What the Survey Sez


Preface: Should any yesteryear Republicans ever read this post, know that, primarily, my beef is with today’s Trumpers, who have crashed your political party and dumped their own ideological dung into your punch bowl.


Yesterday, I received a landline phone call from a Trumper conducting a survey. Instantly, it became obvious that he was seeking validation of his party’s know-no-bounds wretched ways; as well as hitting us up for contributions that’d ensure their cancerous message to the masses will continue to grow and metastasize. The particulars…

First off, came his ominous warning that our conversation was being recorded; which served as my cue to vent my disgust re all things Trumpian.

Next, came his queries, all deviously crafted to manipulate public opinion; to get our responses to conform to their unacceptable status quo. Any efforts to stray off their beaten path instantly triggered his repeated retort (words to the effect) “I’m sorry, I did not hear your response.” What he actually meant was, “I’m not sorry and don’t want to hear opinionated peeps, such as you.” All of which prompted my own query, “Are you a robot?”

Despite Da Man’s claim that (my characterization) he could fog up a dentist’s mirror held beneath his nostrils, he still flat-out refused to clear his foggy noggin long enough to interact with me. Any of my attempts to heighten his awareness re real world people problems had fallen on deaf ears.

With my frustration mounting, I actually hung up on him (three times); only to discover he was even impervious to my attempts to shoo him away. Yep, he was so self-absorbed that he just kept droning and deadpanning on and on; endlessly pouring out his Trump spiked Kool-Aid™, too!

Cutting to the chase, my having been caught off guard, I probably could’ve presented / defended the average Jane and Joe perspective a tad better. However, I will be better prepared if, someday, he or some other Trumper attempts to ever, again, party with… correction… party against this commoner. My response to such a survey…

I’m a true blue American, who flat out refuses to pony up one red cent to prop up your horse’s ass hero; namely, the narcissistic, fascistic, chronic liar, insufferable sore loser Trump. I’d NEVER be a party to your freak show party; inclusive of your suck up, sicko, MAGA mad hatters; ‘roid raging, militant, genocidal, bigoted storm trooper cops; gun nuts who morph houses of worship / schoolhouses into blood splattered, corpse strewn battlefields; your vigilantes, Klansmen, Nazis; misogynists, homophobes and sanctimonious bible thumpers; your brain dead, science and pandemic deniers, QAnon whack-a-doodles AND (saving the worst for last) your burn down America insurrectionists. Your warped Republican Party must absolutely, permanently sever all ties with all of the above deplorables, especially Donald J. Trump and his entire family. Until you comply, I want my phone number to top off your NEVER CALL LIST!


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Lame Duck Donny / Sitting Duck USA


The defeated, obdurate Donald J. Trump, at present, is holed up and hunkered down within the bowels of the White House.

By his very nature, he’s a despondent, despotic, mercurial, malignantly narcissistic, insufferable man-child. As such, he’s totally incapable of accepting the truth that the majority of the American electorate has FINALLY held him accountable for mucking up America, these past four years. Via our legally cast ballots we have booted his considerable butt out of office.

Were he a normal, gracious, honorable man, he’d have already behaved accordingly; starting with his concession speech; inclusive of his pledge to facilitate America’s transition to the duly elected Joe Biden administration.

Seeing how words such as “normal”, “gracious” and “honorable” are totally non-applicable, come January 20, 2021, it’d not be a shocker for us to eyewitnesses Secret Service guards promptly frogmarching the whole kit and kaboodle of these anti-American, subversive, trespasser Trumps and their sycophantic underlings off the premises and onto Pennsylvania Avenue. To be sure, here’s where Donny’s recently installed, non-scalable fencing could REALLY pay-off, big time!

But, getting back to the here and now, the anecdotal reports tell of Donny’s odd (very odd) assortment of family members, congressional cronies and propaganda ministers secretly attempting an intervention; all walking on eggshells; donning their kid gloves in an attempt to coax Mister High and Mighty, the keeper of the nuclear launch codes, no less, to [1] at present, dismount his high horse and [2] shortly after Biden takes his Oath of Office, remount and ride his high horse out of DC; hopefully to never return.

Alas, what remains unclear is whether or not the above-mentioned interventionists fully understand how, with each passing moment that they fail, they are also denying Biden access to the same, top secret, Presidential Daily Briefings, which Donny gets (and lets go in one ear and out the other). They are already mucking up the seamless transition of power and that’s not only irresponsible, it’s potentially dangerous, too.

Let’s not mince words. We are actually talking about National Security issues, which trump and transcend the Inauguration Day pomp and circumstance.

It’d not be melodramatic to point out that, in keeping his successor out of the loop, loopy Donald J. Trump, the lame duck, could easily make the United States of America a sitting duck.

Either inadvertently or intentionally (likely the latter), has-been Donny has been emboldening his wretched, overly ambitious, opportunistic, autocratic pals.

As I type and as you read these words, chump Trump’s chums, petty dictators all, could be plotting to seize upon the drunk (on power) and disorderly Donny’s disarray as a means to attack / cyberattack America. And, all the while, the soon-to-be ex-prez, too, is plotting; namely, his vengeance.

By Donald J. Trump’s very nature, he would think nothing of taking down America with him.


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Trump Victorious / Humanity Defeated


It’s now approximately one hour past midnight in the Eastern U.S. time zone, the polls are closed all across my homeland and, I don’t believe I’m going too far out on a limb to type in and “go with” my above headline.

Seeing how I just woke up, mere minutes ago, from a much needed, nearly four hour long nap, my prognostication is based, in part, upon my viewing a mere smattering of discouraging, preliminary seesawing ballot counts; all courtesy of the aired / streamed Election Night programming.

The other “in part” taps into a gut reaction, based upon my acquired, over a lifetime, understanding of stripped down to the fundamentals, human nature.

Specifically, we’re talking about how my regrettably gullible compatriots, regardless of political stripe, tend to succumb to greed and, perhaps worse than that, virtually always vote against their own best interests. Factor in their cult behavior; brainwashing “services” “courtesy” of one Donald J. Trump and a phalanx of his owned and operated propaganda ministers and voilà… to borrow a hackneyed phrase… we’ve got a (climate change intensified) perfect storm; already in progress.

And”progress” hardly describes where America will, once again, be heading.

Bottom line, foolhardy, selfish folks, all across the late, once-upon-a-time great America, would rather improve their own bottom line / feather their own nests. And they will pay for it DEARLY. Hell, they’ll drag all the rest of us down with them; i.e., force us ALL to pay for it DEARLY.

Once again, they’ve propped up the worst entity, in recorded history, and, in the process, pumped up his preexisting massive ego. They’ve utterly failed to realize that, in his 1-page book, he, AND ONLY HE, is Number 1.

So, in our rear view mirrors, we now witness the long faces of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris; watch them reluctantly waving Americans bye-bye for the last time. Their plans to reconnect with science to resuscitate our dying planet and rescue humanity from the coronavirus; to restore basic human decency; to reunite our fractured society…

Folks, the dream of Joe and Kamala; your dream; my dream for a better day is all over.

Instead, the Trumpian nightmare will continue to rage on… and on… and on… and on…

About all that’s left, now, is for my prediction to be proven wrong. Will somebody please prove me wrong? PLEASE?


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-30- ?

“Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer spoke to the media after federal and state law enforcement officials announced the arrest of 13 people who allegedly plotted to kidnap her and try her for “treason” over the state’s coronavirus restrictions. Watch her remarks.” Quote and clip courtesy of the CBS News YouTube Channel • Oct 8, 2020 • 51,693 views

My commentary follows…

Back on Election Day 2018, we the savvy voters of Michigan had opted to empower, as our governor, the progressive Democrat Gretchen Whitmer.

Ever since the earliest days of Donald J. Trump’s DIY pandemic, she has steadfastly remained in defiance of that notorious science denier and his incomprehensible and reprehensible disregard for human life; so much so that via her orders to shelter at home / mask up in public, she has mitigated COVID-19’s spread; minimized human suffering and death.

Indeed, her prompt and proactive approach to pandemic management may’ve even saved my very life. So far.

That qualifying “so far” is owing to the fact that Trumpian Republicans, (who dominate our State House, Senate and Judiciary), have all been doing their damnedest to undermine Whitmer’s authority. You see, Donny’s devotees believe their investment portfolios take precedence over public health / public safety concerns.

To say the least, Trump loathes all Democrats (especially when they’re female).

It has been Trumpian Tantrums and TweetStorms, which have been targeting Whitmer. His very words have not only enraged and emboldened the above-mentioned Republican sycophants, but also have infuriated and weaponized his psychotic, boneheaded, militant, always itching for violence supporters / domestic terrorists.

So much so that the FBI had to intervene, yesterday, to thwart the Wolverine Watchmen’s wretched plot to overthrow Michigan government; thwart their plans to kidnap and kill our heroic Governor.

We can judge the seriousness of Trump’s Terrorists and their threat to America by the following warped rantings of one of his goons:

“God bless our president! I would die for him! I will die for that man, happily! I will die for him! Anybody wanna mess with him, you mess with me first! He is a hero, that man!”

Unidentified Male among a throng of Trump supporters • Bethesda MD • 10/04/2020

News, such as this, has literally hit me where I live. And, from an emotional standpoint, I’ve been hit hard.

The fact that the FBI can still function properly is only slightly reassuring. I cannot help but wonder if their limited staffing would ever be able to keep up with subversive Trump’s resurrection and resumption of “our” 19th century Civil War and his concurrent overthrow of America.

Under such dire circumstances, what We, the true Americans, will wind up facing down will be stripped down to stark, fight or flight options. And what do you suppose will become of this pacifist with nowhere to go?

And how odd, indeed, it is to be typing these words in the chilly, October predawn hours; within what, once upon a time, used to be America; the finest, most stable, unconquerable nation our world has ever known; and may never know again.




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Stay Healthy!


Let Freedom Ring (Vid of the Day)

Whenever any elected representative of The People believes he is above the law… arrogantly trots out his malevolent, virulent, malignant brand of totalitarianism… harbors a closed mind, stone heart and inert soul… appears barren of even one scintilla of remorse… he only serves his own interests. More to the point, he no longer serves in the best interests of The People… and deserves a punishment by The People… at a level which is directly proportional to his offensive conduct.

This past evening’s vote within the U.S. House of Representatives, which approved the two Articles of Impeachment of one Donald J. Trump, is only Step #1 of a much needed and long overdue, corrective, Constitutional process.

However… seeing how the Senate Majority Leader… one Mitch McConnell… so arrogantly marches in lockstep with his corrupt Oval Office puppeteer… this means that Step #2… the removal of the fake prez from the office he has sullied… will not be forthcoming.

Seeing how The Impeached appears to be oblivious to the seriousness of his offenses and, consequently, is totally incapable of rehabilitation, this means that, left unchecked, we can expect him to go on a seething with vengeance rampage in the days ahead.

Ergo, this American encourages Freedom’s champions… domestic and worldwide… to savor what little is left of our sweet Liberty. After all, if America deteriorates even further into a Fascist state, that falling “domino” could trigger the tumbling of other dominoes / nations, too.

I hereby echo lyricist Samuel Francis Smith’s “Let Freedom Ring” sentiment… the foundation to his song My Country ‘Tis of Thee… as sung by Aretha Franklin at President Barack Obama’s 2009 Inauguration Day ceremony… and dedicate our Vid of the Day to the United States… to the U.S… to all of us!