as well as all other trustworthy comedians; they could, likely will, save thousands, possibly millions of lives.


Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









Fortune Cookie Blog: Key F-Words


The society which Flourishes sits atop a rock solid Foundation
of mutual respect; Flounders whenever reputable Folks aren’t
afforded the respect they have earned; wind up marginalized
by the very society they Fervently hope to renovate/perpetuate.
Champions of Humanity like US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez,
Dr. Anthony Fauci, Ms. Greta Thunberg & Ms. Emma Gonzalez*




* Memo from the Cookie Maker: Obviously, this list is
mere sampling. This foursome’s vital to survival causes:

AOC: human rights, racial /gender equality and freedom
Fauci: public health / ending Covid-19 and the pandemic
Thunberg: reversing climate change to save planet Earth
Gonzalez; gun control to end all school house massacres




Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









How to Curb Power Drunkards/Junkies?


Whenever folks wind up publicly intoxicated and/or high on potent alcohol/powerful drugs, the cops are under orders to confine these boozers / stoners; to ensure they do no harm to society and themselves.

Might a similar strategy work to protect us from drunk/stoned on power politicians? We are speaking of the type who endanger public safety / health by trotting out their insane policies, which defy/outlaw commonsense, disease mitigating measures such as mask wearing and social distancing; and oft even discourage vaccinations

And what about all of the empowered politically impaired, prone to perpetuate Donald J. Trump’s Big Lie that “widespread voter fraud” had caused him to lose the 2020 Election? Could it not be reasonably argued that Drunkard Donny’s utterly unsubstantiated accusations had infuriated his cult to the point where they went berserk and stormed the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Most assuredly, that insurrection did do harm to the cops, the rioters, themselves, and to society as a whole!

I mean, ever since January 6th, inarguably, my sense of security has been shot to hell; so much so, that I’m now overwhelmed by feelings of intense, chronic angst. Now if that fails to define harm, I don’t know what would.

Granted, my above solution is a bit of a joke but, for a nanosecond, it did make me smile and chuckle; and that’s not been a regular occurrence; ever since Dumb / Drunk Donald’s Inauguration Day 2017.



Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









Wave or Cave? (1 Quick Limerick #106)


Corona containment Qs to interject:
Are revamped rules sane, sage, safe and correct?
Our hello wave to truths solid?
Or jello cave to pols squalid?
Will covid resurrect or genuflect?



Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!







As Seen Thru Dr. Xie’s Eyes

Dr. Shirlee Xie, Associate Director of Hospital Medicine at Hennepin Healthcare in Minnesota, tells CNN’s Ana Cabrera what it’s like treating Covid-19 patients day after day as her state experiences a surge of coronavirus cases.

Clip / intro blurb courtesy of CNN’s YouTube Channel • Dec 5, 2020 • 288,251 views


View our must see video above or over at YouTube.

Humanity must accept that the ferociously contagious, deadly coronavirus is as real as it gets. Partisan politics must NEVER, EVER downplay this public safety / public health matter; a matter of life-and-death!

Socially Distance / Isolate and:

Stay Publicly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!






-30- ?

“Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer spoke to the media after federal and state law enforcement officials announced the arrest of 13 people who allegedly plotted to kidnap her and try her for “treason” over the state’s coronavirus restrictions. Watch her remarks.” Quote and clip courtesy of the CBS News YouTube Channel • Oct 8, 2020 • 51,693 views

My commentary follows…

Back on Election Day 2018, we the savvy voters of Michigan had opted to empower, as our governor, the progressive Democrat Gretchen Whitmer.

Ever since the earliest days of Donald J. Trump’s DIY pandemic, she has steadfastly remained in defiance of that notorious science denier and his incomprehensible and reprehensible disregard for human life; so much so that via her orders to shelter at home / mask up in public, she has mitigated COVID-19’s spread; minimized human suffering and death.

Indeed, her prompt and proactive approach to pandemic management may’ve even saved my very life. So far.

That qualifying “so far” is owing to the fact that Trumpian Republicans, (who dominate our State House, Senate and Judiciary), have all been doing their damnedest to undermine Whitmer’s authority. You see, Donny’s devotees believe their investment portfolios take precedence over public health / public safety concerns.

To say the least, Trump loathes all Democrats (especially when they’re female).

It has been Trumpian Tantrums and TweetStorms, which have been targeting Whitmer. His very words have not only enraged and emboldened the above-mentioned Republican sycophants, but also have infuriated and weaponized his psychotic, boneheaded, militant, always itching for violence supporters / domestic terrorists.

So much so that the FBI had to intervene, yesterday, to thwart the Wolverine Watchmen’s wretched plot to overthrow Michigan government; thwart their plans to kidnap and kill our heroic Governor.

We can judge the seriousness of Trump’s Terrorists and their threat to America by the following warped rantings of one of his goons:

“God bless our president! I would die for him! I will die for that man, happily! I will die for him! Anybody wanna mess with him, you mess with me first! He is a hero, that man!”

Unidentified Male among a throng of Trump supporters • Bethesda MD • 10/04/2020

News, such as this, has literally hit me where I live. And, from an emotional standpoint, I’ve been hit hard.

The fact that the FBI can still function properly is only slightly reassuring. I cannot help but wonder if their limited staffing would ever be able to keep up with subversive Trump’s resurrection and resumption of “our” 19th century Civil War and his concurrent overthrow of America.

Under such dire circumstances, what We, the true Americans, will wind up facing down will be stripped down to stark, fight or flight options. And what do you suppose will become of this pacifist with nowhere to go?

And how odd, indeed, it is to be typing these words in the chilly, October predawn hours; within what, once upon a time, used to be America; the finest, most stable, unconquerable nation our world has ever known; and may never know again.




Stay Publicly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!


Is there a Doctor in the house?


For anyone who actually gives a damn about public health / saving humanity, it’s impossible to not notice what common sense suggests could be a matter of life and death. Here’s what’s happening.

Now that in-person learning is underway within my community’s public schools, multiple dozens of student athletes have been jogging on the city sidewalks; unmasked and in a too close formation, which could not, possibly, even be approaching bare minimum, social distancing recommendations.

Granted, the medical experts have been claiming that COVID-19, typically, harms old people more than young AND, supposedly, is not particularly communicable outdoors.

Yet, Corona-V is so novel, one has to wonder…

• Do we really know every last damned one of its deadly capabilities?

• What about its adeptness at adapting / evolving into something even worse?

• Who’s to say that outdoor running’s increased, intensified respiration is not a risk factor?

• What if Trump’s bereft of science delusions still dictate Centers for Disease Control health safety protocols?

• Would it not be better to err on the side of caution?

• Since outdoor jogging affords plenty of room, why not triple the recommended social distancing norms?

• Is there a Doctor in the schoolhouse to look out for the well-being of the student body?

• Is there a Doctor in the vast WordPress house who, if warranted, would allay such concerns?


Stay Publicly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!








Fortune Cookie Blog (public health matters)


To expect the closed-minded, dim-witted, long-winded, big-headed Emperor
to relevantly/factually lecture a fearful nation on the subject of Epidemiology,
could prove as pointless as the Hatter striving to relevantly/factually lecture
on the subject of Brain Surgery to a roomful of note-taking medical students.








What Happened to Sanitation and Sanity?


Scant days ago, while paying a visit to a supermarket’s public restroom… shared by patrons and employees, alike… I could not miss seeing an above the sink sign where management was reminding the workers to wash their hands.

I found that message reassuring, yet, unsettling.

Seeing how the youngest worker would be 16 years of age and how anyone above the age of 3 should know better, I wondered how, all the sudden, society had become so ill-informed about hygiene… so unwashed! I mean, who can catch even a mere glimpse of what we flush and not want to, immediately, rush over to the sink to scrub up?

Yet, there was that sign.

A bit of background info… we’re talking about a high tech, hands free restroom… i.e., auto-flush everything, sinks with sensors to start the flow of hot water, sensors to get the hand driers whooshing away. The whole kit and kaboodle has been specifically designed with public wellness in mind!

Well, it was while washing and drying my own hands that I became awash with unfond memories of one of my earliest employers… a retail store manager (let’s call her Dee). Just to impress her District Manager and other higher-ups… she had decided to slash overhead. To that end, she not only shut down our lavatory’s hot water heater, but also eliminated soap from all future orders of supplies.

What stunned me the most was how that corporate ladder climber was actually expecting to earn company bean counter brownie points by doing what? Scrimping and saving on soap? Mind you… SOAP… a product that the average consumer can pay for with pocket change!

While hierarchically speaking, I resided at the bottom of the food chain, nevertheless, I did tactfully remind Dee that both hot water and soap are the best defenses against disease… even mentioning diarrhea in passing. That’s when the within earshot, horrified assistant manager chimed in, “Oh gawd no… NOT THAT!” Even with her unsolicited assist, neither of us could win our boss over to our side… get her to reclaim sanitation and sanity. Well, we tried.

I would now need to take matters into my own hands. In the interest of public health, this man who, at the time, was earning a paltry, $2.65 per hour, had decided to regularly donate soap to the store (just one link in a chain of 286 stores ringing up $206 million in sales).

Upon the arrival of the cold and flu season, I reminded myself that Dee’s cold water issue could still be an ally to illness. While my new MO would not help my co-workers, on my meal breaks, I opted to use the mall restaurants’ restrooms, where, at least, those managers still offered hot running water and freely flowing soap. They had to. Michigan’s Department of Health and Human Services still cared enough to shut down any eatery’s proprietor, who harbored a crappy attitude.

My main point back then and back in the here and now, too…

With increasing and alarming frequency, the bugs that presently plague humankind are getting more and more resistant to the existing arsenal of conventional, antimicrobial drugs. It is not being an alarmist to warn that today’s reportage mulling over the COVID19 / coronavirus epidemic, could easily pale in comparison to our not too distant future news. Those likely someday stories will tell us about germs that’ll be fully capable of reducing the human race to endangered species status… perhaps even driving us to the point of extinction.

Fact of life, viruses and bacteria owe their very existence to bad hygiene practices… starting with humans’ far too lax lavatory attitudes. They also owe their survival to “our” science denying, foolhardy, bean counter, dirty “leaders”.

To put a face on that problem… Donald Trump has secured tax cuts for his obscenely wealthy cronies, while severely slashing funding that’d be better allocated for public health matters. Check out Donny’s proposed 2020, unhealthy budget…

A 12% cut to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and a 10% cut for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Folks, that’s a $750 million spending cut over fiscal year 2019. That’s (figuratively and literally) sickening!

Indeed… my ex boss, Dee, had… likely still has… a lot in common with Donny.

Indeed… Donny needs to become an ex boss, too.