Five Points of No Return?

PREFACE: It’s not just mindless flag waving when my words stress the significance of America’s role on the world stage. I merely mention it because the collapse of any Democracy can only destabilize, perhaps even destroy, said world.


The commonly held belief is that we humans tend to obsess over worst case scenarios that rarely, if ever, actually reach the absolute point of no return. Let’s keep a good thought that such wisdom is fully applicable to the following (worst of the worst) situations. In a sense, these could all, someday soon, easily, wind up as news headlines…

  • Failure to promptly curb climate change to hasten humanity’s extinction
  • Russia’s backfired Ukraine occupation triggers nuclear WW-III escalation
  • Coronavirus whack-a-mole variants flat-out defy containment/eradication
  • Americans’ incivility/hyperpartisanship spurs Civil War-II factionalization
  • Fascism/Theocracy trumps Democracy/Liberty; spawns U.S.A. obliteration

Regarding that last on the list item… I’d like to point out that, in the weeks prior to Donald J. Trump’s January 6th, barked out, storm the U.S. Capitol command to his MAGA maniacs, it’d been the most unlikely person within Trump’s entire retrograde / renegade régime, one Vice President Mike Pence, who, for a fleeting moment, had managed to un-sell his soul. Indeed, when push had come to shove, for perhaps the very first time in that Republican miscreant’s entire deplorable political career, he had opted to do the honorable thing; i.e., certify then President-Elect Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory; i.e., gallantly come to Lady Liberty’s rescue.

Alas (Part 1): Seeing how the still seething with fury, vengeance seeking, big lie promoter, little snowflake Trump has yet to get his 14th Amendment stipulated comeuppance, and in all likelihood NEVER will, it’s still totally legal for him to seek reelection as early as 2024.

And, win or lose, that insurrectionist bastard could still do his damnedest to suffocate American freedom / burn down Democracy. He still has his entire entourage of low friends in high places (U.S. “legislators” / SCOTUS “justices”) and low friends in low places (his sycophantic Klansmen / Nazis / Proud Boys / media propagandists et al), who ALL have his six.

SIDEBAR: To flesh out the 14th Amendment, in essence, any elected official found guilty of fomenting insurrection against the United States of America shall forever be banned from ever, again, seeking high elective office.

Alas (Part 2): Seeing how Trump has already totally nixed the notion of Pence ever, again, being his running mate, his next VP choice will, little doubt, be someone certifiable / bat crap crazy; the sort of creature who’d slither out from under his/her rock and, no questions asked, hiss out “YESSIR!” and or rattle out, “ON IT!” to whatever that orange, fascistic freak commanded.

Let’s keep a good thought… that there’s still a goodly amount of good people, who can be counted on to know when they must say NO to malefactors (especially of the Trumpian variety).

Before it’s too late… humankind must conquer all five of those above bullet pointed issues; before such woes conquer us all.




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What’ll Happen Tonight @ 23:59:59?


How apropos that, Stateside, our Halloween and Election Day are mere days apart.

What could be scarier than our electorate’s spooky entities, who don’t know what the real America stands for; namely, equality, liberty and justice for all. In their state of abject ignorance these hobgoblins and hooligans are sure to vote accordingly; so much so, that they’re hell-bent on re-empowering one Donald J. Trump, their, in title only, president; their zero hero from Hell.

These cultists cannot even begin to see him as the existential threat to Democracy that he is.

Truth is, science denier Trump has, SO FAR, willfully permitted Corona-V to go on a nine month (too) long, nationwide rampage. SO FAR, that psychopath has sickened 9.6 million Americans. SO FAR, that ghoul has the blood of the 237,000 COVID-19 dead on his hands. As for any of us who may, somehow, manage to survive the needless pandemic (of his own making), we will, eventually, face down a climate changed, uninhabitable world.

On Trump’s watch, he has flat-out refused to accept and articulate the three words, “Black Lives Matter”; has emboldened militant, racist cops, who gleefully crack open the heads of BLM protestors and BLM sympathizers; has ordered the teargassing and pepper spraying of these peaceable protestors, in flagrant violation of their 1st Amendment Rights; has figuratively danced in his blood splattered streets; has sadistically reveled in all the pain and suffering he’s wrought, up and down Main Street U.S.A.

Trump has done his damnedest to provoke Civil War-II, by winding up his toy soldiers; namely, his seething with preexisting hatred, domestic terrorists, a.k.a. Nazis, Klansmen, Proud Boys, Wolverine Watchmen, etc.; that last on the list faction recently FBI busted for plotting to abduct, torture and assassinate Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer; i.e., to punish her for her righteous, courageous, slow the spread of COVID-19, life saving, statewide lock-down and mask-up decrees.

Pre-pandemic Trump has kidnapped, traumatized, abused and caged asylum seekers’ infants and children; has flipped off a court order to reunite these families; has declared enemies of the people, the genuine article journalists, who’ve been justifiably critical of his deplorable words and deeds; has called for the devoid of due process, imprisonment of his (guilty of no crimes) political opponents. WTF will be next, coliseums where his bloodthirsty, mask-less, packed in, shoulder-to-shoulder devotees will gather to cheer on public stonings and executions?

Trump, Commander-In-Chief, no less, has badmouthed his own troops; called these selfless soldiers “losers” and “suckers”; has undermined their valiant efforts to rid the world of oppression; allowed autocrat Vladimir Putin to place bounties on their heads.

For his own political gain, Trump has accepted dictatorial régimes’ meddling and mucking up of what used to be our fair, free elections; he has sabotaged the United States Postal Service to slow down the processing of sent and returned absentee ballots; has refused to accept any voting outcome other than the one that will re-install him; has flat out refused to accept a potential Biden / Harris victory; has not committed to honor an American tradition that, up to 2016, has always resulted in the peaceful, orderly transition of power.

Seeing how all the above is far scarier than Halloween, America might as well move up Election Day to October 31st. However, factoring in how there will never, again, be another Election Day if Trump screws over the voters; if long before all the legitimate ballots have all been counted, opts to prematurely / wrongfully declare his victory at 23:59:59 tonight, WTF would be the point? Right?


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-30- ?

“Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer spoke to the media after federal and state law enforcement officials announced the arrest of 13 people who allegedly plotted to kidnap her and try her for “treason” over the state’s coronavirus restrictions. Watch her remarks.” Quote and clip courtesy of the CBS News YouTube Channel • Oct 8, 2020 • 51,693 views

My commentary follows…

Back on Election Day 2018, we the savvy voters of Michigan had opted to empower, as our governor, the progressive Democrat Gretchen Whitmer.

Ever since the earliest days of Donald J. Trump’s DIY pandemic, she has steadfastly remained in defiance of that notorious science denier and his incomprehensible and reprehensible disregard for human life; so much so that via her orders to shelter at home / mask up in public, she has mitigated COVID-19’s spread; minimized human suffering and death.

Indeed, her prompt and proactive approach to pandemic management may’ve even saved my very life. So far.

That qualifying “so far” is owing to the fact that Trumpian Republicans, (who dominate our State House, Senate and Judiciary), have all been doing their damnedest to undermine Whitmer’s authority. You see, Donny’s devotees believe their investment portfolios take precedence over public health / public safety concerns.

To say the least, Trump loathes all Democrats (especially when they’re female).

It has been Trumpian Tantrums and TweetStorms, which have been targeting Whitmer. His very words have not only enraged and emboldened the above-mentioned Republican sycophants, but also have infuriated and weaponized his psychotic, boneheaded, militant, always itching for violence supporters / domestic terrorists.

So much so that the FBI had to intervene, yesterday, to thwart the Wolverine Watchmen’s wretched plot to overthrow Michigan government; thwart their plans to kidnap and kill our heroic Governor.

We can judge the seriousness of Trump’s Terrorists and their threat to America by the following warped rantings of one of his goons:

“God bless our president! I would die for him! I will die for that man, happily! I will die for him! Anybody wanna mess with him, you mess with me first! He is a hero, that man!”

Unidentified Male among a throng of Trump supporters • Bethesda MD • 10/04/2020

News, such as this, has literally hit me where I live. And, from an emotional standpoint, I’ve been hit hard.

The fact that the FBI can still function properly is only slightly reassuring. I cannot help but wonder if their limited staffing would ever be able to keep up with subversive Trump’s resurrection and resumption of “our” 19th century Civil War and his concurrent overthrow of America.

Under such dire circumstances, what We, the true Americans, will wind up facing down will be stripped down to stark, fight or flight options. And what do you suppose will become of this pacifist with nowhere to go?

And how odd, indeed, it is to be typing these words in the chilly, October predawn hours; within what, once upon a time, used to be America; the finest, most stable, unconquerable nation our world has ever known; and may never know again.




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