Year End Holiday “Bashes” ~ Limerick


In this era of hyper-partisanship, the blue/red state divide may necessitate holiday party hosts hiring boxing ring referees, or, at the very least, painstakingly planning dinner table seating charts to prevent the very ugly scene that’s poetically portrayed below…


“Chew over” feasts, festive, all fit for Garfunkel
Yet, with house guest kinfolk, akin to carbuncle
Cultists dish distasteful views
Culled from Trump rallies / FOX “news”
Egg on fist / food fights; till hosts hafta cry, “UNCLE!”




Be humans Vaxxed OR Unvaxxed, We
can still shed and spread the batcrap
crazy contagious coronavirus which,
in turn, spawns new variants; which,
in turn, could, eventually, render the
available vaccines worthless; which,
in turn, will drag out the pandemic’s
needless suffering, illness and death!

HENCE… this easy as pie, cover your
nose and pie-hole/hole-up heads-up:

Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!










Get Well Stephen Colbert (et al)

This IS Final(?) Jeopardy!


Today’s Category: Late Night TV

Today’s Clue…

In ADDITION to Stephen Colbert, James Corden,
Jimmy Kimmel, Seth Meyers & Jimmy Fallon all
hosting talk shows, they have THIS in common.


Players, you have 30 seconds to express
your response in the form of a Question…

(Anyone opting to actually “compete”, should
think up that Question prior to scrolling down.)






What is being fully vaxxed
YET, contracting Covid-19?


TRUE Jeopardy Notation insists we punctuate our responses with a “?”, HOWEVER, there can be no question re the medical ramifications; i.e., while the vaccines are successfully preventing serious and deadly consequences, humans can STILL become coronavirus infected; STILL easily infect others.

And that STILL fully validates this layperson’s contention, from the very onset of this godforsaken plague:


Only a WORLDWIDE MASK MANDATE can help ensure
we expeditiously snuff out & bury the coronavirus; i.e.,
avoid an apocalyptic scenario where one, maybe more
of its variants void the vaccines; to snuff out & bury us!


There can be no question that sicko / psycho Donald J. Trump’s politicization of the pandemic has infected and spread throughout the vast body of his MAGA Maniacs / Morons / Malcontents (and beyond); thereby resulting in their all too damned common, cavalier attitude…

…their absolutely indefensible, “offhand, indifferent, casual, dismissive, insouciant, unconcerned; supercilious, patronizing, condescending, disdainful, scornful, contemptuous, couldn’t-care-less, devil-may-care” state of chronic insanity!

Quoted synonyms courtesy of the Oxford American Writer’s Thesaurus

Upon closer scrutiny of this entire mess, matters pan out as the following, grave, glaringly obvious, public health threat…

  • Bad enough… within the entertainment industry, ALL five of those mentioned TV personalities enjoy a vast circle of friends/contacts; far more so than average folks such as you and I do.
  • Even worse… those friends/contacts also enjoy a vast circle of friends/contacts.
  • Worst of all… it’s a near certainty that at some point, some of these infected people will come into contact with immunocompromised and unvaxxed individuals.

It’s at that juncture where the potential for needless suffering / dying enters the big picture.

Returning to the earliest of our pandemic days… we witnessed Colbert, Corden, Kimmel, Meyers and Fallon responsibly sheltering/isolating (e.g., doing their talk show shtick sans LIVE audiences; Zoom interviewing their guests.

More to the point… these hosts and guests, alike, had been just as witty, personable and entertaining as ever. Sure, I do get it, it’s no fun for comedians / entertainers to not cop that buzz; all courtesy of their applauding, cheering, hooting, whooping it up, LIVE audiences; HOWEVER

In the end… the operative word becomes LIVE; as in keeping humanity ALIVE.

The time has come for these five entertainers to cease needlessly Jeopardizing humanity (case in point, Colbert’s covid has even spread to his house band’s impresario, Jon Batiste. Need I say more?) YES, I do need to say more. They must lead by example; demonstrate to the rest of humanity how to behave in a responsible, respectable manner.

In other words… Guys, PLEASE, set aside your egos; resume performing from your covid bunkers with only the bare minimum, production crew contingent. If this is any help, try harboring in your heads, hearts and souls the sentitments popularized by singer Vera Lynn; the lyrics which solemnly vow…

“We’ll meet again,
Don’t know where,
Don’t know when
But I know we’ll meet again some sunny day”

Song Composers Ross Parker and Hughie Charles • Complete Lyrics [HERE]

Granted, my authoring a 700 word count blog, devoted to TV talk show hosts, may, superficially, seem silly. However, one cannot understate the beneficial impact this quintet (in particular Colbert, Meyers and Kimmel) has been making upon the national political discourse; how their speaking truth to power via “jokes”, serves a far more significant purpose.

Such courageous comedians are heightening the awareness / enlightenment of their Stateside audiences; the very people who, don’t normally pay close attention to the ever-present dangers; the grave threats to liberty and democracy; such as those posed by the STILL unpunished, insurrectionist and fascist X-Prez Trump and his entire freak show entourage.

Long pensive sigh… I now conclude this post, just as I’ve done for the past two+ years…


Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









Nothing’s Left: Poetic Acrostic




Society’s frayed fabric; integrity bereft
Unravels and strands; its warp and weft
Fevers of covid and climate; exhibit heft
Freaky white elephant trumpets; lies ‘bout ballot theft
Eager confederates dredge, hyper-partisan cleft
Repress the free press; free elections; until nothing’s left



The acrostic’s message spells out / sums up the net effect on folks
who get oppressed by a stick-figure leader in a threadbare society




Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









The We / Me Scale


It’s a forgone conclusion that We v. Me pretty much sums up today’s ugly, never the twain shall meet, THICK, hyperpartisan divide; especially Stateside. If your own homeland suffers from a similar mental malaise / meltdown, you do have my heartfelt sympathy and, for what it’s worth, my Get Well Soon wishes.

Naturally, dual connotations of a word, such as THICK, not only define that vast divides’ dimension, but also aptly describe the Me-oriented persons’ density. To get a better handle on this, we’ll need to…

STEP #1: Establish / Title a Scale and briefly describe each tier’s people…

The We/Me Scale

  • Free We: Progressives, who accept laws, which lead to society’s betterment
  • So-so We: Capitulators, who obey life enhancing laws only to avoid penalties
  • Sorta Me: Bellyachers, who seem to obey; yet, litigate virtuous laws to death
  • PO’d Me: Anarchists, who’d overthrow a nation to absolutely overturn all laws

STEP #2: Run a thought experiment to assess how each brand of beings will likely react to, oh, say, their local communities’ public safety motivated, public sidewalk snow / ice removal mandates; oh, say, in the wake of a climate change generated, freakish winter storm.

  • Free We folks will willingly shovel every several hours, throughout the entire, seemingly interminable event, in an eco-friendly manner; only resorting to snow blowers if they have medical issues.
  • So-so We peeps won’t venture outdoors until the bitter end; barely meeting the stipulated snow removal deadlines.
  • Sorta Me individuals might hire enterprising neighborhood youngsters to get ‘er done, but, typically, will await the spring thaw. In the meantime, these scofflaws, if/when fined, will delay payment while litigating till hell freezes over.
  • PO’d Me entities will flat-out flip-off all laws and fines; all the while fantasizing about off-the-beaten-path plots to browbeat civil society into submission or obliteration (whichever comes first); their responses varying; i.e., depending on the severity of their psychoses.

Most worrisome is how that last on the list ilk might even consider bizarre tactics, such as…

  • Setting up a “hunter’s blind” to ambush any enforcer who’d have the “audacity” to fine them.
  • Hiring a backhoe operator / helicopter pilot to excavate / evacuate the public sidewalk; airlifting each snow / ice loaded concrete section to a nearby airport; to be jetted off to some torrid locale; and, once everything melts, reversing the entire process.
  • Literally going ballistic by hacking into their homelands’ nuclear facilities; targeting and launching the nukes, thereby melting down every molecule of frozen H2O; HELL, every molecule / atom period (nation / worldwide).

Granted, even the possibility of that sounds astoundingly farfetched, BUT, then again, prior to January 6, 2021, so did the possibility of a sitting U.S. president, first, rallying HIS private army; next, deploying them to attack the very nation that he had sworn on the Holy Bible, to preserve, protect and defend.




Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!









What Makes a Man a Man?

Today, let’s start off with a multiple choice, fill-in-the-blanker…

If you hang around a particular, video sharing platform for more than three minutes, tops, you’re bound to bump into an oddball who’s “occupation” is best described as _________:

  • A. adman
  • B. madman
  • C. nadman
  • D. all the above

If you chose “D”, go to the head of the class.

Typically, his insufferable ads begin with him spilling his spiel…

“Testosterone is what makes a man a man.”

Typically, his “well duh” “revelation” triggers my recollection of an apt, bygone, screenplay retort…

“Geeze, you figured that out Sherlock.”

Actor Jack Lemmon • Character John Gustafson • From film Grumpy Old Men

Seriously, what middle school graduate wouldn’t already know that?

This nameless dude (Hey, let’s call him Sherlock) actually considers himself to be some sorta leading authority on… on…

Well, while I won’t aid and abet his con by working his side of the street, suffice to say, he’s been doing his damnedest to sucker in gullible, roly-poly, past middle age guys, who’ve been “hanging” around whatever love nest(s) they’ve been frequenting.

Anyway, Sherlock appears oblivious to how his speaking with authority is only coming across as off-putting arrogance. And, seeing how he neither trots out a medical degree nor, bare minimum, dons a white lab coat, it’s highly unlikely he’s a qualified physician or even a dietician.

Oh, by the bye, his on cam attire is way too dress casual. He’s nearly in the buff (topless) (and no buff bodybuilder is he).

Truth be told, a Saturday Night Live, hilarious send-up could not upstage what he does in dead seriousness.

To keep it all real, Sherlock has been manufacturing a solution to a problem that’s a non-problem. Stripping this down to the bare-bones, Mother Nature prefers her procreators to be physically fit and under age 40. And therein is the main reason why she slows 40+ guys down.

Yeah, sure, most couples do know that it’s not always about making babies; that there’s nothing intrinsically wrong with people staying active up till the very end.

Yet, Ma Nature would disagree.

Going beyond that, the way Sherlock demeans the male gender is offensive to me. I do consider myself more than a “Y” chromosome.

In spite of that, what’s truly astounding, here, is how Sherlock has, actually, inadvertently, sleuthed the very, driving force that, from time immemorial, has hammered in needless, incalculable human suffering; the bloody, no-win wars, torture, sexual violence, enslavement, ethnic cleansing, persecution, hyperpartisanship, workplace posturing, road rage, anti-maskism, anti-vaxxism, Trumpism, etc.:

“Testosterone is what makes a man a man.”



Stay Publicly / Properly Masked!
Stay Safe at Home!
Stay Healthy!







