To Preserve, Protect and Defend His Own Grubby Hide

The flag hugging, so-called prez claims to be a patriot. Would you not agree that a person who professes his love for America would also extend said love to the U.S. Constitution?

So… is the so-called prez truly patriotic? Not when his own words and deeds have amply proven his ignorance / arrogance fueled belief that the U.S. Constitution’s 1st Amendment does not protect Civil Rights activist Colin Kaepernick.

Hmm… looks like the so-called prez’s racism is glowering forth from his KKK white hood’s eye-holes. Little doubt, the fake prez is reveling in the perverse satisfaction of knowing that his own ill-considered, intemperate influence over the NFL’s cowardly big bosses has wrongfully deprived Mr. Kaepernick of his livelihood. Hell, if left to his own devices, Donny would gleefully (and unlawfully) lock this quarterback up… and throw away the key.

So… is the so-called prez truly patriotic? Not when his own words and deeds have amply proven his ignorance / arrogance fueled belief that the U.S. Constitution’s 1st Amendment does not protect journalists. Indeed, if the whiny, so-called prez could have it his way, he’d unlawfully muzzle and/or imprison any reporter who does not suck up to him.

SIDEBAR #1: For the benefit of anyone who may’ve slept through their civics lessons, we ARE talking about the 1st Amendment which states… in part… “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

So… is the so-called prez truly patriotic? Not when his own words and deeds have amply proven his ignorance / arrogance fueled disregard for several of the U.S. Constitution’s articles… e.g., those passages which explicitly lay down the law re the Separation of Powers… stipulate the required Checks and Balances among the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

No shocker here, the so-called prez’s mission has been to seize absolute power by blurring these boundary lines. To that end, he’s been loading up the U.S. Supreme Court to his own advantage. To that end, he’s been colluding with his spineless, corrupt, congressional cronies… effortlessly intimidating these legislative lapdogs… even guaranteeing them a lifetime of political power if they bend over backwards for him (or is that forwards?). Yep, he’s got these wildly partisan, corrupt crony legislators rubber-stamping his wildly partisan, corrupt crony, U.S. Supreme Court nominees.

SIDEBAR #2: If/When Special Counsel for the Department of Justice Robert Mueller establishes how Donny’s words and deeds have been illegal / treasonous / collusive with Russians, these complicit congressmen would never, ever dare to even whisper the “I – word”. Even were they to, somehow, do the right thing and Impeach that autocratic automaton, Donny could always first stick out his tongue and next say, “OH YEAH?” He’d then proceed to pull the strings of his indebted SCOTUS judges / puppets and make them dance to his trumpeted “music”. These cherry-picked charlatans would be akin to a jury of his own peers who’d never even dare to find their flagrantly guilty, puppeteer boss guilty of anything.

SIDEBAR #3: Why do we even bother pretending the U.S. Constitution even exists anymore? Seeing how Despot Donny, has already, unilaterally usurped power, why not just pink slip the 535 Congresspersons and the 9 Supreme Court judges? Imagine the megamillions of tax dollars saved! (Naturally, I don’t really mean this. I’m just stating this for the shock value. I mean somebody has to attempt a tough love, political intervention… nope… we had better make that an exorcism).

So… is the so-called prez truly patriotic? Not when his own ignorance / arrogance fueled words and deeds have amply proven his total disregard for the Presidential Oath of Office! What could possibly be more clear than this straight talk straight from the U.S. Constitution… ”I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Bottom line… ever since Inauguration Day 2017, most assuredly, the so-called prez has not been doing his best “to preserve, protect and defend” anything other than his BFF Vlad, his own corrupt dirty business deals and his own grubby hide. Hell, he’s practically been wiping his fat fanny with pieces of the American flag and Constitution of the United States.

Anyone who’d stain the Red, White and Blue brown sure as hell doesn’t sound like a patriot to me. How about you?


Nightmares And Dreams

Fifty years ago, on this very evening, the same Zenith console TV set, which, five years earlier, had been my window to the spinning out of control world of Dallas, Texas… the site of President Kennedy’s assassination… was “now” providing me a similar view of Memphis, Tennessee.

My recollections are now strong… almost as if I’ve time traveled back to this tragedy. I’m once again an adolescent, age 13, home alone since my folks have gone out for the evening to watch my sister’s performance in her High School Junior Class play. I’d have eagerly tagged along with them had it not been for my body being under siege by a particularly nasty rhinovirus.

Once again, Walter Cronkite has become the bearer of bad news. Once again, his reportage focuses heavily on the death of someone so young and so vital… someone who had said so much of importance… and still needed to say so much more.

Dr. Martin Luther King had been slaughtered, silenced… cut down in his prime… by an assassin’s bullet.

I’m stunned and saddened… those identical, sinking, heavy heart, Dallas magnitude feelings now resurfacing. I had so hoped that in the five years since November 22, 1963, that America had changed… well… at least a little? But knowing that it hadn’t was sickening me far, Far, FAR more than any of my cold’s worst symptoms.

Dr. King must have already seen the sickening writing on the wall… his final speech best described as prophetic…

Senator Bobby Kennedy, a 1968 presidential candidate, delivered his from the heart speech (note how he doesn’t rely on his notes)… deemed to be his finest, ever, oratory. He also gets credited with preventing riots in Indianapolis. Many other cities… nationwide… could not make such a claim.

So, why do I, a Caucasian, feel so strongly about Dr. King? Mainly because I’m a caring, compassionate, colorblind human being.

Beyond that, I do know that poverty, too, is colorblind. I could readily identify with King’s fight to help hardworking, struggling, impoverished Americans achieve The Dream he had spoken of. After all, if there was one thing my eye witnessing my own, low income, schoolteacher parents had taught me, it was that our family of four was unduly burdened by our barely scraping by lifestyle.

To this very day, I can still vividly recall handing over seven, one dollar bills to my Dad… several years worth of my hoarded allowance money, which he had given to me… just so we could put some food on our dinner table that evening. Oh, how my hand-me-down clothing’s patches always had patches. Oh, how I remember our slumlord’s coal fired furnace that could’ve easily carbon monoxide gassed us all to death.

I could never forget (and still can never forget) all the bullies at school, who had verbally and physically assaulted me… even spitting in my face. I now ask… in some small sense… had I not had my own bitter taste as to what it was like to be singled out… profiled… discriminated against… by oppressors?

And while Dr. King’s fight was focused upon helping African-Americans, I believed his spiritual and practical messages to be universal. If ever taken to heart by the elected powers-that-be, that would’ve certainly made my own family’s life… indeed, every impoverished family’s life… better too.

Fast forwarding to more contemporary times… while it’s true it took far, Far, FAR too many decades… no, strike that… centuries in arriving, America did wind up electing and reelecting Barack Obama as our 44th president. In my mind, this was a gleaming ray of hope that We The People were finally turning our backs on our nation’s racist past. And I’ve never been more proud to say that I had had a small part in making that a reality… by my voting for that intelligent, insightful, righteous man both in 2008 and 2012.

But now? Regrettably, America is being gutted by #45, who sucks up to both the KKK and Nazis… who takes sides with racist cops who profile and mow down innocent blacks… who lambastes pro football quarterback Colin Kaepernick who has frequently, justifiably and peaceably protested such police brutality and racial inequality by harmlessly taking a knee during the pregame playing of America’s National Anthem. Which raises the question…

Will this now ongoing, Trumpian nightmare obliterate Dr. Martin Luther King’s dream?

That’ll depend upon whether or not Democrats can regain Congressional majorities this coming November.



The Threat To MLK’s Dream (One Quick Limerick #037)


A shithole regime’s “prez”, with demented glee,
Boasts he’s the least racist guy, there’ll ever be???
But he’ll buttkiss KKK,
Let bad cops blow blacks away,
And scold pro sports protesters, who “take a knee”!


FYI… you can access archived limericks, poems, and lyrical parodies by clicking onto my poetry category.


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99 Word Blog (#045) Abusive Relationships


Scenario One… Let’s say your spouse is abusing you. Whenever you confide this to anyone they mindlessly remind…

“Marriage is for better or for worse.”

Scenario Two… Let’s say your nation’s leadership is abusing its citizenry. Whenever you point that out to anyone they mindlessly remind…

“Our country right or wrong.”

Unbending religious dogmatism and uncritical patriotism do very little to improve, respectively, hostile conditions within our home life and homeland.

We must first admit problems DO exist and next raise full awareness. Until that happens the abuse goes unabated.

San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick understands this. Do you?


99 Word Blog (#044) Gun Nut Pastor Joyner Shoots Off Mouth


God: “Thou Shalt Not Kill”

Pastor Allen Joyner: “They should be shot!’

“They” meaning Americans not standing for the National Anthem… e.g. San Francisco 49er Colin Kaepernick.

1st Amendment: “Congress shall make no law… abridging the freedom of speech… or the right of the people peaceably to assemble and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Joyner: U.S. troops should shoot protestors.

Joyner’s 2nd Amendment “solutions” drew raucous cheers from his targeted audience… impressionable high schoolers. Ergo, he had fomented campus violence.

White Alabaman Joyner’s violent “solutions” re a Black Lives Matter issue also smack of racism.



99 Word Blog (#039) Megan Rapinoe & Colin Kaepernick


Throughout American history there’ve been serious flag problems. The Confederate Flag represents a revolting era… Caucasians enslaving and slaughtering Blacks.

Old Glory’s gory, genocidal past includes… the massacre of Native Americans, nuking of Japanese and annihilation of Muslims.

This flag flips off American Women, Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, LGBTs, the Impoverished, Aged and Ailing. As such, it’s little more than a Made in China, red, white and blue hunk of fabric.

It shouldn’t shock us when American athletes Megan Rapinoe and Colin Kaepernick don’t stand for a flag with a shameful past… a flag, which doesn’t stand for ALL Americans.